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Harper is pregnant.

Sienna told me that it was her ex's child, but I refused to believe that. We were sitting at the airport and waiting for the plane to arrive. It was completely silent between all of us.

"Harper has to pee, I'll take her to the bathroom." I broke the silence and got up. Harper looked worried at me and got up, I grabbed her hand and made her follow me into the bathroom.

"I really don't want to talk about—"

"Is it my child or not?" I cut her off and closed the door behind me. She pulled her shoulders up as a shrug, leaving me with complete disappointment.

"Can I?" I asked and looked down at her stomach. She nodded and pushed her hair away from her shoulders. I slowly put my hand on her stomach and gently circled my thumb around.

"You shouldn't have kept it from me," I mumbled.

"I'm pregnant with my kidnapper's child, I kinda had to." She said. I bit my lip and looked at her while shaking my head.

"No, don't identify me as your kidnapper." I immediately responded. Harper sighed and removed my hands from her stomach.

"Then what are you, Tony?" She asked me. Was that all I was? The bad kidnapper that had no other intentions than hurting her?

"Possibly your future baby daddy," I said with a smile formed on my lips. She shook her head and rolled her eyes.
"Who knew?" I questioned. I was pretty sure that Sienna knew, maybe Romeo as well.

"No one but Philip. When the nurse at the hospital found out, I begged for him to not say anything and he kept his promise." She told me. Philip knew and he didn't tell me, so much for father's loyalty.

I clenched my jaw and shook my head.
"That was wrong for you to do. So fucking wrong." I mumbled and turned around, I wasn't able to turn around and look at her again.

She could be the mother of my future child. The thought scared the actual fuck out of me. I always wanted to create a giant family someday whenever I was ready to do so, but not like this.

"Can we please get out of here now? I feel claustrophobic." Harper's soft voice interrupted my stressful thoughts. I nodded and opened the door for her as I followed her out. We walked back to our seats beside Romeo and Sienna together, but when I was to sit, Sienna got up instead.

"I have to pee as well." She told me.

"Let's go," Romeo said, Sienna, shook her head and put her hand on his chest.

"No, I'm sure Antonio got this," Sienna said, her eyes burning into mine with anger. She knew, she already knew. I nodded and followed her back into the bathroom I had just been in a few minutes ago.

"How the fuck could you get Harper pregnant?!" She yelled. I sucked in a deep breath.

"Of course she told you," I muttered under my breath. Unfortunately, she heard that and decided to comment on that as well.

"She didn't tell me. Seeing her face after she left this bathroom a few minutes ago told me everything I needed to know." Sienna told me.

"It's probably not mine—"

"How could you even have sex with her? Are you out of your fucking mind? It is yours, Antonio! She hasn't seen Theodore in months. It's almost impossible for it to be him." She explained to me, hearing those words made me a little happy.

"How many times have you fucked?" Sienna asked me.

"Keep your tone down."

"How many times." She crossed her arms.

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