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Misty's POV

"I'll miss you," I said as I hugged Harry," me too," he whispered in my ear. I glanced at Grace seeing that she was already crying.

"I'll miss you," I heard Niall say to her," promise me that you won't forget me," Grace replied and he nodded with a smile.

There, the boys were going back on tour. I pecked Harry on the lips and smiled." I'll miss that," he admitted.

"We gotta go," Liam said as he hugged the other girls." Wait," Grace said, she pecked all the boys cheeks and they all blushed.

"Have fun," I stated and they all nodded.


It's been a month and a few weeks already, I've kept in touch with Harry. We Skype at times. The girls and I were at the cafeteria and it was the last day at school then summer officially starts.

I glanced at Grace who was poking her food frowning, it kinda looked like she heard something from Alison behind her.

"We could have sleepovers-" Alison cut of Fiona," hey Grace," she said and Grace looked up at her.

"Heard of the news yet?" Alison asked," what news?" I asked," the news that Niall is dating someone else," she replied.

"You should watch the interview," she added and walked away. I heard Grace let out a sigh," you okay?" I asked and she nodded.

"She doesn't look ok," Annie whispered to me," I know," I whispered back.

"Do you think Niall is cheating her?" She asked and I shrugged," I don't see Niall as a guy like that," I said," me too," Annie replied.


"Ok ok it's playing!" Jade shouted and we all sat down, we we're watching the interview that Alison was talking about.

It was like a normal interview but it got interesting when the host asked the boys about their love life." Niall?" The host asked," I am interested in someone," he replied.

"Is it Grace?" The host asked," no, I don't really like her in that way," he replied and the boys' eyes were wide as ours.

As that happened Jessica turned the TV off. I glanced at Grace who was emotionless, she seems like she doesn't know what to do.

"You okay?" I asked,"ya," she replied," your not mad?" I asked.

"It was obvious that he would leave me so no hard feelings," she replied," oh..." I heard Annie mumble.

But it was obvious that Grace feels sad, she kept staring at the ceiling.

Grace's POV

When directioners said They Changed Their Lives, I didn't expect it to be like this. I kept hugging my teddy bear tightly cause my heart was aching me.

I knew one of these days he'll leave me be like I'm some other person who he doesn't know. I actually thought that this relationship would work but he was just playing with me like some other person would.

"Goodnight," I said and cuddled up in my sleeping bag," ya goodnight," Jade replied. I closed my eyes, this would just go away.


My phone beeped and my eyes shot open, I got a few tweets on twitter.

@NacieForever: How could Niall do that to you?!

@Kiall4ever: @NacieForever Kristy and Niall is way better #Kiall

Kristy? My phone beeped again.

@NacieForever: @Gracie.L I think it's better if you find out about @KristyOfficial

She has a similar username as Niall?!

I turned off my phone and went back to sleep. Maybe this won't going to go away.


"Grace," a voice said," 5 more minutes," I replied," Grace, look," another voice said and my eyes pop opened.

Annie had her phone in my face, it was a girl with Niall holding hands. I guess the girl is Kristy. I let out a big sigh and got up." Are you sure you're ok?" Misty asked and I nodded.

"I think I'm gonna get ready and head out to get some coffee," I said," ok," the girls said in unison.

As I was walking down the street to May's Cafe. I just wish this would just end.


Writing this chapter makes my heart ache, it feels like I'm Grace. But anyways hope you likey likey!


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