Chapter One | How Surprising

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Chapter One | How Surprising

Misty's POV

My best friend and I were at the park just casually walking,"So you wanna go to May's Café?" Grace asked beaming at me. I nodded with a bright smile, she was an her phone I guess texting her brother, Leo.

I gazed upon some lovely red poppies as the sun beamed upon it. Obviously me being me I completely forgot about reality, the next thing I knew is that I bumped hard against someone's chest.

I glanced up seeing a familiar guy reaching out his hand to me,"Sorry!" I apologised gently placing my hand in his as he pulled me up.

"I'm Misty," I blushed in embarrassment and looked at Grace her eyes were wide. I glanced back at the guy as he was with four other guys,"You don't know us?" He asked as I shook my head no,"Should I?" I asked as he let out a small chuckle.

"I'm Harry Styles, does the name click?" He raised a eyebrow at me.

"Oh, as in Harry from the band One Direction?" I enquired, his lips formed a smile and he nodded."Well we gotta go, hope to see you later!" He winked at me and took off.

"OMG you just met One Direction!" Grace said with her hand on me shaking me, I sighed and started chuckling at her childish behaviour.

We came out of the cafe with a S'mores frappuccino in my hand and Grace got a cup of mint tea with a chocolate sprinkled donut, I glanced to my phone in my hand and it was 6:35 pm.

Crap! "Sorry Gracie I got to go," I said,"Oh-Kay see you at school tomorrow!" She yelled back as I was running home.

I finally got there and opened the front door, I ran to the kitchen and started taking out the utensils and ingredients to cook pork chops, Caesar salad and chicken and shrimp Alfredo.

Yeah...I'm usually the one cooking because my parents are busy on a business trip and I'm alone with my annoying big brother and he is 2 years older.

"We're home!" I heard my dad yelled out, "Dad, mom!" I yelled back and hugged them.

"We missed you too," I heard my mom say,"So how's Sweden?" I asked, "It was great but there were many young fans screaming outside our hotel lobby because of this boy band who happened to be in Sweden as well," my dad sighed taking a seat.

I heard footsteps coming from upstairs, a large shadow figure appeared and it so happened to be my dearest brother. He briskly ran down and hugged mom and dad.

"Hey Matthew," my dad patted his back,"So... Dinner is on the table," I said as a smile tucked at the corner of my lips. It was a normal dinner I guess but it was oddly quiet.

I got up and grabbed my plate and placed it in the sink,"Misty, you don't have to do the dishes I'll do it," my mom smiled. Thank God! I went upstairs and decided to take a warm soothing shower.

It was refreshing as always. I had a towel wrapped around my naked self as I heard a familiar notification sound. Ding!

Grace 🐼 -: Night!

I changed into my usual night wear, called it a day and cuddle up into my duvet.

A bright light shined from the window above my bed, ugh school, I got up and changed into my uniform. Yes, we wear uniforms, I went downstairs I was surprised that no one was awake but me.

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