Ch4- Saviour

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[word count (including this + authors note):1857]

Eight years later

3rd person POV

A dark, damp alleyway. This is where we continue our story. A young boy with dyed purple hair, dressed in all black with a mask shoved into his left pocket was crouched behind a stack of crates, shivering from the cold while muffling the minuscule wince threatening to escape as he removed a bullet from his side. This wasn't the first time this had happened. Now, why would a young boy have been shot more than once in his lifetime by the age of thirteen? Well, it turns out that this boy was one of Japan's most sought after vigilante, currently hiding away while allowing his injuries to heal themselves. Also known as Izuku midoriya.

Taking out the first aid kit he had stashed away down there not long ago, Izuku began stitching up his side, not feeling too much of the pain while  he stitched himself up. He honestly didn't feel much of anything at the moment, the only thing that truly made him feel something, was his time as a vigilante. Every time he beat a criminal or saved an innocent person, there was an overwhelming feeling on pride and a rush of pure adrenaline that he just couldn't get enough of.

After cutting off the thread and securing it as best he could with his limited medical supplies, Izuku curled himself up behind the crates to sleep. Although it was uncomfortable, the crates provided a small amount of shelter was the vigilante and prevented criminals and anyone else from spotting him. He was constantly haunted by nightmares of someone simply coming up and slicing his throat while he slept, though in reality he really had nothing to worry about thanks to him being hyper vigilant even in his sleep. Slight sounds and movements woke him immediately.

The ground beneath the sleeping boy was moist, however he didn't mind, he'd slept in much worse conditions before. His side should've been aching from the bullet wound along with the recently added stitches, any regular person would be unable to sleep but Izuku was strangely enough just fine. He slept for the next three hours which in his books was sleeping in, waking up at 6 am to scavenge around the local area for food people had thrown away.

Walking down the street while keeping an eye out for anything edible, Izuku comes across a child having a tantrum it was a young boy that seemed to be about three years old. He was screaming at his mother about how she had gotten the wrong cereal (an off brand one) and now he hated her. Eventually, the mother had gotten sick of it and thrown the box into a nearby alleyway to be thrown away by someone else. Darting over to the alley, Izuku grabbed the box before making his way back to the alley he claimed as his own as quick as possible.

He set the box down and began jumping up and down with pure happiness, he could make this last weeks as long as was careful with how much he ate. After crunching his way through a handful, Izuku stashed the box in one of the crates and went to use the public restroom in the nearby park.

After that, he went back into his alley and began setting up his patrol route with a tattered map he had found flung out of a car window not too long ago. Choosing to go into the crime stricken area of west musutafu again later that night once he had finished with his cleaning down on dagobah beach.

Footsteps came from the entrance to the alley way, Izuku froze for a second before quickly getting behind the crates pulling out a rusty knife for defence. "Hello? Is there someone behind there? I'm not here to hurt you."

??? POV

I had seen something or someone moving down in this alleyway several times. I always had to go through the mostly abandoned part of town to get to work at my coffee shop so I walked past many alleys practically all of them identical. But this one had something or someone living in it. I had tried to go down there many times after I closed up but they were never there when I checked. But this time they were there. They had to be. My eyes definitely saw it or them? the small figure that dashed behind the crates as I approached, it was either a rather short child or a large animal.

Nightfall (quirkless vigilante deku + dadzawa) Where stories live. Discover now