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Grace's POV

I woke up in the nurse's office confused, what happened? Niall was on the chair next to me," what are you doing?" He asked. Trying to get out duh, I got up and head out the door. I felt someone touching me, Niall was grabbing my hands. He pulled me back in the room,"what do you want?" I said and fold my hands," I'm sorry for what I did yesterday," he said.

I heard the bell ring, I guess I was unconscious for a long time." Sorry doesn't fix everything," I said," please," he said with his Irish accent. I raised my eye brow," are you seriously doing this," I said," when I said sorry I am sorry," he said. I slowly walked to the door," are you seriously making me do this," he said, I ignored him and about to open the door. He grabbed my hip and kissed me, I couldn't do anything. My hands wouldn't move, I couldn't even move.

And finally I pulled back, I just glared at him confused." I'm sorry, I'm truly sorry," he said, I don't know should I forgive him? He literally kissed me and I should forgive him? I sighed," fine, I forgive you," I said and he smiled." Now can I go?" I asked, he nodded and I opened the door. I went outside and he followed me," what do you want now?" I asked," nothing just wanting to follow you," he replied. Weirdo.

School was already over, as I was walking to my locker and Niall following me girls have been staring at me on and about. I opened my locker and got out my backpack," why are you still here?" I asked." Do you want a ride home?" He asked," no thanks, I'll walk it's just 15 minutes away from school," I said." Then I'm walking with you," he said," why?" I asked," because I want to make sure your safe," he said.

I rolled my eyes," you don't have to," I said," but I want to," he said." Fine, I can't stop you," I replied.

I walked home with Niall by my side, it was really quiet until he started speaking." Hey, so how's your friends," he asked," I don't know because I was unconscious," I said in the 'duh' tone.

" Oh right sorry," he said, the silence continues until we reached my house," well bye," I said," bye," he said. Before I turned to the door he kissed me on the cheek and smiled while walking away. I opened the door and saw my siblings on the couch," who was that?" asked Leo my big brother." Someone that is not important," I replied," not important? Was that Niall Horan," my 1 year older sister, Megan. She is that kind of sister that doesn't care about her family and just herself.

"If that was Niall Horan, I don't get why he likes you," she said," Megan stop," Leo said." I'm gonna go now," I said and ran upstairs slammed the door and locked it. Finally peace and quiet, I got out the guitar Misty gave me and started 'White Horse' by Taylor Swift.

Niall's POV

I went back to the flat and got some food to eat, yum. I heard the door opening and it was the lads," when did you get back here?" Liam asked." About 15 minutes ago," I said," are you still hungry cause we are about to go and eat somewhere," Harry said." I'm hungry alright how about NANDOS!" I yelled," sure," Louis said. We head out and went to Nandos, I sure love my black card.

On the way to there, we decided to walk, girls have been asking for autographs. I guess our fans weren't that much on yesterday, that's cool. I went up to order and got the tray full of food and sat with the lads.

Misty's POV

The boys told us about how they found out about Melissa. They said that when Grace told then his name they searched him on twitter and he said that he's with Melissa. Yay! Melissa is gone for good. Niall already seems to fancy Grace already,which is so cute. They already make a good couple except that Grace is still mad at him. I walked home after school thinking about the future.

Will things change?


Sorry if it's short I'm working on other stuff, as usual please leave a vote or even a comment.

Yours sincerely,

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