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Donghyuck spends the night wide awake. He couldn't stop thinking about the past.
About all the good and dark times, about all of his friends he used to spend these with.

It isn't until the next morning when he realizes that he has overslept.
He immediately panics and tries to find something to wear.
He decides to wear one of his big jumpers and jeans, as his brother comes in, glaring at his half-brother with sleepy eyes.

"Donghyuck, where are you heading at freaking 7:30 on a Saturday, hm?", Baekhyun tries to look at him as serious as possible, but halfway in his utterance, he yawns in the most tired way possible.

Donghyuck's eyes widen, as he realizes that yesterday was Friday, which means that today must be Saturday.

"I get that you're in love with your geography book but not on my weekends, Hyuck".

The door is slammed shut.

Donghyuck shakes his head in frustration, he could've slept a little more. Insomnia had been sucking on his energy the past weeks and he doesn't know why his sleeping schedule is messed up again.

He's just a stressed student,
that's all.

Donghyuck sighs as he turns on his phone. There were a few messages from his friendship group.
They were mostly asking if they should meet up on Sunday, but Donghyuck doesn't want to see them at all.

It's not like they're bugging him, he really appreciates his friends.
It's just that he wants to stay at home, he's anxious again.

"Hyuck, I made us breakfast", Baekhyun shouts and Donghyuck puts his phone away.
He comes into the kitchen and sits on the table. His brother just warmed up some leftovers of last night. Typical.

"what a healthy breakfast", Donghyuck says ironically, eyeing the french fries and bulgogi.
Baekhyun rolls his eyes.

He looks out of the window and sees a big moving van on the other side
of the street.
are we getting new neighbors?, he asks himself.

Baekhyun follows his gaze and nods while swallowing his food.
"i still don't know who they are and I'm too anti-social to go out and talk to them, so you do you", Baekhyun initiates that Donghyuck should go up to them and ask.

Donghyuck isn't shy, but something is telling him not to.
There is a heavy atmosphere after Baekhyun leaves for his Boyfriend's house.

He begins to feel lonely, so upsetting lonely. He doesn't want to believe that he's missing this part of his life.
His old best friend.

So when he catches himself looking for his phone number, he reminds himself of what he did to him.

What did Mark actually do?
Donghyuck believes that what he did was his right to do, but it still made him feel sick and furious.

Mark kept in touch with his Ex-Boyfriend throughout the first months of his absence, he never considered telling Donghyuck.

Donghyuck thinks that he did not have the right to be upset with him, Mark was his Ex Boyfriend's Best Friend too. He just didn't expect his Ex to keep in touch with Mark when he cut all the ties with him.

And he certainly didn't expect Mark to just not tell him, so he had to find out through the slip up of their friend Chenle.

It has been a year since he has blocked Mark out of his life, and he's missing him more than ever.

He forgave Mark a long time ago, the latter still doesn't know because Donghyuck never considered talking to him ever again.

Donghyuck forgives, forgetting is another thing.

It isn't until later that day that he hears their doorbell ring.
Did Baekhyun decide to not spend the night with Chanyeol Hyung?, he asks himself.

He curiously opens the door, just to see his best friends face, Lee Jeno.

„what the hell are you doing here?", Donghyuck asks, rolling his eyes.
„Hey, lovely to see you too! My day was a little rough, thanks for asking though", his best friend jokingly says and Donghyuck starts laughing.

„you know I didn't mean it, I'm just busy",

„you're always busy, come on Hyuck", Jeno is desperate.

„Come with me to Jaehyun's Party."

After a huge argument about Donghyuck not wanting to go to that Party, they find themselves in front of Jaehyun's house.

„I don't even know a Jaehyun", Donghyuck mumbles in a pissed tone.

„Let's have fun", Jeno grins widely.

They enter the full house and Donghyuck gets a sense of familiarity.
Lord, when was the last time he went on such parties?
Right.., Donghyuck thinks.
His thoughts automatically wander to the old times, the time he was in a fulfilling relationship.

He eyes the alcohol and looks over to the dancing crowd. He looks for Jeno, who seems to be making out with his boyfriend, Renjun.

He doesn't know Renjun that long but at first, he did not seem like the type to party with his boyfriend all night.

"You look very very good, Hyuck", Mark's voice tells him from behind.
Donghyuck can practically hear his grin. He turns around and looks at Mark.

He doesn't want to speak it out, but Mark looks ethereal to him.
"You're not so bad yourself, Minhyung", Donghyuck says and Mark looks at him weirdly.

"Come on, don't call me Minhyung, you know I hate it", he pouts and Donghyuck smiles at him warmly.

"I do, Minhyung"

Mark and Donghyuck keep talking throughout most of the party, Mark even offers to drive him home.

He almost declines but is reminded of the fact that they're neighbors.
The only thing Donghyuck forgets about is his jacket.

He quickly grabs his jacket and wants to reach Mark, but the elder seems to fight with someone over the phone.

Donghyuck can hear phrases such as " what's wrong with you?" and "you can't be serious right now".
He immediately starts wondering who he's talking to and builds some sort of weird feeling.

He brushes it off and waits for Mark at the gates.
The latter comes just a few minutes later, apologizing for having Donghyuck waiting for him.

But he just smiles warmly at him, he knows how tense Mark must be.

"Let's go home"


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