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                       HARPER'S POV

"Do you have no updates on her?" I asked and put my shoulder on Antonio's shoulder. He didn't answer me, he just kept his head down. We were sitting at the hospital, Romeo was in a coma and no one knew if he was going to survive. I didn't care, I needed to know if she was okay.

"Antonio?" I made him snap out of whatever he was thinking about. His dark gaze met mine as he scoffed at me and sat back while holding his head in his hands. "She didn't give a shit about you, why give a shit about her?"

"No matter what she did, she's still my—"

"She tried to sleep with me, do I seriously have to remind you?" Tony said and rolled his eyes. This behavior was new but maybe it was the stress or pressure. He was never like this. To think I got pregnant with this swine's kid so I could get out of here easier didn't happen as I wanted it to.

"I just want her to be—"

"My brother got shot and all you're thinking about is Sienna! Fuck her, this is her fucking fault!" Antonio got up from his seat yelled at me. I sat back on the chair and took a deep breath while nodding.

"You're right. You're right, I'm sorry." I lied and closed my eyes. He wasn't right, not at all. A nurse came out from the room Romeo had been staying in with some sort of paper in her hands.

"Are you Mr. De Carlo's family member?" She asked Antonio, Antonio turned to her and nodded as a yes. The woman nodded and looked down at her journal again.

"He's awake and he's okay, his heart rate isn't as low as before but he has lost a lot of blood since the bullet was very close to the heart. You can go inside and talk with him, even though he's a little tired." She informed us.

Antonio walked past the nurse and into his room. I stayed outside because I didn't feel like it was appropriate for me to do anything else. Is it now I should start praying to god?

Dear God, please let Sienna live. Please let her be safe. Please just take care of her and make sure she's going to be okay.

I put my hands on my stomach as I looked down. I was starting to show. Another human was growing inside of me and it wasn't good. I'm terrified that this baby will grow up to be just like his disgusting father, hope is the only thing that can be useful right now.

I got up and decided to see Romeo as well. I walked over to the door and slowly pushed it open as I saw Antonio sitting down and talking with him. Romeo slowly looked over at me and sighed. "Where's Sienna?" He asked.

"She was... she was kidnapped." I forced the words out of my mouth while feeling the nauseous feeling down my throat seconds later. Romeo sat up as he looked around confused.
"By who?" He asked again.

"You need to rest," Antonio said.

"Who the fuck kidnapped Sienna!" Romeo yelled at us. I put my hands on my hips as I looked over at Antonio, it would be best if he was going to tell him. He is his brother after all. Or, half brother.

"We don't have the same mother. I still love him no matter what. He's everything to me."

That was what he told me the night after we slept together. Things didn't go exactly right after that happened.

"The Russians." Tony sighed out. A thick silence fell between all of the three of us. I took one of the chairs and sat down on them as well. Antonio's eyes fell on my stomach as he put one of his hands on my tummy.

"I want you to get every one of my men to find her. I need her to be alive and so do you too. She needs to be alive. Andrei doesn't go easy on his targets." Romeo demanded.

"Right now we should be focused on your health—"

"Do as I fucking say, Antonio!" Romeo snapped at him. I held Antonio's hand but as soon as he felt my hand on his, he removed it and put it on his lap. What an ignorant piece of shit, I was trying to show sympathy!

He got up and left the room so it was only Romeo and me. I never liked Romeo, he made me uncomfortable in the way that he was so scary. "Boy or girl, hm?" Romeo broke the silence.

For a split second, I forgot I was pregnant. "Hm?" I asked and turned my gaze to his. His eyes went down to my stomach as he almost pointed at me with his eyes.

"Oh, right. We don't know that yet but in a few weeks we'll get the results." I told him. He rolled his eyes with a scoff and then looked away. I could see the wound through the hospital clothes he was wearing. It looked bad, I'm surprised he didn't die.

"You're gonna get Sienna back, right?" I asked and nervously fiddled with my fingers.
"Ti sembro uno stupido? Of course, I fucking will." He answered. I don't understand Italian but it sounded like something with the word stupid in it.

I miss her so much. I wish I'd never started with this stupid plan without talking about it with her to start with. I thought it was the best and I was going to succeed like that but I regret it, I regret everything.

This is my fault, everything that happened is my fault. I am never going to forgive myself for this. I lost my best friend.

I'm so so sorry, Sienna. I owe you my whole fucking life. I love you so much. I was never mad at you and I hope you were aware before they took you away.

Hi! How was your day? I hope it was good and better than yesterday ( even if yesterday was a good day lol )

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I love you guys so much, remember to stay safe in a fucked up generation like ours<3

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