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They kiss a lot. A lot is an understatement. None of them can stop kissing the other, it feels way too addicting to them. Donghyuck even whimpered when Jaemin got up to switch off the stove.

They are both cuddled up in Jaemin's bed, their hearts beating so fast from all the love they share.
„You're the prettiest person I've ever seen, do you know that?", Jaemin mumbles in-between their kisses. Donghyuck giggles. „I've missed you so much, Nana.".

Donghyuck falls asleep after a while. Jaemin watches him for hours. He looks so peaceful and just so perfect to Jaemin. He presses one last kiss on Donghyuck's forehead before closing his eyes too. He prays that the boy will be next to him in the morning.


Jaemin wakes up at around 8, alone. He stands up immediately, he feels anxious that Donghyuck just left. He rushes to the living room, but there's not a trace of Donghyuck. He hears people talking in the kitchen though. He's confused.

He steps into the kitchen and sees Donghyuck at the table, talking to Taeyong who's pouring them some juice. They notice Jaemin immediately. „Minnie, you're finally up!", Taeyong comes up to him and squishes his cheeks. „Minnie?", Donghyuck starts laughing. „Hyung! Please, that's not for Donghyuck to hear!", Jaemin's all red and embarrassed now. Taeyong just laughs it off. „Come sit with us, I prepared you breakfast."

He sits down next to Donghyuck.

„So Hyuckie, you haven't told me about Baekhyun and Chanyeol yet! How are they?", Taeyong asks. „They're fine, actually, I think Chanyeol might be proposing soon. He's asked me about Baekhyun's ring size already.", he smiles. „I'm so happy for them! They are literally meant to be, ah, I still remember our school days", he feels nostalgic.

„How did you sleep Jaemin?", Taeyong turns to his younger brother. „Oh, I slept good Hyung", he says as he pours milk over his cereals. „And when did you want to tell me about you guys getting back together?", Jaemin freezes and Donghyuck chokes on his orange juice.

„You've got it wrong, Hyung!"

„Oh? First I thought you got yourself new shoes when I came home because Donghyuck's were right next to yours. Then I saw clothes that I've never seen before on the couch. Then I went to your room, and I come home to you guys cuddling", he eyes them carefully.

„Hyung really, we're not together like that", Donghyuck wants to say but Taeyong grins.

„Your necks, both of your necks are dotted red, I don't think you can talk your way out of this."

They look at each other and realize that they've gone a little overboard yesterday. Both of them turn bright red.

„It's really-, well okay we might have done something yesterday, but we haven't actually talked about us.", Jaemin finally says and Donghyuck pinches him under the table.

Taeyong looks at his brother with an uncertain look. „How much longer did you want to keep it from him? Jaemin we talked about this", he gives his brother a disappointed look.

„I'll tell him today. We discussed it yesterday. I promise I'll come clean, Hyung.", Jaemin pouts, and Taeyong sighs. „Okay. I'll get going then. It was nice seeing you again, Hyuckie.", he and gets up.

Donghyuck feels like something big is about to happen.


Jaemin already wrote an e-mail to their school, stating that they're sick. Donghyuck sulks because his perfect attendance is ruined.
„I could've gone to school!", he claims with a pout on his lips. „After collapsing like that? Not on my watch, love", he says and gets into his bed again.
„But you're also missing because of me, I'm so sorry", he's sad. „Don't put it like that! You used to miss school too whenever I got sick, remember." He looks at Donghyuck and pats on the spot next to him. Donghyuck gets under the sheets too. Jaemin engulfs Donghyuck in his arms right away. „You should really get some rest, Hyuckie, what do you want to do?", Jaemin asks. Donghyuck's silent. He wants answers. Taeyong's words are all he thinks about.

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