Ch35.2- reveal

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[word count (including this + authors note):1712]

3rd person POV

The end of the school day soon came to pass as students began making their way out of their classrooms, including class 1a who had just finished up an ethics lesson with Aizawa. Unsurprisingly, as soon as the lesson finished a group of students were stood in front of his desk with their best pleading faces on display.

"Mr Aizawa sir do you think we could get your permission to go and visit Izuni? We are assuming he is still in the infirmary after he passed out earlier sir." Iida proclaimed with his signature arm chopping. "Please sir we just want to see if he's alright!" Uraraka pleaded to him, the others promptly joining in causing a cascade of voices to join in, all talking over one another.

"All of you for lack of a more professional way to say this, shut up. I was planning on visiting Izuni anyways, I doubt recovery girl would allow any other visitors so I'll tell you tomorrow how he's doing ok?" Aizawa told them all gruffly, pouts appearing on their faces as they left the classroom in defeat, thanking him for at least promising them an update.

With a sigh Aizawa heaved himself up out of his desk chair, tidying the papers on the desk into neat piles and sliding them into the drawer before making his way to the door. He flicked off the lights and then began making his way towards the infirmary, not through the hallways like a normal person but through the vents to make sure his chances of running into a coworker he'd have to interact with was zero. As much as he loved his friends and husband he was too tired to interact with anyone at that moment so shuffling through the vents seemed like his most viable option.

He soon came to the vent above the infirmary and dropped down in front of the, like every other door in the building, impossibly tall door to the room. He tentatively knocked on the door before opening the door just enough to pop his head through "Ah Shota good timing I was about to call and ask for you to come down. You're here to check on your student I presume?" Recovery girl asked. "I am, how's he doing?" He asked in response. Recovery girl's light smile dropped into a pensive look as she simply beckoned him over to behind the curtain where Izuni was lying.

"You've been listed as a contact of sorts for Izuni with the school, it was his other contact who asked for you to be added. In other words you're one of the people to go to if there are any... issues." Recovery girl began "Izuni's primary contact asked if she could switch with you and be the secondary contact as you'd be more readily available while he was in school." Aizawa nodded to this "Makes sense I guess," he responded "As his primary contact I'm obliged to inform you about what I found during the examination, it's not exactly pretty but I think you ought to be in the know about it." She said with a deep breath moving round to the boy's side and revealing the multitude of scars on his torso "This isn't all of it of course but I assume you get the general picture." She told him grimly pulling his shirt down and the blanket back over him.

"Is there anything you know about this at all Shota? Any issues at home or such that you know of?" She asked. "I know that Natalie said he'd been in a villain attack when he was younger, he lost his parents then so he moved in with her," he replied solemnly.

"That wouldn't explain most of this. I'll be blunt a good majority of those scars are indicative of torture Shota. You can't get things like this from a simple villain attack" she says as she turned the boy on his side and pointed at the marks across the boy's back, long, straight across and thin, painting his back with  an uncomfortable zebra pattern. "I'm about 90% sure those are whip marks, it goes without saying that this isn't normal. We have policies on this, usually we'd have to speak with the student first about showing things like this unless the student seemed as if they were in immediate danger. Considering he hasn't said anything so far about this and that some of these injuries look fresh it falls under that category where we need to get someone involved."

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