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Misty's POV

"Does anyone know where's Grace?" I asked and everyone shrugged. Niall was busy making out with Kristy on the couch.

"I thought you were gonna bring her," Annie said, I shook my head," no," I replied.

"I'm here," a voice said and my head shot at the door seeing Grace standing there. She was wearing a flower crown, a purple floral dress and some sandals. Nice.

"What are the plans for today?" Niall asked while breathing heavily. Ew.

"We're gonna go to the park and hang out," Jessica said," but what about the crazy fans?" Fiona asked.

I heard both Annie and Grace clear their throats and I started laughing, so did Harry and Louis.

"Paul and the others with deal with that," Harry stated," ok," Liam commented.


"Come on Niall!" The so called Kristy shouted as dragging Niall to the grass. Even if fans like them I don't.

"Mind if I walk with you?" I heard Liam ask Grace," I don't mind," she replied half smiling. I'm gonna ship them so hard.

Liam's POV

I couldn't help but to look at her, she wasn't as open as she was before 'he' broke her heart. But I was able to talk to her.

She looked at me as we walked along the path," nice shades," she commented smiling weakly.

"I'm pretty sure it'll look better on you," I replied and she blushed.

I took off my shades and put it on her," how do I look?" She asked smiling," cute," I replied and she blushed again.

"So 5 days left?" She asked and I nodded, I took her hand and twirled her around. I pulled her to my chest and we swayed to the song I was humming.

"You know even I don't know you as well as your mates but you're a very kind person," she stated," thanks," I replied.

Next Day...

"To the beach!" Kristy yelled as she drag Niall to the shore," love birds," Annie muttered as she rolled her eyes.

"Let's go Harry!" Misty wined,"ok ok I'm coming," Harry replied as Misty dragged him to the water.

"Nice to know that you have a private beach house," Grace said as I realised that she was next to me.

"Ya..." I trailed off, I noticed that she was trying to keep her beach hat from blowing away. I took her hat and said," I'm pretty sure you don't need it."

"Sure bossy pants," she replied," I'm not bossy," I stated," really?" She asked," really," I replied.

"Tag you're it," she said and began running away from me," oh no you didn't!" I shouted and chased after her.

"Liam, watch out!" I heard her scream, I realised that a frisbee was heading my direction. Before I knew what happened I found Grace on top me smiling as we were on the sand.

"Hey..." I trailed off, she got up and offered her hand, I took it and got up." Thanks," I said," no problem, we're friends after all right?" She asked. Friends.

"Ya," I replied," tag," I added while smirking," Liam," she whined as I was laughing while running away.

Few Days Later...

We were at the airport going back on tour," I'll miss you.. Again," I heard Misty say to Harry.

"Remember to Skype me," Kristy said to Niall and he nodded, Kristy is staying in London because she has college.

I smiled at the fact that Kristy isn't coming with us," hey," Grace said," hey," I replied.

She hugged me and I wrapped my arms around her," if you need some company Skype, call or text me," I whispered in her ear and she nodded.


Grace's POV

"Your kidding right?" I asked," honey why would I be lying about that?" Mom said.

"But why?" I asked," you've been in your room doing barely anything so we're sending you to summer camp," Dad explained.

"What about Leo and uh Megan?" I asked," Leo has his friends and your sister is going too," mom said. I really need to face Palm right now.

"Better get packing we're gonna drop you off tomorrow," dad said and I groaned. I went upstairs and took out my suitcase. I need clothes, my laptop, phone, stuff that keeps my hygiene good and my guitar.

Next day...

"Bye girls pick you up at the end of summer!" Mom said and drove away. I just decided to wear jeans short, a top and some sandals.

As I heard a bell of some sort rang people started filling the hall, from 10 year olds to 18 or whatever." Are you Grace?" A voice asked and I turned around to see a group of girls my age.

"Um yes?" I said," I see," she said," come on let's go girls," she said and walked away with her friends.

I really hate this idea," need help?" A husky voice asked," I'm fine," I replied," but my sister does," I added while pointing to Megan who was struggling.

"I've seen better," Megan commented as we entered our 'room'.

"What do you have now?" I asked," umm it says games," she said," oh me too," I replied.

"Just don't embarrass me ok," Megan stated and I nodded, we walked to the field seeing some girls talking and guys do what guys do.

"Ok people we're gonna play some dodge ball," the coach said," captains, Nathan and Angeline," he added.

"Pick your teammates," the coach said,"Mario," the guy Nathan said," Beth," Angeline said.

Then it was down to Megan and I," Grace's sister," Angeline said while glaring at me.

"The Amazing Grace which everyone talks about these days, Grace and Niall, Grace and Liam," Nathan said and I rolled my eyes.

"Ok enough, go to your places," the coach said and we all went to our sides," you could just sit down," Nathan said but I just ignored him.

"I wish I was on the other team so I could get you out of the game,"I hissed," ya.. I wouldn't do that if I were you," he replied.

"Start!" Coach said and blew his whistle," Beth out!" He added," not bad," Nathan said," whatever," I fired.

"Jacky out!" Coach yelled," dang it," I heard Nathan mumble under his breath.


Sorry I have Summer school, I try to update with the time I have. But I'm going to Disney World next week! Yay!


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