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"I need to pee," I said and tried to keep my head up but it felt like I was going to faint and pee all over myself. "It's going to stink if you don't take me to a toilet." I sighed and looked up at the man, him with the hat again.

"I can give you a... uh... bucket?" He said. Was I supposed to agree? I'm not even able to tell how long I'm going to be here so it might be my best option. "Give me it then." I agreed. The man looked around like he was trying to find one in the empty basement we were inside of right now.

"You don't have a bucket." I groaned out and tried to get away from the chair I was stuck on.
"Can you tell your boss to get here so I can ask for one? I feel like my body is crumbling down." I asked him, he shook his head.

"Boss has important things to do."

Fucking liar. I know he doesn't. I'm hungry again and they refuse to feed me this time, fucking assholes. How is my father alive? And why isn't he coming to get me! I'm joking, I'd rather stay here then.

That was a joke too.

Honestly, the only place I want to be is at my apartment, not to mention that our things probably are on the streets now because we aren't there to pay the rent. Fucking Harper and her bullshit about leaving the house when I specifically told her not to.

I miss her. I miss him. I miss them. Can't believe I'm even saying that but it's only the truth.

Shit, I'm gonna pass out.

"Do you know how to speak Italian?" I asked and blinked slowly.

"No." Long hat answered. I sighed and shook my head at the flashbacks re-entering my mind.

"My dad forced me to learn it when I was around ten years old. He told me that if I didn't, the bad men were going to come for me." I laughed under my breath while saying the last words.

"The only bad man was him. I trusted him with my whole heart." I closed my eyes and suddenly started seeing red instead of black. My stomach twisted as I tried opening them again but was unable to.


When I woke up, I think, I was free, but not really. I look up at the familiar man with the beard I got used to seeing almost every day.
"Philip? Is that you?—" I asked and grabbed onto his beard, he looked down at me and smiled.

"I'm glad you're awake, Miss." He said. Am I dreaming or maybe even hallucinating? He was holding me in bridal style while leading us out of wherever we were. I'm hungry and I still need to pee. "I suggest you go back to sleeping, it'll take a while to get back."

"But this isn't a dream, right? And Romeo is alive, right?" I asked and looked around. Philip smiled again and nodded, reassuring me that everything that was happening right now, was true.

He had seen my bruised face and decided to ignore it because he knew I wouldn't want to answer his questions. "Phil... my dad survived. He's not dead." I whispered.

"I know. I know that, Capello. But I got your back, okay?" Philip whispered back. I nodded and closed my eyes, we were outside now. I don't know how this was possible, how I slept through whatever happened.

Did they drug me? It's always an opportunity. An opportunity I was praying they didn't choose. I don't even know what to think anymore, everything is so fucked up and blurry. I don't want to kill, I don't want to be killed either, I just want to live while I can.

Without having to worry about my father on my back or anyone else. It's not fair that normal people get to call their lives boring but I would do anything to switch my life with theirs.

Just to stop this hell, stop this misleading feeling that I don't belong anywhere or that I don't have anyone to go to. I can't even cry anymore, it feels like I've already wasted them all when that Russian cunt held the gun up to my head.

I want my mom. I want her to hold my hand and tell me that everything is going to be okay because she's by my side no matter what. I want her to hug me like I'm a kid that just fell and hurt their knee. Mom isn't here anymore, she'll never be able to tell me that it's going to be okay.

Catarina Capello, one beautiful fucking woman. I adored her and I still do, I want to grow up to be just like her. Fierce and loyal. I owe her everything, she deserved much better than what she got. I regret not taking advantage of the time I had with her.


How the fuck did I wake up once again? What is wrong with me? Maybe it's because I haven't gotten proper sleep ever since I got kidnapped by someone else than the De Carlo's. When were things ever going to turn out normal for me?

Phil put me down on my legs, I recognized this hallway. His office's hallway, back when we were planning to get into my father's facility.
"Can you walk?" The nice guard asked, I nodded.

"Thank you for everything," I said and wrapped my arms around Philip. The whole hug just made me want to cry so much. Why was he into this lifestyle when he could do so much more and so much better? This man deserved everything good in life.

I could hear different footsteps so I turned around and saw Romeo, Harper, and Antonio walking over to us. Harper stopped walking when she saw me, almost like she was shocked. The same with Romeo, he just stood there like he wasn't able to move.

I didn't think I was able to run after how mistreated my body got but I did, I ran into his arms and he immediately caught me with his arms. He made me wrap my leg around his waist as he hugged me tighter than ever.

He was squeezing my body into his, my face in his neck, and my fingers in his hair. I pulled away from the hug but my legs were still around his waist as I put my forehead against his.

"You came back for me," I whispered.

"I always will, Sienna," Romeo answered. I placed a soft kiss on his lip and no matter how touchy we got, he still held onto me like he wasn't going to let me go anymore.

"I can't believe your alive, there was so much blood." I reminded myself of the night where everything went down. He placed another kiss on my lips. "Can't get rid of me that easy." Romeo laughed out, making me laugh too.

He sat me down as I noticed how Harper was still standing there. I slowly walked over to her and put my hands on her showing her stomach, she still looked so incredible even though I could tell that she hadn't slept well.
"What happened to your face?" She asked.

"Doesn't matter right now," I said and pulled her in for a hug. "You and your little girl have grown so much," I said and smiled while pulling away.

"We don't know the gender yet." I heard Antonio tell me from behind. I looked at him and rolled my eyes, then turned my attention to Harper again. I kissed her forehead and hugged her one more time.


all I've ever wanted was just for this girl to be okay for once lmaooo, if anyone hates on my girl Sienna, sleep with one eye open for your own sake.

okay but hiii y'all, I hope you guys had a nice day. I also wanted to let you know that me being nice and updating almost every day is only temporary so don't get too used to it.

I loved writing this chapter and I hope you guys loved reading it as well! Comment if you want to, don't if you don't want to, no matter what I love you<3

Remember to vote, beautiful<3

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