Chapter Three | Sleep Over, Bad News And Fainting

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Chapter Three | Sleep Over, Bad News And Fainting

Misty's POV

I was eating cereal in the morning and thought about what happened yesterday. My phone buzzed, I got a text from Jessica.

Jessica 🐶 :- The girls and I will come over to your house if it's okay with you.

It's fine, my dad and mom left for work.

Jessica 🐶 :- Okay!

Since there is no school today which is Friday, the girls want to come to my house which is okay with me. I'm bored so yeah... I heard the doorbell ring and I opened the front door. The girls had were smiling,"Come in," I stated,"So before you guys come over to my house by 4 o'clock, what should we do?" Annie asked.

I shrugged,"Maybe watch some movies?" I said, the girls nodded with agreement and we sat on the couch and watched some Disney movies and some One Direction diaries stuff.

I got bored so I was on my phone reading fanfics on Wattpad. Fanfictions are always the best! "Yo nerd! Could you get us some popcorn and drinks?" Annie said.

I got up and went to the kitchen and got two bowls of popcorn and seven cups of Orange juice. I went to the living room and gave them each a cup of juice and made them share the popcorn, they're in my hous so what am I supposed to do? Make one of them make them and make them set my house on fire and get messy?

By then it was already 4 o'clock,"Girls, it's 4 pm now," I said,"Wow so we missed lunch," Fiona stated.

"Come on its time for the sleep over!" Jade sang,"I'll be there in a sec, I just need to get my stuff," I said, they nodded and I went upstairs. I grabbed my pajamas, toothbrush,toothpaste, my stuff and stuff and a outfit and shoved it into my blue bag. Yes my favourite colour is blue.

I went downstairs and the girls were already outside waiting on me, I went outside with my bag and shut the door behind me. The girls and I walked to Annie's house and on the way we joked about stuff, it was fun. Annie opened her front door,"Come in," she said and we all went in,"You guys go to my bedroom, I'll be right there," Annie said.

Jessica's POV

Something is up with Annie, Grace and Misty. Is it that boy band so called One Direction that is bothering them? Well we now know that Misty and this Harry guy is up with something.

"Misty, would you care to tell us about you know, the thing?" I asked, she sighed,"I dunno, school is getting a little harder for me lately," she said.

"Oh," was my only answer I could think of,"So where is Annie?" I asked."She said she well be here soon," Fiona said and Annie appeared by the door.

"So what's up with you three?" I asked,"Nothing," Misty, Grace and Annie said in unison.

Obviously Misty looks exhausted, Grace looks worried or concerned and Annie looks kinda stressed.

I need to think of something, hmm maybe do some fun stuff? But what kind of fun stuff? School is already hard enough,"Can we start with the sleep over?" Jade suggested. I nodded,"Come on let's get into our pajamas!" I shouted with excitement, we got changed into our pajamas.

Misty loves the colour blue so she's wearing blue, Annie the same but with a little purple and some poco dots. Grace got her turquoise pajamas, Jade has a reddish purple one and I have a pinkish red. I just thought about it, I just remembered it was almost Grace's Birthday. She is the bookworm of the group, she reads more books than Misty which is really surprising.

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