Chapter Six | A Miracle and Cheating

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Chapter Six | A Miracle and Cheating

Misty's POV

    After we practiced and all that stuff I decided to go to the hospital. Harry and I were going to the limo.

"Where are you two going?" I heard Liam say,"We are just going to visit my grandma," I lied."Are we allowed to tag along?" he asked while scooting to the side and the rest of the lads were there at the door. I glanced at Harry and glanced back to the lads,"Sure?" I said,"I guess why not," Harry said.

We all got in the limo and drove to the hospital, I got up trying not to tear up. Harry rubbed my back and mouthed 'It's gonna be all right'. "So anyways I have lied about visiting my grandma," I said with stuttering,"So then who are you visiting then?" Louis asked."Grace," I said trying not to shed some tears,"Grace?" Niall asked."The news is what happened," Harry said, and the lads looked at each other.

The door of the hospital opened with a loud sound, a nurse was coming in my direction.

"Misty!" she said,"Yes?" I asked,"She's—she's awake," she took in a sharp breath.

I swear my heart stopped beating, my eyes widened. This got to be some kind of joke, right?

"Follow me," she said trying to get her breath, we all followed her. She opened the door 369,"Um, Niall it's best if you stay out here," I said, "Why?" He enquired."Things," Harry answered, he nodded and sat down on the bench out here. The rest of us went in and I see Grace on the bed awake.

Annie is probably back at her house, I sat next to her,"Hey, Happy Birthday," I said. She smiled and I placed my hand on hers,"Feeling better?" Harry asked, she nodded and took a deep breath.

"I'm sure everything will be alright," I said,"so how come she's 'awake'?" Liam asked,"She just herd some personal news  and she fainted then she was in a coma," Harry covered up."Oh," Louis said, I looked at her smiling happy again, I remembered about the guitar.

I got out the guitar figured box and opened it,"This is for you," I said while showing her. Her smile got wider,"I'll place it here," I said and put it in the corner of the room.

"Do you mind if Niall come in?" Liam asked, her smile turned into a frown.

Grace's POV

"Do you mind if Niall come in?" Liam asked, my smile faded.

I tried to say no but it didn't work even if I try to talk I'll just feel uncomfortable. I don't like talking about Nialll it just makes me uncomfortable, instead I shrugged."I'll take that as a no then," Liam said, ugh this is making me even more uncomfortable.

"It's alright," Misty said, I nodded and smiled, a nurse came in,"She will be discharged from hospital by tomorrow," she informed us.

"Okay," they all said in unison, I sighed I want to get out of here now! This is so unfair. "Don't worry, you'll get out of here in no time just wait," Misty said. I nodded in agreement,"Anyways we need to go, you need rest," she added. They left the room leaving me and the guitar Misty gave me, I took a deep breath. When is this over?


    I woke up in the hospital bed hearing the door open,"Well Good Morning, Grace," the nurse greeted putting a tray of food in front of me."Good Morning," I managed to say while smiling, the nurse left the room and I began eating. There was a bowl of cereal, an apple and a cup of orange juice.

It's not my first time so I've seen better, after I pressed the button beside my bed and the nurse came in."Well, the doctor will be doing a check up and you will be free to go," she said while taking up the tray and left the room.

The doctor and some nurses came in, they checked me and I was all fine. The doctor left the room and a nurse handed some clothes, I guess from Annie. They left the room and I changed into the clothes and got my shoes on, took my guitar and head out the door.

I went to the front desk,"Well Hello, Grace," the nurse said,"You are now free to go," she added while typing on the keyboard,"Thank you," I said and opened the hospital's front door and began walking home.

I saw Annie and the girls at May's Café, they saw me and ran to me and gave me a hug."Are you alright?" Annie asked,"Ya," I replied,"Come on let's take you home," Misty said. They followed me home and I opened the front door, my mom, dad and sister were on the couch.

They saw me and gave me hug, I felt refreshed again,"Honey, we missed you," my mom said hugging me tighter while the girls giggled."Mom I can't breathe—," I tried to say,"Oh sorry," she said and stopped hugging me.

"I'm going upstairs," I said, and they all nodded. I went upstairs put down my guitar and went to the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth. I got out the shower and changed into a casual outfit, I went downstairs and the girls were outside waiting on me. I went outside and they got up from sitting on the bench,"Come on, we need to take you somewhere," Jessica said.

I nodded and followed them, they took me to the park. My favourite place to relax from stress, we walked in and Fiona covered my eyes."What are you doing?" I asked,"It's a surprise," Jade said. I heard movement and Fiona uncovered my eyes, I saw a picnic in front of me. I smiled,"I new you would like this," Misty said.

We had a great time until I saw some guy that's not Niall and Melissa walking in the park holding hands."What's wrong?" Jade said, I pointed at them and the girls glanced at their direction. Misty and Annie got out their phone and took a picture.

"You guys need to take this and post this on Facebook and Twitter," Annie said,"Why?" Jessica, Jade and Fiona said."Because if we post it they would think Misty is a liar so we need evidence," Annie said,"Oh," they said in unison and took a picture.

"And send," Fiona the last person to post it, their phones buzzed like crazy. I went on their twitter and Facebook and I saw comments like:

@Ellie_Milson: OMG wait till Niall see this!

@1D_ fan123: I new she was up to something

And some hate comments

@Nelissa: that could be photoshopped

Even Annie commented

@Annie_Fan: looks like someone has been cheating on Niall

"Well my phone is going crazy," Fiona said,"Same," Jessica replied. Now what? "What if he gets angry at us?" I asked,"Then I'll give him piece of my mind," Annie said.

"We have evidence and witnesses," Misty said,"Ya," Jade said. I sighed,"Ok then," I said,"Come on, we are friends aren't we?" Jessica asked,"Well ya," I said."Then we'll make it through together," she added.

"And what if he's her brother?" I asked,"Then we'll kill her brother," Misty joked.

I hope they don't get mad at us, especially Niall.


As always leave your suggestion or even a vote, I would really appreciate it. I'll update it tomorrow because school ends for me tomorrow and then Easter holiday.

Yours sincerely,

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