Chapter Four | In The Hospital And Planning

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Chapter Four | In The Hospital And Planning

Misty's POV

I tried to stop crying but I couldn't, I couldn't control it. Anger and rage boil up me but I controlled that, Harry sat beside me which made me feel better. Paparazzi flashed their cameras from the glass door as securities trying stop them, could this day get any worse? A nurse walked up to me,"Are you Miss Lawson?" She asked, I nodded,"Your friend may have to stay here for a few days because she is in a coma," she said.

"And I need her parents number," she added,"It's 453-7628," I said,"Thank you and you may visit Grace Liao right after we get information from her relatives," she said.

I nodded, I felt someone putting their arms around me, I almost forgot he was here. I placed my head on his shoulder, and sobbed," shhh," he said softly trying to calm me down.

"I don't know Harry, Grace's Birthday is on Sunday, March 29th," I said,"And first Zayn leaves, she had to give her pets away, she is gonna have the worst Birthday and I'm the worst friend ever!" I cried.

"You're not a bad friend, you're just stressed from this and I understand that," he said with a calm tone,"I hope so," I muttered while playing in his hair. I sniffed,"Now what am I gonna do now?" I asked,"Hmm what's her favourite band member?" He asked.

"Niall, she is not obsessed but she really likes him," I said,"And plus the rumour about Niall and Melissa is getting to her," I added.

"Please tell me it's just a rumour," I asked, he didn't respond,"I'll find a plan okay?" He cooed,"Okay..." I trailed off.

"Now don't get the bad news get to you ok, love," he said, I smiled and he smiled back.

Harry's POV

My phone buzzed it was messages from the boys,"I'll be right back, love," I said and walked to the bathroom with a sign that said 'Male' on it. I took out my phone and dialed Liam's number.

"Hello?" I said.

"Where are you?" Liam answered.

"I'm somewhere but can I talk to Niall please?"


I could hear him calling Niall.

"So what's wrong Harry?" Niall answered.

"So, I know that you and Melissa are secretly together but-"

"But what?"

There was an awkward silence.

"So are you in love with her?"

"Harry we talked about this already and yes."

I sighed, now what am I suppose to do?

"Tell the boys I'll be back before eight o'clock okay?"

" Fine."

And I hung up the phone. And walked out the bathroom and sat beside Misty,"So, is she alright now?" I asked.

"I guess, the nurse said we could visit her now," she said,"Okay, come on what room number?" I asked while reaching my hand out to her."It's room 0325," she said with a sad tone,"It's going to be alright," I said and we walked passed room 396.

Annie's POV

I'm already sitting on a chair beside Grace, she was on the hospital bed laying unconscious. I sighed and then the door opened, I saw Harry and Misty standing in front of me holding hands.

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