Asking For Forgiveness?

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Annie's POV

After yesterday ugh media has been going cray cray. My bloody phone has been buzzing all night until I decided to turn it of. I woke up this morning on my bed, I yawned and took my phone and turned it on. Media is so crazy! That news this news, what the heck is news! Well at least the guys are tank care of and now what about Melissa? I may not be over with the Zayn Malik news but some feeling says that he was forced to leave but whatever.

I got up and did the usual, my parents already at work plus my big brother. I'm not surprised that my big bro found love, most times he's stupid. I ran downstairs, grabbed a bowl, milk, spoon and Honey Nut Cheerios. I don't always eat cereal but since I'm feeling lazy right now I don't want to make a fancy breakfast. My phone buzzed again, I rolled my eyes. It was Grace,I was surprised that she changed her username.


Ready for school?




K, I'll be at your locker



I put down my phone and got up, I managed not to break a bowl this time. My clumsiness. I placed the bowl in the sink and got my school bag and head to school. The walk was ok but the fact that lots of people have been staring at me with weird looks. Ugh gives my the chills. I wasn't looking in my direction and I bumped into someone which made me fall to the ground.

I looked up and it was Louis, ugh I'm tired of this crap. I got up," why are you here?" I asked," fans," he said and ran. Stupid boy band, you know the feeling of a love turns to hate situation? Ya that's how I feel, I began walking again and I slammed into the school's door." Ouch," I said," well maybe you should look where your going," I heard Alison's voice. I rolled my eyes and went inside, I saw Grace at my locker.

I walked up to her," hey," I said," hi," she replied, " people been staring at you yet?" She asked. I nodded," same," she said,"well looks like these were the losers messing with my 1D boys?" I heard a familiar voice. It was Elizabeth, Alison's stupid friend and when I say stupid I mean really stupid." Watch your mouth," I said," like I care," she replied," your gonna regret what you said in the future," Grace said.

I have to say but Grace is nicest girl in our girl group, she understands stuff that we may not know. She is sensible sometimes but she is still a girl and girls are sometimes sensible to things that boys may not know. " Look we don't wanna start drama, we already had a rough week," I said," hmm maybe your the one who caused all this drama," she replied.

Grace rolled her eyes," you should think before you talk," Grace said and walked to class. I walked to mine and leaving Elizabeth in the hallway.


I walked to the cafeteria and glaring at people staring at me. Then Matteo walked up to me,"are you ok?" He asked," ya," I said." Oh ok, just making sure," he said and walked away. I opened the cafeteria door seeing a crowd over at Alison's table. Everyone went silence and started staring at me, four guys came from the crowd. Obviously it was 1D," what do you want?" I asked and raised an eye brow.

"We're sorry about yesterday," Liam said, I saw Grace opening the other entrance of the cafeteria." Forgiveness is a very strong word," she said while walking to me. Little did I know she was already beside me, wow she walks fast." I'm sorry about what I said yesterday," Niall said," and what about Melissa?" Jade, Jessica, Fiona and Misty said in unison beside us. They almost gave me a heart attack, I didn't even know they were there.

Jessica's POV

The girls and I were the only odd ones out of the crowd but who cares. The boys hurt my girls they have to get through me to do that." We're here to apologize that we were wrong," Harry said,"wrong about what?" We said in unison." We were wrong about Melissa," Niall said, Grace took one step," forgiveness is a very strong word and after what you guys did I don't know," she said.

Misty was hugging herself, I don't know what to do now. I can tell that Misty wants to cry, tears fell from her face." Misty, are alright?" I whispered, she shook her head." Misty I-," Harry tried to say but Misty ran outside," I'll be back," I told the girls and followed Misty.

I found her crying on the fountain at school," Misty, what's wrong?" I asked.

" Everything, Jessica," she said and she cries even harder." Is it because of the boys?" I asked and she nodded.

I patted her back and hugged her, she was crying on my shoulder which I don't mind. I sighed, I just wish that this is already over. I heard a loud noise from the cafeteria, students were screaming and there was a crowd where we were standing. Oh no, please tell me that none of the girls fainted because that's a big problem.

Fiona's POV

Grace doesn't look so good, she was hugging herself." We were wrong about her," Louis said," look you said that twice but you should be sorry for Misty," I said." You literally tearing her to pieces, can't you guys ever understand?" Annie said," we're here to say sorry and not fight so please give us another chance," Liam said. Grace is hugging herself even tighter and she looks even worst.

Little did I know Grace fell to the ground," Grace!" I shouted. The girls were trying to wake her up but nothing worked, students were screaming and running everywhere like little kids. "I'm getting the nurse," I said and ran to the nurse's office." Nurse, Grace sh- fainted," I said, she got up," where?" She said and I pointed to the cafeteria. She took her first aid kit and ran to the cafeteria and I followed her.

When I went in the cafeteria the nurse was next to Grace, I guess checking her heart beat and if she was breathing." Ok, she just need rest," the nurse said," I just need to get her to my office where she can rest on the bed there," she added. Niall and Harry got her up and one arm was on Niall's neck and the other was on Harry's. They took her to the nurse office while the girls and I weren't allowed to go so we sat down at a table.

Misty and Jessica came in," what happened?" Jessica asked," We heard a loud noise," Misty said." Grace fainted again," I said, Misty's eye widen.

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