Chapter Five | Meeting Melissa And Keeping Secrets

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Chapter Five | Meeting Melissa And Keeping Secrets

Misty's POV

It's so big that it has a pool! OMG I'm freaking out,"I see you like it," Harry chuckled and I smiled at him. I saw a girl with Niall, I guess it's Melissa.

She's pretty and all but there's something about her that I can't put my finger on. She makes Niall happy and all but she also make some fans angry and sad. I just need to find out what's with her, something is telling me that you can't trust her. It's sounds so cliché though.

"Come on," Harry said while holding the door for me, such a gentleman.

"Thanks," I replied, he smiled back to me,"So can you play a guitar?" Niall asked,"A little I mostly play the violin," I said.

"That's cool," Liam said,"So why were you two at the hospital anyways?" Louise said, Harry and I looked at each other. "Oh I was just visiting my grandmother," I lied,"Yeah," Harry agreed.

I couldn't tell them about Grace their just gonna I guess freak out or even don't care about it."This is Melissa, Melissa this is Misty," Niall introduced,"Hi," she said giving me smile that looked fake or I'm just upset.

"Hi it's a pleasure to meet you," I replied and she smiled.

When she looked at me in the eyes it gives me the chills, like she is a creature that you don't want be near it."Well why don't we get started," I said, and the boys nodded, I'm still thinking about Zayn. Why he left? It can't be him wanting to leave, it must be management!

I even remember in some concerts they would turn of Niall's microphone, it's really confusing. Anyways the boys taught me how to play guitar and we practiced singing as a team.

I sang did a little harmony at Harry's and Niall's part of Little Things. And well I got to take Zayn's part. The name Zayn echoed in my mind, I tried so many times not to think about it.

We took a little break, Niall, Melissa, Liam and Louise went for a swim in the pool while Harry and I are in the lounge room."So would you mind telling me why Zayn left?" I asked with a sweet voice,"Uhh, if I tell you can you keep it as a secret?" he said, I nodded.

"The boys and Melissa are the only ones who knows including Perrie," he said,"He left because he was stressed about things while when we were on tour so he went back to England," he said,"I'm not sure why but I feel like he didn't want to be in this band after all," he muttered obviously feeling betrayed.

I was shocked,"I understand," I said and patted his shoulder. He smiled and I smiled back. I looked at the time, it was 2:46," I have to go," I said."Wait what? But where not done yet," he said.

"I'll come back tomorrow..." I said then realized tomorrow was Grace's Birthday."Bye," I said and walked back to my house.

On the way I felt hungry so I decided to eat at May's Café, I opened the door of the cafe and ordered a strawberry milkshake and some chocolate cookies.

"Here you go miss," a brunette boy said,"Thanks," I replied, I got my food and head outside.

Girls started to crowd me,"OMG are you Misty?" A girl asked,"You're so pretty are you always like that?" Another girl asked.

"OMG I don't know how Harry likes you," Another girl said.

"I'm sorry but I'm supposed to be somewhere," I said and walked away. That somewhere is my house.

I didn't know the fact that Harry and I are dating is such a big deal. Fans are going crazy over it but anyways I opened my front door. I sat down at the table and began eating my food, I got a text from Fiona.

Fiona 🐨 :- Hey

Hey, so what's up?

Fiona 🐨 :- Nothing much but I heard about Grace, is she alright?

She's in a coma and she's gonna miss her birthday but if she wakes up it will be a birthday miracle.

Fiona 🐨 :- Yeah...a miracle. Anyways Gtg.


I sighed, now what am I going to do now? I guess plan Grace's Birthday after she is out of coma, hm I should invite the girls and maybe 1D? Well first we'll go to Fridays which I guess Niall will like and then we would go to the bookstore. But wait what about Starbucks?

I guess she'll just gonna have to go there her self, oh yeah I forgot Grace always wanted a new guitar. Let's just say her parents make her do lots of activities like piano, guitar, dance and she attends art club.

She is better than me at guitar, like way better. Hmm I guess that's it, I yawned what a long plan maybe I should just take a nap. I went upstairs and I was already lying on the bed asleep.


I woke up doing the usual and said goodbyes to my family. I went to Music Mart to buy a guitar for Grace, I've been looking at a lot of guitars but a blue one caught my eye. Grace loves blue too!

I should totally get her one,"Hello, may I help you?" A employee asked, he was about in his late 20s."Um ya, I would like this blue guitar," I said, he smiled and took the guitar to the front desk.

"That will be £495.00," he said, Grace you're lucky that I'm buying this for you.

I handed the exact money to him and he put the guitar in a guitar figure box and handed it to me."Enjoy the rest of your day," he said,"Same to you," I replied and head out the door.

My phone rang and I picked it up.


"Misty you're suppose to be at the studio," Harry said.

"Oh sorry, I had to buy a present for her when she wakes up from the coma."

"Ok love, where are you?"

"At Music Mart."

"Ok I'll pick you up."

"Ok bye."

"Bye," he replied.

When he said he would pick me up, he meant it. A limbo was in front of me already, the window whined down. It was Harry."Hey," he said,"Hey," I replied, he whined up the window and opened the door.

"A guitar for who?" He asked,"Grace," I said, the name Grace sinked in my mind.

"Come on," he said while reaching out his hand to me and I placed mine on his. I went inside and it was a little quiet but I'm ok with that,"So is she alright?" He asked breaking the silence, I nodded.

He kissed my forehead and nodded back.


Author's Note

Sorry this took a while, yesterday was my Birthday so I had plans. I hope you liked it and please leave a suggestion or even a vote I would appreciate it.

Yours sincerely,

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