Ch38- a welcoming?

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[word count (including this + authors note):2665]

It's like 1am right now so this hasn't been proofread whatsoever, beware of spelling and grammar mistakes :D

3rd person POV

Izuku awoke the next day feeling as well rested as he could've been with everything that had transpired the day before, he rubbed his eyes as he sat up groggily, spotting the officer stood guard in front of the cell. The officer soon noticed he was awake and immediately went off somewhere, returning with Tsukauchi in tow.

"Hello again Izuni, I hope you slept well. So we're going to get straight to the point, legally speaking we are only able to hold you here for 24 hours unless we have a solid reason to do so. Unless we have evidence that you've committed any kind of crime that's the max for your stay here." The detective began "meaning that soon enough you will more than likely be released from custody. Before you are released however we do have a few more questions we'd like to ask you if you could follow me." He finished unlocking and holding open the cell door for him. Izuku stood up wordlessly and followed the detective through the station to an interrogation room, the door slamming shut behind him.

The detective sat him down in the same chair as before, though he wasn't handcuffed this time, before sitting across from him just like before. The questions were mostly the same as the ones from the day before except this time his answers were being recorded word for word into a file. Most likely to see if they could pick apart anything he said and find any inconsistencies. Unfortunately for them, Izuku was a pretty good liar.

After the questioning was over, Tsukauchi handed the file he'd been writing in to an officer outside before returning to his seat opposite Izuku. "Now then Izuni I'm going to tell you about the arrangements that we've ended up agreeing on. You're going to be staying with your teacher Aizawa Shota for at minimum the next week though you may be there longer if it's deemed necessary. You will still be attending UA, though you will have the next two days off for you to adjust considering everything that's happened recently." Tsukauchi explained. "Aizawa has said he will inform your guardian of this so she'll know where you are." He finished.

Izuku simply nodded in response, the detective them stood up from his seat and left the room, returning moments later with a set of clothes. "If you could change into these please that'd be great. If you go out and ask one of the officers they'll take you to the Bathroom, you can change in there." Tsukauchi told him. Izuku stood from his seat, pulled open the door and set off to find the bathroom. He didn't quite feel like talking to anybody unless he had to yet so he'd take his chances looking for the bathroom himself before he asked someone. He could do this easily. How hard could finding a bathroom be?

About 10 minutes of searching later Izuku sheepishly asked an officer to bring him to the bathroom.

The clothes he'd been given consisted of a bright yellow hoodie with 'plus ultra!' Written across it in red lettering along with a pair of loose, bright blue jeans and a pair of red and white converses. 'Most likely infested with tracking devices' Izuku thought to himself as he searched around the clothes a little lo and behold he spotted about 20 trackers in the hoodie alone and those were just the more obvious ones. Not to mention the bright colours would most likely make him stand out, they weren't even being subtle about them expecting him to run away again.

Once Izuku had changed into the agonisingly bright clothes he left the bathroom and returned to the front of the station where tsukauchi was stood talking with Aizawa as they waited for him. "Ok Izuni follow me." Aizawa told him once he'd spotted him, beginning to walk towards the exit. Izuku
followed along behind him like a lost puppy, sending a small wave back to Tsukauchi As he went. The two hopped into Aizawa's sleek black car and set off towards Aizawa's home, remaining in silence for the majority of the drive.

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