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Misty's POV

"She can't even concentrate on community shows, Harry," I said," it's even worse when she meets Kristy," Harry added.

"I don't know what to do," I said," hush babe we'll figure it out," he replied.

"Sometimes she even locks herself in her room, when I usually try to get her out she's always changing the topic," I said," I promise that we'll figure it out," he replied with a sweet smile.

"Ok," I replied smiling again," I have to go," he said," ok," I replied and blew a kiss.

My phone beeped.


Need your help, it's Grace.

I turned off my phone, I got up and started to run to Grace's house. I was banging on the door," you're gonna break our door," I was greeted my Megan.

"Sorry..." I trailed off and ran upstairs, I quickly opened the door to Grace's room," what's wrong?" I asked.

I saw Grace crying on Annie's shoulder," Grace..." I trailed off, I sat next to her and started rubbing her back.

"Why does my heart ache?" Grace asked hiccuping," I don't know Grace," Annie replied.

The door shot open with Leo standing there," sis..." He trailed off. Grace lifted her head from Annie's shoulder.

Leo bent down to her," you okay?" He asked and Grace shook her head no.

Leo embraced her with a bear hug,"awww," both Annie and I said.


"Do we have to go?" Annie asked," yes," I replied. The boys are coming back for a week of break from tour and I want the girls to meet this Kristy.

Grace being her depressed self was being quiet, we'll sort this out Grace." Come on," I said literally trying to drag the girls inside the airport.

I saw Harry in the distance and I got a but excited. I let go of the girls, ran to Harry and kissed him." I missed you too," he whispered.

The girls were making their way here as they glared at Niall and his "Girlfriend".

Grace was trying not to make any eye contact with any of the boys, she was staring at the ground. Poor girl.


Grace's POV

We were at the boys recording studio and the girls decided they wanted to swim so the boys agreed. Me being the boring person I am didn't want to go so I stayed inside staring out the living room window.

I was wearing some shorts and a t shirt with my hair braided to the side." You okay?" A voice popped out of nowhere.

I turned around realising that it was Liam, he was shirt less wearing his swim trunks." Ya..." I trailed off.

"Ok," he said and left the room. I decided to go to the balcony since it had a better view.

"So how are you doing?" A voice asked," I'm fine, not the best but fine," I replied.

"That's good," the voice came closer as I realised that Liam was beside me. I'm pretty sure we made eye contact for a minute.

"So what's your favourite colour?" He asked," blue, you?" I replied," purple," he replied.

"Liam?!" A voice boomed from inside," I gotta go," he said and I nodded.


"For the last time I'm not going," I said,"fine," Misty said," I won't make you go," she added.

"The clock is ticking," Annie said," we have to go," Jessica added," bye Grace!" They all said and left my room.

"Bye, have fun..." I muttered, as I heard the front door shut I went downstairs. Only my siblings were home at the time.

"We're are they going?" Megan asked," a small party at Niall's flat, why?" I asked and both Leo and Megan's eyes lit up.

"You just said Niall," Leo commented," they didn't invite me?!" Megan said." They don't know you and Niall is a common name Leo," I replied.

Then suddenly the door bell ran," I'll get it," Leo said and went to the door," ya sure come in," I heard Leo say and I turned around to see Liam.

"Why aren't you at the 'party'?" I asked," you're not going so I might as well join you," he said giving a smile.

Then Megan shrieked," omg!" She exclaimed," Liam Payne is in my house!" She shouted.

"Megan he's still a human being," I said and she glared at me, I heard Leo and Liam chuckle at the same time.

"How about we watch a movie," Leo suggested and I shrugged," sure," both Megan and Liam said in unison.

"I say Pitch Perfect 2!" Megan said and the guys just rolled their eyes," or we could watch a Disney movie," I suggested as I made eye contact with Liam.

"Toy story 2?" Liam asked,"anything for Liam Payne!" Megan shouted and I rolled my eyes half smiling.

"I'll get the popcorn," Leo said and went to the kitchen, I sat down on the couch. I glanced up to see Liam looking at me smiling.

He sat next me as I heard Megan giggling on the other side. As the movie played my eyes felt sleepy, I didn't know what happened but my head was on something and I fell asleep.


Hope you likey! Excuse the mistakes.


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