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I woke up in the middle of the night, not being able to sleep. Also, Serena kept crying so it was hard to deal with. I sat up quietly and groaned, as I got up and walked to the other side of the bed. I looked at the floor and then Cillian's nightstand and took his gun. I grabbed the gun and put it down between the back of my sweatpants and tightening it so it wouldn't fall out. I went downstairs first, seeing Bambi peacefully being asleep. I placed a kiss on her head and then decided to leave her alone.

Just because I can't sleep, doesn't mean others should wake up because of me. I went back upstairs and passed Romeo's room, the door was an inch open and I heard noises. That made me stop. Those noises were moans, so I took a deep breath to accept that he might be fucking someone else. That was what I thought until he said,

"Fuck, Sienna." My eyes widened at my name gets mentioned. I looked in through the door that was a bit open and saw him laying on his bed, his hand on his head while the other hand was touching his cock. I crossed my legs and watched him just for a few more minutes, I couldn't help it. Romeo suddenly opened his eyes and looked over at me.

"Gods sake. You might as well join me." He said, which made me shocked.

I sighed and opened the door further, as I stepped in and closed the door. Romeo sat up, still naked, and sighed dramatically back at me. I rolled my eyes. "What kind of idiot are you? Masturbating with an open door." I walked closer and sat down between his spread-out legs. "The type of idiot that you like." He answered, grabbing my hair gently.

I looked up at him began stroking his cock slowly, I wanted to tease him so I avoided touching his tip. I went faster and faster with my hands, then slower and slower on purpose.
"Stop being such a fucking tease." He moaned and threw his head back slowly while placing his hands down on the bed.

I stuck my tongue out as I swirled it around his tip, then went the whole way down. His cock was down my throat, and while bobbing my head up and down, I used my hands too.

I kept going just like that until I could feel his body shaking a bit. So I pulled him out of my mouth, got on top of him, and pinned his arms down to the bed.

"You think you're so fucking smart? That I would come in here just to please your needs? You're so fucked up. I fucking hate you so much. Is it the dominance that makes your stupid fucking brain find it okay to treat me like shit? Talk to me with disrespect? Act toward me with pure fucking disrespect!" I whisper-yelled in his face.

His eyes widened first, but then he smirked. There was something about the smirk that made me even angrier. He was about to say something but I pulled out the gun and smashed it against his cheek. His head was to the side now, and there was a spot on his cheek that was bleeding. I grabbed his face and forced him to look at me.

The blood was streaming down his cheek and I began feeling bad. I'm so fucking stupid. I don't know what I would achieve by doing this. I closed my eyes and sighed, but then Romeo got out of my grip, grabbed me by my throat, and flipped us around so I was under him.

"You had me for a second. You know why I always choke you?" He asked and squeezed more. I tried to shake my head.

"Because I don't want to hurt your pretty face... or a beautiful body. We have quite some differences, don't we?" Romeo laughed sarcastically in my face, it was like how those psychopaths laugh. He was starting to squeeze harder, and harder than I could barely see now.

Then he let go of me and I tried to breathe but it was so hard because of the amount of air my lungs just lost. Tears ran down my cheeks as well, and I didn't even know why I was crying. I didn't let any noise escape my mouth. I was just laying on my side, holding my knees up to my chest, and silently crying while Romeo was getting dressed.

I could feel him sitting down again, and I just closed my eyes. I was crying because I was angry. I was angry at myself, at him, at my dad, at everyone who is involved with making me this fucked.

"Stop crying Sienna, you started it." That's true, but if I could stop crying, I wouldn't be crying right now. The only thing I could do was just keep myself together. My heart hurts.

"I wish I never fell in love with you. I wish I escaped when I had the chance, I wish my father had had the time to kill you." I cried out as I got up and could feel my body shaking, I grabbed the door handle but Romeo got up and slammed his hand on the door, making me flinch.

"Take that back. Now." Romeo demanded. I looked him in the eyes and shook my head.

"You're so fucking stubborn."

Eye contact and distance. "Can you not see how much you hurt me?" I asked and wiped the tears away, trying to seem strong on my own.

"I've seen it before, and I've changed. But you started this! You hit me with a gun and I choke you the slightest and you start crying?" He responded. It felt like I couldn't get air like I couldn't see, it was blurry, and my hands were shaking too much for me to understand what was going on with me.

"Romeo—I can't—"

"Shh, come here. You have to breathe, you're panicking and not breathing. Jesus Christ. Come here, Amore." He said as he turned me around so my back was against his chest, I could feel his breath down my neck and his hand on my stomach.

"Breathe with me. One." He said as I breathed in, I closed my eyes and exhaled with him.

"You need to take deep breaths. I can't feel any change in your stomach. Let's try again." Romeo tried sounding like it was just him telling me, but he was demanding this from me. So I did, and he didn't complain this time. We did it a few more times and then he carried me down to our bed again.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stress you out and make you scared and anxious. Lay down a bit. How are you feeling?" He asked me and took his hands in mine and kissed them. I was much better now. I could see everything crystal clear, I could breathe well. Everything was fine.

"Fine," I answered and forced a smile.

"I think you should take a pregnancy test." He suggested, making my eyes widen.

"You think I'm pregnant? I know I'm not. Why should I take the test then?" I questioned and crossed my arms.

"If you're so sure, there's nothing to be afraid of." Why would he even think that I'm pregnant? It's bold for him to assume.

"Fine. Let me take the test then." I sighed but agreed anyway. It'll be nice to see the look on his face when it comes out as negative with one line.

Hi everyone! Should I make Sienna pregnant? If I do, I won't make it to Sean's baby, because I do not want that. I don't know about yall, but I can't imagine Sienna pregnant with someone else's baby than Romeo's. I just can't.

So I'll put it up for you guys to decide, I can't seem to put my mind to it. Anyway did you like this chapter? If you did, what did you like the most? Feel free to leave a comment and tell me what you think, or just vote. Either of them would be more than fine.

I hope you guys had a great day. Take care. I love you<3

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