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You belong to me. You belong to me. You belong to me. I didn't like being around Romeo, I feel scared, even terrified. Nothing could make me feel comfortable around him.

"I fear him, he makes me so scared," I whispered and pulled the duvet over my body.

"What does he do?" Harper asked.

"He constantly kisses me. Earlier he told me that he's only allowed to hurt me in any way possible. He makes me so scared." I said.

"We need to get out of here, you know how to speak Italian. You can get us help." She whispered. As much as I wanted to, it would be suicide. Every corner you would go to, someone that was known with Romeo would go into action.

"They'll find us again, there's no point in doing so." I sighed.

"What about Antonio? He seems a lot more different than Romeo is." She suggested. It was true, he helped a lot when Romeo locked me inside of that room without anything.

"Antonio started fucking hating us after we attempted that escape." I reminded her, she nodded. I could feel the shivers down my spine, I regret everything so much.

"I want to go back to when I used to miss having a boring life. I want to go back to when I used to make tea for you every morning." She sighed and got up.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I'm hungry," Harper told me as she opened the door and left to go downstairs in the kitchen. The conversation we just had made me think deeply.

My mom tried to escape from my dad as well. Why would she even try to escape? She was born into a mafia as well, she was used to everything she experienced. They always told me how in love they were, my dad always told the same story about them every time.

No. It can't be. Oh my god.

My dad kidnapped my mother.

I was going to end up just like her, stuck forever.

"Everything okay?" Philip asked. I got up and walked over to him, wrapping my arms around him and breaking down. Phil was the closest I've ever had to a father figure even though we hadn't known each other for a long time.

It didn't really matter to me. I hadn't even noticed that I was on the floor in his arm while crying. He helped me get up and sat me down on my bed. I covered my face with my hands as Phil put his hand on my shoulder.

"Now what happened to you?" He asked. I took a deep breath and removed the tears from my cheeks.

"Why does everything have to be a lie? Why can't one thing be true for once?" I questioned.

"The truth is never good enough, that's why." I heard Antonio's voice. He was standing at the doorframe while looking at us.

I got up and walked past him, walking out of the bedroom. My stomach was tying itself into different knots that were too uncomfortable.

I felt dizzy, tired, sick. Every uncomfortable feeling that you could feel. I walked down to the kitchen and looked at Harper, she was talking with one of the maids that were cooking for her. I could hear the television while standing in the kitchen, so I walked into the living room to talk with Romeo.

I sat down beside him on the couch.

"Romeo? I don't feel so good." I said. He didn't even bother looking at me. It was weird, earlier he was all over me and now he wasn't even bothering to look at me.

"That's sad." He mumbled.

"Why are you being like that?" I asked, I didn't want to sound rude. He sat back and spread his legs apart.

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable," Romeo answered. Fuck, he heard the conversation between Harper and me.

"You don't make me uncomfortable," I told him, that was the biggest lie.

"Oh please." Romeo chuckled. I had to make him believe me, in some way or another. My mother was clever enough, and she raised me to be it as well. I just never realized what was right in front of me.

I put my fingers on his jaw as that made him look over at me. I smiled and looked into his eyes, they were nice. I pulled him in for a kiss and closed my eyes while doing so.

The kiss went for a few minutes, just us kissing each other in complete silence. It didn't feel nice, it felt so fucking scary.
"Go to sleep, it's late." Romeo pulled away and told me.

"Can I sleep with you, like in your bed with you?" I asked. He raised an eyebrow but didn't disagree. I didn't want to sleep on my own, clearly because there were hearing devices in there. If my mother could have done this with my irresponsible father, I was able to do it with Romeo as well.

They could hear whatever was being said in there, that wasn't going to happen.

"Please?" I begged. Romeo rolled his eyes and got up, holding his hand out for me. I took it and got up. We walked into his room, I decided to go back to mine to change clothes. I tried looking for the device that they were able to hear us on, but I wasn't able to.

I decided to just leave the room and go back into Romeo's. I laid on the bed beside the other empty side and pulled the thick duvet over my body.

Romeo walked in as I watched him pull a shirt over his body. He pushed his hair away and lifted the duvet and got under the covers beside me. We were both completely silent, no words escaped from any of our mouths.

He turned the lightning off as the whole room became too dark that it looked scary.
"Good night, Romeo," I said and finally broke the silence.

"Good night, Sienna." He answered.

Hii! How was your day? I hope you enjoyed it as much as you could. Happy Friday! It's finally weekend but not for me ):

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