Ch13- nezu's meddling

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[word count (including this + authors note):1522]

3rd person POV

Nezu skipped over to one of the empty tables in the cafe, plopping himself down in a cushioned seat, grinning the entire way. Izuku gestured to him that he would be right back, the chimera responding with a nod. A couple of minutes later, Izuku returned holding a warm teapot and an empty teacup sat on top of a decorated saucer. Nezu clapped his hands at the sight as Izuku placed it all down into the table "Now Izuni why don't you have a seat?" Nezu told the boy in front of him to which he obliged, albeit hesitantly.

Izuku fiddled with his hands a bit under the table as Nezu took a couple of sips of his freshly poured tea before speaking "So Izuni, I was wondering what you were planning to do with your future? What exactly are your life ambitions if you don't mind sharing them?" He asked in a tone much too cheerful for such an early time of the morning, taking another short sip of his tea. "Not much really, I guess to keep working here? I'd prefer a quiet life if anything." Izuku responded with a nervous smile. 'As expected from the way he acts. Not an ounce of ambition whatsoever? For some reason I doubt that. There's a fire in his eyes, though it's buried quite deep down it's still there, burning furiously. A burning need for something, but a need for what exactly?' Nezu wondered to himself.

"Well Izuni, I was just going to ask if you were planning to try out for UA in the coming entrance exam," Nezu asked with his usual devious smile on his face "You see your facial structure most closely lines up with humans around the age appropriate to apply, I asked your manager and she has already confirmed that you would be able to take the upcoming exam this year at your current age. I believe that with your great mind it would be a crime if you were to not apply!"

"I'm not really all that sure Nezu, I wasn't really planning on applying to UA, I don't think I'd have that much of a chance there you know. Quirkless and all that jazz ( A/N: ya like jazzzzz- sorry) ," Izuku responded "I also don't want to take away any opportunities from people with quirks that could be useful in those fields, they'd need the place more than I would." A slight sad smile stayed on Izuku's face as he said this, UA was always his dream as a kid but that had been thrown aside long ago.  While not entirely of his own conviction, it was still buried away deep inside the furthest corner of his brain yearning to be heard.

Nezu sighed internally at this, quirks weren't everything and he needed to show not only the boy in front of him this but practically everyone this by the looks of it. People really shouldn't rely too heavily on their quirks, imagine they're in a situation where they can't use it? What would they do then? People that become heroes assuming they can just coast by easily with their quirk and get all of the fame and glory are the ones that end up dead before they even get past being a sidekick. "I can assure you Izuni you wouldn't be taking away opportunities from anyone, quirked or otherwise, if you end up getting a better score on the exam than them then you are quite simply the more suitable applicant for the course! That's all there is to it." Nezu reassured the boy

"I really do believe you'd be a perfect fit! Maybe for the support course, or the general education?" Nezu told him "I have no clue on your physical prowess but just from the looks of you, you could likely get into the hero course if you so wished! But with your brilliant mind it'd be a crime not to do something with it and I believe UA would be the perfect place for you to do so!" He continued with another sip of tea. "All I really ask is that you consider it Izuni." He stated with a smile. Izuku sighed "I'll consider it Nezu sir but no promises."

"That's all I ask!" Nezu replied with a smirk, gulping down the remiander of his tea. "You really will have to show me how you make such magnificent tea one day Izuni!" Nezu exclaims enthusiastically. "A barista never reveals his secrets." Izuku told him with a small chuckle. Nezu over exasperates his feigned annoyance at this with a false pout as he calls a quick goodbye over at Izuku as he leaves who returns the gesture with a smile.

Izuku made his way into the back of the shop, Natalie walking in a bit later as she usually does and taking up the counter for their particularly early customers. He then began whipping up another one of the Aizawa specials, all ready for their favourite sleep deprived hobo. As if on cue, as Izuku finished making the coffee, Aizawa walks in although he seems a bit more tired than he usually does. 'Probably because of last night's arrest, I guess the paperwork really was that bad.' Izuku thought to himself, feeling slightly sorry for his favourite hero.

Izuku placed Aizawa's coffee on the counter and he took it from the worktop in silence, collapsing into his usual seat with a groan. "What's wrong Shouta?" Izuku asked the hero "ran into vigilante. Irritating. Frustrating. Too tired to talk." He said as he somehow pulled a full sized bright yellow sleeping bag out of his scarf and curled himself up inside of it. Izuku shook his head at the man as his arm snaked out of the bag and grabbed his coffee, slowly bringing it down into the bag with him. Izuku wondered whether he'd ever see that mug again.

A few seconds later, the pro was out of the sleeping bag and sitting up but still outrageously tired. That's an excessive amount of caffeine for ya! "The public has gone and labelled him the number one vigilante," Aizawa muttered out irritatedly making Izuku freeze in shock for a moment. Number one vigilante? He knew things were going well at the moment but number one? "Izuni?" Came aizawa's voice, Izuku snapped out of it "you spaced out a little there," he continued. Izuku laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck "yeah suppose I did, sorry about that Shouta," he said sheepishly. Aizawa then proceeded the explain the previous night's arrest and the amount of paperwork he had ended up having to do, Izuku listened to the man, nodding sympathetically until eventually another customer walked in and he had to get back to work.

Time skip to after work

Izuku sat at his desk completing more of his high school online coursework but he still had Nezu's conversation on his mind. What did he mean about 'his mind' sure Izuku knew that he was a bit more intelligent than the average kid his age but he wasn't all that great was he? Izuku opened a new tab on his computer, finding a proper online IQ test that he paid a small amount to take and began answering the questions. When he was finished, Izuku was shocked to discover his IQ was apparently 142? 'How'd that happen? I thought most of the questions were quite simple to be completely honest' Izuku thought to himself. So maybe he was a bit more intelligent than he credited himself to be but how did Nezu know that? Then again this was Nezu he was speaking about, that rat could figure out just about anything, he could probably rule the world right this second if he so wished to.

Soon it came to eight o'clock once again, the IQ test had taken him about an hour to complete and he'd been working the other hour. Izuku pulled on his black bodysuit, throwing his hoodie and baggy tracksuit bottoms on over the top of it. Time for another night of technically illegal but legal activities.

This is seeming kinda repetitive. I mean, his days are practically the same every day! It's almost like some kind of fan fict-

A/N: another chapter doneeeee
This ones a teensie bit shorter than my usual chapters are so sorry for that guys :).

Just a reminder that none of my chapters have been proof read yet and will not be until a later date so if you spot any mistakes, I would be grateful if you pointed them out in a comment.

Also another thanks to everyone that has read this! We've now got 452 reads at the time of writing this and I'm honestly so shocked. Thanks once again and I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!

Have a nice day

And until next time <3

And until next time <3

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