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Misty's POV

I got a call from Harry which wasn't good. He was talking about the Melissa thing ugh, I don't want any drama. He wants me at the studio to talk about it. I head out and began walking to the studio, it was kinda boring but when I reached there my heart began beating faster. I opened the door and the lads plus Melissa were on the couch,"hi?" I said," so we called you about something, is this familiar to you," Liam asked while shoving his phone in my face.

"Yes, yes I'm familiar with it," I said and sighed, I couldn't lie anyways it is almost Friday just 2 more days." Then would you explain it?," Niall asked," my friends and I were just having a picnic until and we saw Melissa with a guy holding hand," I said." Melissa and a guy?" Niall said," Melissa said she wasn't at the park," he added," I'm not lying I saw her," I said with a honest voice.

Harry looked at me and Niall and sighed," I'm sorry, Misty but Niall is my friend and I have to believe what he say," he said," am I not important to you?" I said. My eyes are getting a little watery, I sniffed," ya you are bu-," he said and I cut him off," seriously, you can't trust your own girlfriend?!" I said," I honestly believed in you and your doing this to me," I shouted." Are you blind or what? Cause your honesty not a gentlemen anymore," I said and tears fell down my face.

"Misty, I'm sorry," he said, the others were staring at me," it's over alright, I don't want to see you ever again," I cried.

"Misty-," he tried to say but I went outside and slammed the door behind me. Why? Just why would he just do this to me, I thought he was suppose to be with me not against me. Tears started falling more harder.

Grace's POV

I haven't heard from Misty, I have texted her 10 times but she hasn't answered. I hope she didn't get to any drama or fight, I want to be there for her like she was there for me. I called her a few times but she didn't answer either, I decided to call Annie. I dialed in Annie's number.

" Hey Annie," I said

" Hey, have you heard from Misty?" She asked

" No I haven't, I tried calling and texting but she wouldn't answer," I replied

" Same," she said

" What are we suppose to do now?," I asked

" Hmm how about we ask the lads?" She said

" Wait what?" I said

" Never mind, I'll be at your house in 10," she said

"Sure," I said

I hang up and waited until I heard the doorbell ring. I opened the door," hi," I said," hi, come on," she said. I stepped outside and closed the door behind me," so where exactly are we going," I said and grabbed the key from the keyhole." To the lads studio," she said," you know were their studio is?" I asked." Let's just say, I stalk Misty sometimes," she said and I face palmed." Let's just get this over with," I said," ok, just don't think of him," she replied.

I sighed and we began walking to the studio.


"You what now?!" Annie screamed," I'm sorry,ok" Harry said," you do realize she could be dead right?" I said. " I don't get it why didn't you guys ask us, we were the ones who told our friends to post it," I said, and they stared at me." You know what I don't care about this stupid Boy Band anymore," Annie said." First you accuse our friend and now what kill us?" She added," and we don't give a crap about Melissa, we saw her so we saw her," I said looking at Melissa.

" Would you leave her alone," Niall said, I can't do this anymore Niall is defending her and I need to defend Misty." You know what Niall, I first saw you as a sweet Irish guy but look at you now clueless of someone's feeling!" I said. " Whatever," Melissa said," I don't care you female dog! You just accused my friend of what you did," Annie said with anger.

" Pst like I care," she replied," maybe you wouldn't be so stupid and care for others," I said," but no you just care about your stupid, ugly no manner girlfriend!" I shouted at Niall." Just get out of our studio," he said, I opened my locket and appeared a camera," the world shall know what you guys are," I said and pressed the tiny camera and the video was saved.

" Come on Grace, they aren't worth our time anymore!" Annie shouted and she went outside," oh for your information Niall, the guy Melissa was with was Tom Moran," I said and followed Annie. Ugh I hate them now! They literally hurt my best friend and now the world shall know. " How did you get your tiny camera in your locket?" Annie asked, " I new there was gonna be drama so I wanted to record it but I didn't know it was that much," I said and she chuckles.

Misty's POV

I was crying on my bed, I couldn't control my anger anymore. I hate him that stupid jerk! I cried even harder and my phone buzzed. Grace posted a video on Instagram, I clicked the video and it played. They were yelling at the stupid jerks and the video was ended, a smile formed on my face. I sniffed and looked at the comments, their were some hate comments but mostly good. Some comments were very touching.

1D_lover1234: Yes! I knew it she was cheating on Niall

Annie_Fan: for all the ones who don't like Melissa, I can respect that. Like I understand, she and the guys hurt my girl so I'm gonna hurt her!

My smile grew wider after I read Annie's comment, the feelings inside is very warming. I sniffed and got up, I went to the bathroom to clean up the dried up tears on my face.


Sorry if this was a bit short, as always leave any suggestion or even a vote.

Yours sincerely,

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