Ch19- the quirk assessment

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[word count (including this + authors note):1670]

3rd person POV

Class 1a all stood on the field completely tensed up, no body wanted to risk expulsion. They hadn't even considered that they may have to leave UA before they had really even started and nobody was ready to leave yet. They wanted to be heroes. Some displayed this clearly with anxious looks on their faces, others kept it inside and then there were one or two that didn't seem to care too much, one was a purple haired, tired looking boy with eye bags that could rival his or even Aizawa's (Mineta isn't a part of 1a because Mineta) and the split haired boy that he had spotted in class earlier.

"Bakugou." Aizawa broke the silence "what was your furthest throw with the soft ball in middle school?" Bakugou stopped to think for a moment before replying "67 metres I think." He responded in a cocky tone "Ok now try it with your quirk. Anything goes just stay inside the circle." Aizawa told him in his monotone voice as he stepped out of the students way.

Bakugou threw the ball up and caught it before bringing his arm backwards and sending the ball flying forward using an explosion from his palm. 'That quirk seems familiar too' Izuku thought to himself 'Your amazing Kacchan!' A voice came in his head, it sounded like himself when he was younger. He definitely knew Bakugou at some point, there was no doubt about that. All he needed to pin point was how he knew him and how to keep the blonde from figuring that out before him.

The ball landed on the ground, having travelled just over 700 metres. Aizawa showed this to the class, "we need to test your maximum capabilities in order to assess your room for growth and your potential. The student in last place has no potential which is why as I said, they will be expelled immediately." Aizawa told the class, inspiring looks of determination. No one wanted to be the one going home today. Except Izuku.

Wild laughter erupted in Izuku's head, This is the perfect opportunity to get out of UA! If Shouta expelled him, he wouldn't have to worry about Natalie! There'd be no issues! The gods appeared to be on Izuku's side after all!

... or not.

Izuku proceeded to flunk the ball throw, 50 meter dash and the grip strength test. He might as well have dropped the ball for the soft ball throw, he practically walked in the 50 meter dash and barely pinched the machine for the grip strength test. Tenya Iida was watching him from a distance, grinding his teeth as he seethed in rage "Is he attempting to fail this test?! He isn't even using his quirk! Disgraceful!" He said to no one in particular. Aizawa heard him and looked over at Izuku who was heading over to the seated toe touch with a grin on his face, he pinched the bridge of his nose before shouting to the boy "Izuni!" Izuku stopped in his tracks and looked to the teacher "Yes mr Aizawa, Sensei, Teacher, sir." He replied quickly with a slightly guilty smile on his face. "You are going to retake all of the tests you did and actually try this time or I'll tell Natalie you've been refusing to cooperate." He told him with a smirk.

It didn't take long for Izuku to start running to retake the tests, if he told Natalie he flunked.. well you don't want to know what would happen but it wouldn't be pretty. The thought made him shiver.

Izuku redoes the grip strength test, with enough pressure to get just above average at around 53 kg (A/N:idk the actual average lmao); runs the 50 meters at round about an average speed and manages to throw the softball about 124 meters ish. He performed at just slightly above the average level on the other tests, which got him to around the middle of the class rankings which was good enough for his teacher. Aizawa believed he did amazingly without a quirk, little did he know Izuku had shown off little to nothing today.

After the test was over and Aizawa had explained the logical ruse to the crying Hagakure that would have other wise been expelled, the students headed back off to the changing rooms. Izuku waited a little longer to change so that everyone could leave the room first, this meant that he walked into class slightly later than everyone else. Luckily, the teacher hadn't shown up yet so he was in the clear in that way.

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