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"Punish me in any way you want, just please don't take Harper away," I said Harper was the only one that I had.

"She's going to be fine with Antonio," Romeo said, pushing me away.

"I won't be fine without her!" I yelled as I immediately caught his attention.

"Don't be so dramatic, Sienna." He said, I sighed and shook my head. He looked deeply confused, which was understandable.

"I'm dramatic? You won't even let Phil talk to me." I winked at him, he rolled his eyes and made a weird signal towards the guards. Two of them grabbed my arms from behind and led me out of the house and into one of the black cars.

"Where are we going?" I asked Romeo, he didn't even answer but just opened the car door for the guards to put me in and close the door. Was he going to get me killed once again? I was so screwed and so fucking scared. This depended on my whole fucking life, but he hadn't put a bulletproof vest on, that could mean so many things.

Maybe he was trying to get me killed or we weren't going to do the same as the last time.


I wasn't going to die, thank god. Or maybe I was? I had no idea what this place was, but it looked like a facility, especially one that my dad used to own.

"Do you recognize this place, love?" Romeo turned around to look at me, I shook my head, which was a fucking lie.

"You are in my warehouse right now, get used to being here." God's sake. The guards let go of me as Romeo opened a door, putting his hand on my back and pushing me in.

There were two men, the both of them were tied up.

"You're looking at Derek and Victor right now, they have both betrayed my family. You get to decide who dies." He said, putting a gun in my hands.

"Derek stole money from our company, but the sad thing is that he's so young, only nineteen years old. He still has a lot to try out in his life." Romeo faked a pouty face, I held onto the gun tightly and took a deep breath.

"Or Victor, he killed one of my beloved men. It's just a shame that he's four people's father, and they all are pretty young. How will they live without their father?" Romeo turned to me with a smirk.

"So, bellissima, who gets to die?" He whispered in my ear, I held the gun up to Derek, the guy with the money. I made everyone think that I was going to shoot the nineteen-year-old boy, but I turned the gun to the right and shot Victor twice.

"Good fucking choice, how brilliant." Romeo laughed out, walking over to Victor and checking his pulse.

"He's dead, good. Keep the gun for now." He said as he opened the door and waited for me to step out. I walked out and stood across from one of the guards.

"Go down the stairs, love." He demanded, almost pushing me down. I walked down the stairs and held the gun tighter, the gun reminded me of what I had just done to that man, which made me feel sick.

"Harper isn't doing the same as I am, right?" I turned to him, he wasn't even saying anything so I had to repeat myself.

"Right?!" At this point, I was just yelling at him to get my answers. He rolled his eyes at me but decided to answer anyway.

"No, Antonio took her to the other side to learn her how to use a gun properly, afterward we'll give her the same task as you just did," Romeo told me.

"You are such a bitch, I'm all you need, Harper isn't a part of a mafia and has never been," I said to him, he didn't expect me to say that.

"Don't speak like that to me, remember who I am." His eyes snapped to mine, I smiled and thought of what I was going to say.

"What are you going to do, choke me? I'm starting to think that you have a choking kink." I tilted my head while still looking into his eyes, Romeo didn't look very amused with me right now.

"You aren't completely wrong, just seeing you under my control turns me on so badly." He sarcastically said, I chuckled.

"I got you shot twice, don't think I'm not capable of doing it again." He said as he walked away from me, I wasn't completely done with him yet.

"I'm sorry I'm not on my knees and kissing your shoes like your other bitches." I yelled so everyone could hear me, it didn't take much to get their attention.

"Are you jealous of them, Sienna?" Romeo didn't even turn around, I was just looking at his back. How was I going to answer this one? No, I got this.

"So jealous, I'm praying at night to become one of them." I sarcastically said, he started laughing at me.

"Good thing that I'll place you in my bed tonight then."

What. No, that wasn't how I meant it, oh my god. I just fucking trapped myself, things couldn't get fucking better. I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw Harper walk out with Antonio, making my heartache.

"Not so bold now, huh?" Romeo said, I sighed and bit my lip.
"Will you let me stay with her if I sleep with you?" I asked, apparently that was so funny that the guards started laughing at me.

I pointed the gun in my hands towards the bald guard, he was so annoying to look at.
"I don't remember saying anything funny, fat head." I looked at him, my words made him quiet.

"I won't let you stay with her until you earned my trust. Got it?" He said to me, I sighed and nodded. Now I had to gain his trust for real this time, all just to get Harper back.

Hey everyone! What do we think of this chapter? If you enjoyed it, please vote so I'm aware!

How was your day? I hope it was good! If it was bad, I'm so sorry and I hope that tomorrow is going to do you a lot better than today. Remember that I love you so much, don't let anyone put you down!

Any comments on this chapter? Something you liked and didn't like? Feel free to comment, I'd love to hear y'all's opinions.

Anyways, take care, love!<33

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