Ch16- time off

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[word count (including this + authors note):3241]

3rd person POV

(The day after the end of last chapter)

"I mean it Izu! You need to take some time off from work!" Natalie told Izuku with her frustration evident in her voice. "I don't even work long hours Natalie there's no point," Izuku called back to her from the back as he continued to brew Aizawa's morning coffee. "I don't care Izuku! Legally you have to take time off annually! I let you off last year but you need a break!" Natalie yelled back. Izuku didn't really see what the big deal was, him being there made her job easier so he didn't see a problem with him working all 365 days if the year. Because that's 100% normal..

"I can't anyway, you need me here to make the drinks," he reminded her as he walked out into the front room holding the freshly brewed coffee "Not to mention there'd be nothing baked either." Natalie dramatically clutched her chest "Are you saying that my coffee is inferior to yours Izuku? I'll have you know that I ran this shop for five years before you came here and not ONCE did I get a complaint about my coffee," she said looking smug "Sure there was nothing about the coffee but Shouta told me about the time you accidentally put salt in someone's tea three years back." Izuku replied nonchalantly. Natalie glared at him "We don't talk about that Izuku." She told him feigning sternness.

"Also the customers won't die without your baking you know." Natalie told Izuku as he put Aizawa's coffee down on the counter "Actually a lot of the regulars have been asking why you're in here every day. I'm pretty sure they think I'm trying to work you to death." Izuku chuckled slightly at this before looking up towards the door. As if on cue in walked Aizawa looking as tired as ever, he took his coffee from the counter, handed Izuku the money and then sat himself down. Izuku started putting the coins away as Natalie stomped over to Shouta's table "Shouta! Help me out here and tell Izu he needs to take time off! He keeps refusing again like last year!" Natalie yelled out to him in a slightly childish voice.

Izuku had refused to take time off last year too, Natalie had tried to recruit Aizawa to help convince him but he had been too tired to try anything. Izuku managed to win the argument against Natalie and was left alone about taking a break, but with two against one? He might not be so lucky this time.

"Izuni. You really do need to take some time off, it's not good for your mind nor body to be working constantly especially not at your age." Aizawa told him with a long yawn following as he rested his head on the table. "Thank you Shouta! Now Izu you'll be off for at least a week starting tomorrow. I don't want to see you in the cafe at all until that week has passed." She told Izuku sternly. Izuku just rolled his eyes and retorted "I'll just come down and help out anyways. I don't have to be on the clock to work, I just won't get paid. Please just leave me alone about it."

"I didn't want to resort to this. But you've left me no choice," came Natalies voice, Izuku froze at these words. No. What was coming was any kid's worst nightmare, he'd rather be back in the streets than have to go through this. Natalie really was resorting to using some very dirty tactics. "It's completely fine if you choose not to take time off. That's your choice Izuni. But if you don't, you should know.. that I will be VERY disappointed in you," she said while shaking her head at him, she nudged Shouta and he jerked his head up and added a quick "Me too," before face planting on the table once again.

Aizawa's head then turned on its side and him and Natalie were now shooting him a disappointed glare that could see into his soul. "OK! Taking time off! But I'm not staying off a whole week, there's no point. I'll be back on Sunday." He quickly stuttered out, trying to block out the horrific menacing glare with his arms. "I'll take it!" Natalie exclaimed while laughing victoriously, she raised her hand to high five Shouta to which he sluggishly returned it "Thanks for the help Sho!" Natalie giggled. "You're welcome" came a grumble from Aizawa as he pulled his sleeping bag from his scarf and cocooned himself within it along with his coffee.

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