Ch15- Impressive

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[word count (including this + authors note):2500]

(A/N:Time is 6 o'clock after Izuku's shift from last chapter. I honestly couldn't be bothered to write that bit since it holds no significance to the plot.)

3rd person POV

On top of a building, looking down on the city below was eraserhead, the sleep deprived underground hero watching the streets below for trouble. He was actually quite close to the cafe he goes to every morning since it wasn't actually in the best area of town, which are the areas he tended to frequent in patrol. Another underground hero had had something come up and so it was down to him to cover their shift about 4ish hours before his own would start.which was just the best thing that could happen to a man that has such a busy schedule that he literally only sleeps in the late afternoon on the weekends! He was in desperate need of more coffee to say the least.

Aizawa watched as Natalie walked out of the shop to her car, smiling slightly as he heard her yell out to Izuni "Those eye bags are getting worse every single day young man! I swear to god if you don't start getting a normal amount of sleep I'm going to have to start strapping you down to your bed before I leave!" He watched Izuni roll his eyes as he continued to wave her goodbye while she left .

Aizawa chuckled at the two of them before switching back to work mode, his usual stoic expression returning to his face. He had only looked away for a minute or so to survey the other side of the city that he could see when he heard glass smashing nearby. Whipping his head back around, he saw a group of 8 robbers, all armed with guns that were pointed at Izuni inside the cafe.

He listened in to what they were saying "Hand over the money in the register or we'll have to blow your brains out kid." Came one of the criminals with his finger on the trigger. Aizawa grabbed his capture weapon, readying himself to jump in and intervene, but he stopped when he saw Izuni moving towards the group. "Is he trying to face them?!" Aizawa muttered to himself in slight disbelief "they all have guns and he's unarmed! Does the kid have a death wish or something?" He continued as he threw his capture weapon to swing down but froze as he watched the boy's movements.

Izuku continued to walk closer to the attackers raising his arms in false surrender, he didn't have any of his weapons on him since he wasn't in his vigilante costume but he could do this easily. He soon managed to edge near enough to them for them to be in range, and once he got here he jumped up and over their heads at breakneck speed. As he got the first two of the eight with a chop to the neck, the others began aiming their guns in his direction.He swiftly jumped and took shelter behind a table as he waited for the gunfire to stop before leaping into the air and repeating the previous process until all eight were out cold.

Aizawa watched this with what people who had never met him before would say was a neutral face but anyone who really knew him would be able to tell he was both in disbelief and impressed with what he was seeing. The 14 year old quirkless boy in front of him had just knocked out eight fully grown adults with ease like he did it on the daily (A/N: I mean what if he does though-).He watched as Izuni pulled out his phone and simply dialled for the police, explaining what had happened and where he was before nonchalantly grabbing a broom and sweeping up the broken glass from a vase that had been knocked down when they broke in! 'How is he so calm?' Aizawa thought to himself 'He just got held at gun point for money at fourteen and he's completely fine!' What in the heck did he just witness?

Aizawa stayed and watched as the police arrived and took the men away after taking Izuni's statement you could tell by their faces that they were also freaked out by the boy's calmness. He then pushed the incident to the back of his mind before running and jumping to the next building to get back to his patrol. Work first. Worry later.

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