Chapter Two | Complicated

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Chapter Two | Complicated

Misty's POV

I woke up and yawned, gosh my breath stinks well gotta get up and get ready for school. I did the usual and opened my front door, Annie and Grace were standing in front of me. "Oh hi," I said, they looked kinda pissed.

"Don't oh 'hi' us!" Grace hissed at me, they both grabbed my arm,"What is going on here?" I enquired.

"I'll tell you what's wrong, this is wrong," Annie said while shoving her phone in my face. It was a picture of Harry and I, ugh I hate media. My phone buzzed, it was a message from Grace.

Grace 🐼 :- Why didn't you tell me you were at Starbucks with him?

I was at Starbucks with my brother then he showed up, okay?

She didn't reply, I guess she thought it was still unbelievable or something,"I'll explain later," I said and ran to my locker and got my English books and went to class. Mr.Will didn't come so the class started doing whatever they want to do, most of the girls were whispering and talking about me."You know I can hear you guys right" I said there was an awkward silence then they went back talking again.

Josh and Alison were in my class, Alison was busy talking to her other snobby friends and Josh. He is well I don't know staring at me or talking to his friends? I couldn't bother so I ignored them and went on my phone. I got a new text from Grace, it wasn't so great I guess?

Grace 🐼 :- The whole school is talking about you, I think you blew the whole plan.

I replied.

Like they even care, come on we can make up a story, right?

Well I have no hope left, the whole school now knows that I was with Harry Styles! This is so unfair, Alison came up to me,"So you've been with Harry? That's sad I don't even now why he was with you!" She scoffed.

I rolled my eyes,"Oh so someone here is a little jelly?" I said back,"Pst. Me? Why would I be jealous!" She barked. The class door opened, it was a bodyguard which if you are a fan it's one of One Direction's bodyguard and no one knows his name.

"Ms. Lawson, please come with me," he said, everyone was staring at me, I sighed and took my books and my backpack and went with him outside.

"I can tell that you want to know why I called you," he said,"It's your dad, did your mom tell you about the meeting your dad was attending?" He asked. I nodded,"Well she told me and I didn't understand."

"Well that meeting was with Simon Cowell, your dad wants you to peruse your dream," he managed a smile.

"So where are we going?" I asked.

"The cafeteria," he replied.

"Why?" I asked.

"Your going to meet Simon," he replied, my eyes widen. By that time I was at the door to the cafeteria,"He's waiting inside," he said, I went in and I was hella nervous.

"Hello Misty," Simon said,"Hello Sir," I said with a smile.

"So your father has been talking about you, he said you have an amazing voice," he said,"And that you want to be a singer, is that right?" He added.

"Correct," I said,"Well why don't you sing a song to me?," he asked."Er...sure," I said and he handed me a guitar.

I started playing 'White Horse' by Taylor Swift and started singing.

Say you're sorry

That face of an angel

Comes out just

When you need it to

As I paced back and forth all this time

'Cause I honestly believed in you

Holding on the days

Drag on

Stupid girl

I should have known

I should have known

That I'm not a princess

This ain't a fairy tale

I'm not the one you'll

Sweep off her feet

Lead her up the stairwell...

I tried to do my best, at the end he clapped."You can go back to class and I'll tell your father about something," he said tapping his pen against the table and I walked out.

"Thanks," I said to the body guard and I glanced to the blue watch on my wrist, it was 30 minutes until class ends. Well I have 30 minutes to do anything, I walked back to class and opened the door. Everyone was looking at me with weird, happy, angry and emotionless faces, I went to my seat and sat down.

"So what did you do?" Alison asked,"It's none of your business," I scoffed.

"Everything is my business," she hissed, I rolled my eyes,"Probably he was telling you to stay away from One Direction," she barked at me.

"Actually, it's better than that," I heard a familiar voice at the door of the class, it was Harry.

"How long have you been there?" I asked, he smirked and Alison went up to him,"So are you single?" She asked him and I could see Josh rolled his eyes.

"Actually I'm taken," he said while looking at me,"By who?" Alison asked, Harry went beside me and put his arms around my neck. I was taken by surprise.

"This girl," he said and girls gasped,"H-Her?" Alison stuttered with a surprised face.

"Anyways, Misty remember next week Friday!" He said and kissed my forehead and walked out the class. To be honest I'm shocked,"Well looks like your secret isn't a secret anymore," she said.

"Whatever," I said and the bell rang, is that even 30 minutes? I came out the class as students gaped at me.

Well, looks like Harry wants the whole school to know about us...Annie came up to me,"So are you guys dating or what?" She asked,"Uh," is all I could say.

I sighed,"Can we not talk about this," I asked. She nodded,"So let's go to the cafeteria."

"Wait what, aren't we supposed to-," she cut me off," didn't you here the announcement? It's a half day," she said.

Half day? Since when did the principal give us half day?Could this day get more complicated? I went with her to the cafeteria and we sat down with the rest of the girls. They were staring at me,"So when did you even meet this curly haired boy," Jessica said shoved a pizza in her mouth.

I sighed,"Can we drop this topic?," I asked,"Fine," Grace muttered obviously upset.

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