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Misty's POV

It was the day, the day to perform for the talent show. I'm only doing this for Grace, of course." So nervous?" Harry asked, we were backstage getting ready for our turn.

I made a plan that I go out first and start singing the song then the 4 boys pop up on stage which should make girls go crazy." Kinda," I said," don't be you got me," he said and I pecked him on the lips.

"Ok next is Misty Lawson!" The principal shouted through the microphone and I went on stage. I took a deep break then grabbed the microphone as the song played and I started singing.

The boys popped out which made girls scream and cry, they sang with us like in one of their concerts. As the song finished the whole school started clapping except Alison of course.

We got off stage to see Grace backstage waiting for us or me...

Once I stepped off the last step Grace ran to me and hugged me tight,"you sound so perfect," she whispered in my ears.

"Can I at least see my girlfriend?" Harry said, I giggled and pulled back, Grace looked at Harry," she was my besty longer than you being her bf," Grace hissed at Harry and stuck out her tongue.

Everyone laughed, I went to Harry and kissed him,"better?" I asked and he chuckles and nods.

"Ok the results are in," I heard Mrs. Belnavis say, my heart was beating fast real fast, I took a glance at Grace seeing Niall slowly scooting over to her.

"The winner of 2015 Talent show is...." Mrs. Belnavis trailed off," Misty Lawson with One Direction!" She said and I ran onto stage.


The Talent show started at 5 pm and now it's 7:18," so you wanna go for a walk at the park," I heard Niall ask Grace," I guess," she said," yes!" I heard Niall," I still hate you though," Grace said.

A giggle was let out of my mouth, I couldn't help it. It's So CUTE.

Grace's POV

I heard Misty giggle which I didn't really care though," come on," Niall said while holding my hand. We began to take another direction from the others," so isn't the sky so starry?" Niall asked," ya..." I trailed off.

"You know I understand you still hate me but why?" He asked," because you should of believed Misty instead of her," I said.

"Well look I'm sorry for not believing you girls," he said and I look at him while walking along.

He noticed me looking at him and I look away and blushed, he chuckles while I slap his shoulder." Your so pretty when you blush," he said and I could feel my cheeks burning even more.

We reached the entrance of the park and barely anyone was in the park, it surprises me that no one has noticed Niall yet. We stopped, looking around the park and I felt like someone was staring at me.

I looked at Niall seeing him looking at me and he smiled,"hi," he said," hi," I replied.

His blue eyes were sparkling making me wanna faint again." I wanna take you somewhere," he said," where?" I asked.

"It's a surprise," he said and smiled.

I followed him leading the way and we ended at the lake in the park,"so..." He trailed off," do you realise how beautiful you are?" He said and my cheeks lit up.

Little did I know I felt someone's lips smashed onto my cheeks and I looked at Niall smiling, I felt some hands snaked around my waist." You remind me of.... Uh," he said," Nandos?" I said and he laughed.

"Ya, you remind me of Nandos but more... Beautiful," he said causing me to blush.

I didn't know what to do or say, immediately I kissed him. It took a while until we pulled back he smiled and I smiled back.


Hahahaha.... I know it's late, I didn't have any ideas and school. Ugh school... It's making me busy to focus on this book since it's my first full FanFiction but anyways thanks for the lovely support.


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