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"Ma'am? Can you help me? I'm being held hostage, please, call the police." I begged the employee in the clothing store, looking back as I saw how Harper tried keeping them distracted.

"Yes, yes of course." The woman said, pulling her phone out until I felt a hand on my back.

"Oh hey, Mr. De Carlo." She smiled at him, my smile faded as I felt my stomach drop. Of course, he took us to this store, he knows everyone that works here.

"Hello Stacey, how are you doing?" Romeo asked her, she bit her lip and shrugged.

"I would have been much better if you called me back."

Of course, they also slept together, I took a deep breath as Harper and Philip walked over to us, with a filled-up shopping bag.
"We would like to buy all of this." He told her, looking down at me with a smirk. I looked over at Harper and shook my head, her smile faded as well.

Romeo turned to Philip with a smile.
"Let's get going, shall we?"


Back at his house, I had put the new clothes in the clothes and went to take a bath. What would seventeen-year-old Sienna do in this situation? She would fight herself out of it, but I'm not that person anymore, I barely even remember a single thing from when I was in the mafia.

I was downstairs, in the living room. I had no idea where Harper was, but I knew that Romeo only wanted to hurt me, so I wasn't that worried. I heard someone yell, as I got up and walked closer to hear.

"Una cosa del genere non può succedere mai più!" It was Antonio, he was saying that something like this can never happen again. It was probably about me escaping from the guard, Phil.

"Non preoccuparti." This time it was Romeo, he told him not to worry, sounding so calm.

"Non preoccuparti? Li abbiamo quasi persi!" He was saying that they almost lost us. Antonio sounded so upset, I didn't understand why, something must have happened.

"I have each one of my men at every door, I closed all of my windows completely, there's no fucking chance for them to escape, got it? Don't disrespect me like that again." Romeo shouted at him, I moved away from the door and back to the living room.

Our only chance was to fall in love with them, whether we liked it or not. My father wasn't going to show up, even if he did and they got the chance to kill him, I would still have to stay.

I looked out of the big windows, seeing how dark it was as I checked the clock hanging on the wall. I got up as I looked around, seeing all of the guards everywhere, there was no chance of escaping.

I walked upstairs, finding that one room where Philip, my favorite security guard stood.
"Going to sleep?" He asked, I nodded and opened the door. I looked through the closet, seeing some black sweatpants and a blank white oversized shirt.

Harper knew that I loved sleeping in that kind of stuff, that's why she bought it for me. God, how I love that woman so much.

Well, let's say that it was difficult falling asleep. I kept rolling around, trying to succeed in just closing my eyes and waking up the next day. I just couldn't stop thinking about it all, how was I going to escape?

And suddenly, I got it.

I got up, walked out of the room, and turned to the sleepy guard.
"Philip? Where's Mr. De Carlo's room?" I asked.

"Follow me." He sternly said, while grabbing my arm and leading me down the hallway. We stopped at one door that was bigger than the other, I knocked on it as I heard his voice.

"Who is it?" Romeo yelled, I opened the door as I saw him laying on his bed, shirtless while wearing shorts. He was staring into his phone as his eyes met mine.

"Where's Harper's room?" I questioned him, trying to look as innocent as I could. His eyebrows raised as he looked confused.

"Why?" He asked, I took a nervous breath, which I was faking.

"I want to sleep with her." When that came out of my mouth, I knew how wrong I made it sound.

"Not like that— I just don't like sleeping alone because of all the trauma and when Harper and I moved in together, I used to sleep in her room every day because it made me feel safe." I lied, seeing how his expression softened.

"If you're so desperate, then fine. Philip, lead her to the ginger's room." He demanded the man to, Philip nodded as he closed the door and lead me down the hallway.

I opened the door as I saw her, lying there asleep. I wasn't going to give up, I closed the door and sat down on the bed beside her.

"Harp, wake up, this is our chance to escape," I whispered, shaking her unconscious body.

"Why don't we just use my plan?" She mumbled, as she slowly got up and blinked a few times.

"Because it's— are you starting to get feelings for Antonio?" I asked, she rubbed her eyes and shook her head.

"Of course not, I just thought— I just thought we were using my plan." God's sake, when did falling in love with your kidnapper ever do anything good?" I asked her, she sighed.

"Romeo and Antonio are bad people—"


"They are fucking psychopaths." I continued.

"Sienna—" Harper continued.

"They have murdered thousands of people, why do you think I tried escaping?"

"Sienna!" Harper yelled, pointing at something. I looked over as I saw the camera, seeing how it was recording.

"Quel figlio di puttana." I mumbled under my breath.

"What does that mean?" She asked.

"That son of a bitch." I translated to her, she shook her head and crossed her arms.

"I asked what it meant!" She took a pillow and threw it at me, I threw the pillow back at her.

"It means 'that son of bitch' you idiot," I whispered, she threw the pillow back at me again and laid down as I did the same beside her.

"My dad isn't going to show up, we'll have to figure something out," I said, looking over at her.

"Who's going to feed Dolores?" Harper's voice changed into a sad tone, remembering our goldfish at home.

"Maybe Dolores is the answer to everything, to make them trust us," I whispered in her ear, so lowly that the camera didn't have any chance of getting it.

"She's probably dead." She pouted, I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her cheek.

"Dolores is probably okay, I promise you," I told her, she nodded and wiped the one tear that fell from her left eye away.

Harper was sensitive, her biggest loss was probably Dolores at this moment. Her biggest issue was probably also breaking one of her nails, that's why I tried keeping her away from all of this shit.

She's not going to recover from the trauma easily, any normal person would be able to see that. God, how I hated myself for dragging her into this. I hated Romeo even more for forcing me to go back to this life, not just that, also the fact that he won't let my best friend go.

Okay so, I think I'm going to publish new chapters every Saturday, now that I have to focus on this and my other book.

If you're here from my tiktok or my other book, thank you so much. I really appreciate everything you guys have done for me.

What did you think of these chapters? And do you have any assumptions? Feel more than free to comment on it, I would love to see it. By the way, I see all of your comments and I appreciate all the love!

Remember to vote, beautiful <3

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