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"Donghyuck, wait!", Jaemin shouts after him. But he couldn't stop, the adrenaline pushes him even further. He runs and runs further until he eventually falls to the ground, crying. It's cold and he can't seem to catch his breath.

"Donghyuck, I'm here.", Jaemin says and holds the boy. "Can you stand on your feet?", he asks and Donghyuck shakes his head, breathing heavily. Jaemin kneels down beside him and puts his arms around the boy.

"Jaemin, please go, I don't need your pity.", he mumbles. The alcohol really starts to take over.

"I will not leave you alone in a state like this", he says, his face stained with tears.

"You left me all by myself for a whole year Jaemin, I trusted you too. Why is everyone doing me wrong, tell me, what did I do to deserve this?", he cries really badly. "We really need to have a talk when you're sober, I think", Jaemin mumbles. His heart breaks at the sight of his devastated ex-lover.

"I'm so sorry, my love", he whispers over and over again as the boy cries in his arms. Donghyuck never expected to cry in the arms of his Ex. But in that very moment, he couldn't care less, he didn't care how pathetic he looked to cry in his arms. He needs this now, that's all he cares about, he needs the familiar scent of Jaemin, his smooth voice that always calmed him down, the way Jaemin is holding him just right.

After a good ten minutes of sitting on the cold ground, Jaemin decides it's best to drive the boy home. He picks him up and carries him to his car. He puts him on the passenger seat and straps his seatbelt on. Then he gets into the driver's seat and starts the car.

"Jaemin, wait!", Donghyuck whines. He was too drunk for his own good.

"What's wrong, love?". Donghyuck giggles at that.

"I like it when you call me that", he smiles.

"Your car is so much nicer than Mark Hyungs.", he giggles again.

Jaemin starts smiling. "Ah, is that so? Then let's get you home quickly in this cool car."

"But Jaemin, I can't go home, Baekhyun Hyung will be mad if he sees me like that", his mood changes and he's about to cry again.

Jaemin doesn't know what to do. He can't take him to his house, the boy will go nuts if he wakes up in his bed tomorrow. He sighs, what else can he do though?

"Love, do you want to sleep over at my house?".

„Yes please", he says and looks at Jaemin. After a while of them driving Jaemin notices how Donghyuck is silently watching him with big eyes.

"Jaemin you are so pretty, if you don't stop looking like that I might fall for you again", he sulks and Jaemin's heart clenches. "I still don't understand how you could break my heart just like that, Nana, I thought I was special to you. I thought you loved me. But no one ever does, am I right? Am I that unloveable?", he is about to cry again.


Jaemin feels his eyes water. He hasn't heard that name in years now. Donghyuck gave it to him because Nana sounded as cute as Jaemin was, he claimed back then.

"You are the most loveable person on this planet", he says softly.

They arrive finally. Jaemin carries him all the way to his room. He puts some shorts and a big t-shirt out for Donghyuck. Donghyuck puts them on and smiles.

"The shirt smells just like Nana", he giggles and plants himself on the bed.

"It's bedtime, Hyuckie", he puts the blanket on Donghyuck and is about to leave.

"Call me love again", he says teary-eyed. Jaemin smiles. "Good night, my love.". This time he places a small kiss on Donghyuck's head.

He is about to leave again but he notices Donghyuck crying.

"What's wrong?", he goes back to him.

"Nana, can you stay with me?", he asks with big, watery eyes.

"I'm sure sober you will kill me once you wake up", he mumbles.

"Don't mind sober me, Nana, I missed your cuddles", he cries harder.

This is going to be tough, Jaemin thinks to himself. He sighs as he lays down next to Donghyuck and engulfs him into his arms.

"Thank you so much, Nana," he says and starts dozing off with a smile on his face.

Jaemin couldn't be happier, he never thought that Donghyuck would ever be in his arms again. He wants to feel happy like that, just until Donghyuck wakes up and kills him. But that's worth it, he thinks and dozes off too.


Donghyuck wakes up at 7. He doesn't know where he is, and who the fuck is holding him. He just knows his headache kills him and that the scent is familiar.

The boy next to him shuffles a little and now Donghyuck could see his face. His heart stops. What in the world? What the fuck is going on? Why is he laying in Jaemin's bed in Jaemin's arms?

"get the hell away from me!", he screams and pushes Jaemin away. Jaemin wakes up in horror. He looks at Donghyuck tiredly. "You were the one begging me to hold you, stop screaming.", his head hurts too. "What? What are you saying Na Jaemin?"

And then the events of last night hit him.

From Jaemin flirting ever so bluntly with him, to seeing Mark with his ex-girlfriend dancing, to crying in Jaemin's arms and begging him to stay with him through the night. He is more than embarrassed, to say the least. He wants the ground to open up and swallow him.

"Oh", he says. His heart is aching like crazy. He feels hurt and betrayed. "Come back here, Hyuckie.", Jaemin mumbles. And Donghyuck does just that, laying next to his Ex was definitely better than being confronted with the heartbreak Mark caused him. Maybe it's the remaining alcohol in his body talking. So he gets back into the bed and lets Jaemin cuddle him.

He wakes up at 10 again with Jaemin nuzzled into his chest. He's in a state of shock again, his heart beating as loud as ever. Jaemin looks so soft and cute. Donghyuck gets to admire him again. His cute nose and pinchable cheeks, his sharp jawline, and his fluffy black hair. His lips look so soft and he pouts in his sleep. Donghyuck can't help himself but stare at his beauty. He was still as breath-taking as ever.

"Are you done staring?", Jaemin suddenly asks. "you were awake?", he asks puzzled. His cheeks grow hot. Jaemin just laughs and opens his eyes. Their eyes lock. Jaemin has the most beautiful eyes that he has ever seen.

"I need to go home.", Donghyuck says quickly and stands up, looking for his clothes.

"Wait.", Jaemin takes Donghyuck's hand. "Promise me, that you'll call me when you're not feeling well.", he writes his phone number on a piece of paper.

Now, why would Donghyuck do that?

"Thank you for taking care of me, must be a burden to take care of your drunk ex", he mumbles.

Jaemin shakes his head. "We actually need to have a talk, but I'll leave you alone for now because I know that you have to deal with your feelings first. Take care of yourself, love.", he smirks as he says love.

And Donghyuck's face starts burning again. He clearly remembers telling him how much he liked to be called love by him. He curses himself, why can't he be the "forget everything from the night before" kind of drunk?

"You know what, I'll drive you home.", he says and takes his hand.

never be the same • markhyuck/nahyuckWhere stories live. Discover now