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"Sienna... puoi darmi del gelato?" The little girl asked with an innocent smile on her lips. She was asking if I could give her some ice cream.

"Tua madre te l'ha permesso?" I asked if her mother let her. She looked down at the ground and slowly nodded.

"Naturalmente!" Giorgia said. I was questioning that, her mother was always very strict about it and I didn't want any trouble. Giorgia and her mother Luciana lived at the house next to ours. We instantly became friends and I took care of Gigoria every time she needed me to.

She was the best seven-year-old I had ever met. We had been in Italy for a few days, just Harper and me. She was in the shower at the moment and she liked Italy a lot, she always wanted to come here after I told her about my experiences here. Romeo and Antonio hadn't arrived yet, I didn't know when those four days were coming but I enjoyed our time without them.

"I don't want any trouble with your mother, sweetheart," I mumbled and got up, straightening my dress. Giorgia wasn't able to speak English, and I was well aware of that. I put her hand in mine and led her inside, Phil still refused to talk to me but he knew who she was and that she wasn't going to say anything, she was a child anyways.

I took her to the kitchen and looked in our freezer, hoping that I wouldn't have to go down in the store down the street to buy one for her. Thankfully I found one, it was the chocolate one that she loved.

"Sienna! Come upstairs." Harper yelled. It was probably one of the clothes crises that she had every day, where she wasn't able to decide if she wanted the red or blue dress on.

I grabbed Giorgia's hand and went upstairs with her. Harper loved having Giorgia over as well, she just hated that she wasn't able to understand what she was saying. I always translated it for her instead.

We walked up the stairs together, hand in hand. I looked down at Giorgia that led me inside of Harper's room, my gaze was still at the little girl.

"Look who I brought!" I said and looked at Harper. Harper shook her head and then the man appeared behind her. I cleared my throat nervously when Romeo started looking down at the little girl holding my hand.

"È il tuo fidanzato?" Giorgia asked if that was my boyfriend. I shook my head and held onto her hand tighter.

"No, sono suo marito." He answered, basically telling her that he was my husband, which wasn't true. Giorgia looked at me with big adoring eyes.

"Harper, take her downstairs," Romeo told her, Harper nodded and took the girl away from me. It made my heartache to see her getting carried away like that, not knowing what was going on.

"I'm surprised that you didn't try to escape." He said and turned around to look out of the window.

"Why should I? Your men are everywhere I go." I told him. Romeo turned around again and looked at me with a smile on his lips.

"You didn't miss me? Not at all?" He asked. I didn't know if I was supposed to lie or not, I never felt like the truth did me any good in any situations with Romeo.

"I haven't thought about you if you want me to be honest," I admitted. He slowly nodded and looked around in Harper's room. His eyes fell on a vase with flowers and water inside of it. He grabbed it and started throwing it around but still catching it with his hand.

Then it fell and broke into pieces right in front of my feet. I got down and picked the broken glass up in my right hand, as I took the flower in my left hand.

"What's so important about the flower?" Romeo asked. I looked up and shrugged.

"It's Harper's favorite," I answered and got up. I carefully placed it on her bed and turned my attention back at Romeo. He didn't say more, so I took my chance and took a few steps back and then out of the room. I forced the last smile and then turned around to go downstairs.

I saw Harper and Giorgia together outside in the backyard, they were playing some weird game while jumping. Harper always took care of kids, no matter where she was. She grew up with a big wealthy family, her parents were never there to take care of her younger siblings so she did it instead.

"Who's kid is that?"

I flinched in shock at his sudden voice behind me. It wasn't Romeo, it was Antonio. I didn't bother turning around to look at him, I would rather look at the two happy girls.

"Luciana," I answered.

"Who is Luciana?" He asked again.

"Our neighbor," I told him. Harper looked at us through the window as her smile faded, but she quickly looked away and back at Giorgia.

"Send her home," Romeo said. I wasn't surprised that he was behind me as well. I just wish that I had turned around so I saw that he was there as well.

"Her mother is at work," I informed them.

"Do I look like I give a shit? Send her home." Romeo continued. I shook my head and turned around to look into his eyes.

"How is a seven-year-old supposed to take care of herself?" I asked. Romeo shrugged as he looked over at Antonio. Antonio smiled at his brother and chuckled.

"I don't care, she's not my child. I won't repeat myself, send her home." He said. I sighed and walked out to the backyard.

"Amore! Javier ha chiesto se vuoi venire a giocare con I suoi nuovi giocattoli!" I lied and said that the boy next door, Javier, wanted to show her his new toys.

"Yay!" She said and wrapped her arms around my legs. I grabbed her and carried her out of our backyard and out to the neighborhood. I walked with her in my arms to the house beside hers as I knocked on the door.

"Natalia! I was wondering if Javier wanted to play with Giorgia?" I asked. Thankfully she was able to understand English so I didn't have to use my bad and old Italian accent.

She took Giorgia out of my hand and kissed her on the forehead.
"I'll take good care of her! Have a good day." Natalia said. I nodded and walked away with a guilty feeling in my stomach.

I got back inside of our house and found Harper in the living room with the two brothers.

"Is everything okay?" I asked and sat down beside her.

"Everything is fine. Harper let's go." Antonio said. I was confused when Harper got up and followed him. I got up as well and crossed my arms.

"Where are they going?"

"Doesn't concern you," Romeo answered. I nodded and walked away. I didn't want to deal with his bullshit. I walked down the hallway as I tried finding out where they went but that didn't go as I planned.

"Excuse me, you're not supposed to be down here." A guard said, he was standing in front of a door that I had never seen before.

"I don't care, what's in there?" I asked and tried pulling the door handle. He pushed me away as I instantly fell to the ground.

I got up and slapped him, the sound of it echoed through the thick walls.

And then he punched me.

Heyyy! How are we feeling today, loves?

I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did, please remember to vote so I'm aware!

I hope you had a great day and if you didn't I'm so sorry, I wish the best for you. I love you guys so much, thank you for 103k! I couldn't be more thankful for each one of you reading this and reaching out to me. It means the world to me, thank you for being you<3

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