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Annie's POV

While Grace and Misty was busy with their 'boyfriends' I right here just sitting down eating alone with mah phone. The only thoughts that bothered me the whole week was about, Matteo and Josh. You could say I have a crush on them but I don't think they like me.

I don't know why but I have this feeling that one of them or both of them likes one of my friends. Maybe Fiona? Jessica? Wait no... Grace? But she does have a bf now. So does Misty.

I didn't realise that Louis and Liam were here at my favourite cafe, Blue Mystic. As I took a sip of my ice coffe and realised that Louis was staring at me.

Our eyes locked with each other, his cheeks turned light pink. He smiled a bit and looked away. Woah wait does he like me?

No I'm sure I'm overreacting, it was just a stare. Then Liam turned around to see me," oh hi Annie," he said.

"Hey," I replied. I feel like I'm sweating right now. Is that wrong?

"Alone like us huh?" He said and I nodded," yep..." I trailed off. Why am I acting so nervous, I'm just talking to 2/4 of One Direction.

The Louis Tomlinson and Liam Payne, ok ya that's very nerve racking. I glanced at the time on my phone," oh look at the time I have to go," I said trying to act cool.

"Oh ok," Liam said," bye," I said and got up, as I opened the cafe door paps were everywhere. Gosh, they're celebrities duh!

"Hey miss!" A pap said," how was the conversation with Louis and Liam?" Another asked.

How am I gonna go through this crowd of paparazzi? Then I heard that familiar bell when you open the cafe's door. I turned to my side seeing Louis.

"Need a hand?" He asked and I nodded, before I knew it our hands intertwined. I felt like I blushed, I followed Louis as his bodyguard, Paul, helps us through the paps.

"Thanks," I whispered but loud enough over the paps snapping pics." No problem," he said and I felt our hands separate. ...

"Need a ride home or somewhere?" He asked," no thanks I could just walk home," I replied.


I was knocking my head on the cafeteria table," how could I be so stupid?" I said.

"Annie stop blaming yourself, it wasn't your fault that they were there," Jessica said," I know but the whole media knows that Louis Tomlinson held my hand," I said hitting my head against the table again.

"Stop it Annie," Grace said while pulling me from the table," stop blaming yourself, it wasn't your fault," she added. This I knew was gonna happen, the popular group had to join in.

"Oh what's going on here?" Allison asked," back off," I growled." Oh look someone has an attitude," she added as my friends glared at her.

"Since when did you guys start glaring at me?" She said in a baby voice.

"Back off freak," Fiona fired," oh I'm so scared," Allison faked. Grace is the kind of girl I know who would flinch and act quick. She grabbed her books as threw it at Allison.

"Don't you dare talk to my friends like that!!" She yelled," like I care slut," Allison replied.

"Haha look at this," I heard Matteo say showing his phone to Josh. Josh just simply smile." Pst oh ya I saw you and Louis," Allison said glaring at me.

My heart started beating fast, don't cry Annie. Not at this time.

" What's wrong with you?!" Jade shouted at Allison," can't you mind your own business?!" Misty fired too.

"No," Allison casually said, anger built up in me. I could tell Grace too. She was holding a bottle which she was crushing in her bare hand.

"Let it go Grace," I heard her mutter, she let go of the bottle and took up a bottle of mustard. She took the lid off and poured it on Allison who was know freaking out.

"You don't mess with any of my love ones," Grace shouted throwing the empty bottle at Allison's feet.


Drama! Hope you like it ;).


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