Ch43- The internships: p2 patrol

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[word count (including this + authors note):2363]

(A/N: I wrote this at about 1am so this probably isn't the best quality chapter- if you spot any mistakes I'd be grateful if you lmk)

3rd person POV

"Izuni it's almost time to leave out, go get yourself ready!" Aizawa called as he knocked on the door, receiving no response from the other side "Izuni?" He called again, waiting a moment before tentatively pushing the door slightly ajar to peek in. He found the room empty with a couple of pillows obviously missing from the bed.

He furrowed his brow in confusion as he went over to check Hitoshi's room, hoping the two had just decided to share one room rather than the more worrying ideas currently swirling in his head of Izuni being kidnapped from his bedroom, or having ran away (again). 

He opened the door to find Izuni sat with earphones in his ears, messing around on his phone while Hitoshi was sat snoring on his shoulder in a pile of cushions? At least that's what he thought he thought he was seeing here. He pushed the door open further and entered the room, waking over to the mound of cushions. As he got about halfway across the room, Izuni's head whipped around to face him, he could see as his form stiffened and tensed before relaxing again as he saw that it was his teacher behind him.

Aizawa looked from Izuni to Hitoshi (currently resting on his shoulder) with his eyebrows raised, he opened his mouth to speak before being violently shushed as Izuni dramatically gestured to the boy's sleeping form. Aizawa sighed exasperatedly before pulling out his phone 'as nice as it is that he's actually managing to get some sleep for once we've not got a very big window for me to be able to patrol with you guys tagging along, commission regulations and all that, so we're going to have to get ready to go' he typed into their chat window 'fineeee' Izuni sent back, rolling his eyes as he gently poked Shinsou on the shoulder to wake him. Aizawa then turned around and left the room to go and get himself ready to go too.

Shinsou awoke to the feeling of something? Someone? Poking him in the shoulder, his arm instinctively went out to brush the annoyance away and allow him to get some more rest but alas the prodding persisted. "We've got to go get ready now sleepyhead." He heard a voice whisper, accompanied by a chuckle. He slowly blinked his eyes open to find Izuni's head right beside his with his head resting on the boy's shoulder. He immediately sprung away as soon as his brain had fully processed the situation, stuttering out apologies as he hid his flushed face in his hands. "It's fine don't worry about it, I'm just glad you actually managed to get some sleep for once." Izuni responded with a bright grin, Shinsou peeled his hands back from his face and returned the smile with a much shyer one as he got himself out of the mound of pillows and blankets "I'll go get ready then, thanks again for the movie and... you know... for letting me borrow your shoulder." he said with his hand rubbing the back of his neck as he made his way towards the bathroom door "No problem!" Izuni called out as Shinsou left the room.

'I should probably go get ready too-' Izuku thought to himself as he pushed himself up from the pile, quickly making his way into his own room to grab his costume from his bag. He pulled the suit on, zipped it up tight and secured all of his weapons in place before leaving the room to go and meet up with his teacher and friend outside.

He made his way out into the living room to find Shinsou and Aizawa already waiting for him "You both ready to go?" Aizawa asked, the two students nodded to him in response before they all left out through the front door to actually begin their internship.

Aizawa looked back at his two students as the three of them made their way across the rooftops, today was mainly supposed to be dedicated to teaching Izuni how to safely travel across roofs like this but he seemed to be doing pretty well on his own. Which, as you can probably guess, only furthered his suspicions of him and the irritating little vigilante being the same person. He'd already given Hitoshi lessons in roof hopping when the boy had mentioned he wanted to be an underground hero, even with experience, just travelling across roofs like this can end up causing fatal injuries or even death, so he'd make sure his son had as much experience as he could get. 'I guess there's no harm in moving onto some actual action then' he thought to himself as he came to a halt on the next rooftop, the two of them following suit as they landed.

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