Ch2- quirkless means useless?

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[word count (including this + authors note):1587]

3rd person POV

The car screeched to a sudden halt, Izuku flinched at this having been absorbed in his own thoughts. Looking out of the window, he noticed that they were already home and began to undo his seatbelt to climb out of the car, before noticing that the car was locked.

He was about to ask his dad to unlock the car when he noticed. He wasn't there, neither was his mother. Izuku looked around and spotted a note on the steering wheel telling him 'you took too long getting out of the car so your going to have to sit tight until we need to unlock the car to leave for work in the morning. Your lucky we left the window open for you, now don't cause trouble quirkless brat' It was signed by his father. Looking into his home through the window, Izuku could see the faint silhouettes of his parents, confirming they had indeed left him there.

Luckily, they had left the window slightly ajar incase it got hot later on but it wouldn't help if it ended up cold.

Izuku stayed there in the car for the rest of the day, fiddling with his hands while using his imagination to escape. Imagining worlds where he'd been born with a quirk like everyone else. Becoming the number one hero. Tears fell from Izuku's eyes as he had this thought, all it took was a couple of words from a doctor and his whole life had crumbled into pieces. This wasn't fair. Not at all. After what seemed like hours, Izuku ended up crying himself to sleep, curled up in a ball in the far corner of the backseats.

Time skip to the later in the night

Izuku awoke to find himself being dragged across the ground away from the car by his father. "Dad?" Izuku asked sleepily. "Don't call me that brat," Hisashi hissed at the boy in his grasp. Izuku lowered his head and stayed silent as Hisashi dragged him inside and threw him into his bedroom. "You may address me and Inko by our names from now on," he told Izuku to which he slightly nodded "You are also to keep yourself out of our sight, nobody wants to see your ugly face around here." He added on. Satisfied with the boy's tired looking face, Hisashi closed the door and left for work.

Izuku looked up at the white ceiling above him as he sat on the wooden floorboards of his bedroom and felt tears prickling at his eyes. Why was this happening? He thought back to his old memories of his father and then to what had just happened, it didn't match why was he acting like this? Thinking back to the note his father had left for him, he remembered that da- Hisashi had specifically mentioned him being quirkless. So, it was true.. all of this really was happening just because he was quirkless. Of course Izuku already knew this, however he didn't want to accept it, trying to will himself into believing his parents had just had a bad day. Izuku got himself up and sprawled himself over the bed, loosing himself to his mind once again 'What do I do now?' He thought to himself, 'Can I still become a hero?' The question echoed in his mind as he slowly fell back to sleep with tears still rolling down his face.

The next morning

Izuku woke up at around 6:30 am with dried tear stains on his cheeks and pillow. Rubbing his eyes, he hauled himself out of bed, throwing on his uniform as he went hoping that yesterday's events were simply that of a dream.

He walked over to the dining room with caution, peeking in from behind the door, he saw his mother at the table eating her breakfast. His eyes searched the rest of the table finding no trace of food for him, he sighed confirming that this was indeed reality, it was no dream or simply a figment of his imagination, it was real life. Izuku left and went back through to the kitchen, pouring himself a glass of water and grabbing an apple from the bowl of fruit on the counter.

Izuku returned to his room holding the fruit and the glass, he placed them on his desk before he opened up his laptop and began his research. 'Can a quirkless person become a hero?' He typed into the search bar as he took a bite from the Apple, clicking on link after link, Izuku got the same answer again and again 'no, hero work would be too dangerous for the quirkless and they are better off choosing a different career path.' The phrasing would differ from article but they all said the same thing 'it's impossible.'

The five year old was heartbroken, what kid wouldn't be if their dreams had just been completely and utterly decimated. Looking up at his alarm clock again, he noticed that he had five minutes until his mom would be dropping him off at school. Taking the Apple core and empty glass with him, he sprinted out of his bedroom, depositing the glass in the sink and the core in the garbage before slipping his shoes on. He ran outside only to notice his mother wasn't waiting for him in the car, Izuku went back on into the house and found his mother had gone back to bed.

"You're walking to school from now on brat," she yelled out to him drowsily. He should've known. He gave her a nod before closing her bedroom door and walking back over to the door. Setting off on his walk, Izuku knew he was going to be late to school as it takes a good twenty minutes to get to school in the car and around thirty on foot. School started in twenty three minutes so even in the car he'd be cutting it close.

Izuku walked with his head down, avoiding the other people on their morning commutes, muttering to himself 'What would Kacchan think?' 'What would everyone think?'

After twenty five more minutes of walking, Izuku managed to reach his school gates (although he was around five minutes late). He rushed inside, running through the corridors to reach his classroom.

1st person POV (Izuku)

I burst into my classroom, five minutes late, to see that my teacher was yet to arrive. I let out a sigh of relief before walking over to my desk in the second to last row. I saw a couple of kids that looked as if they were about to come up and speak to me, most likely about how the appointment went and panicked. What would they do when they find out I'm quirkless? If my pare- Inko and Hisashi's reactions are anything to go off of, it won't be good. Doing my best to avoid eye contact at all costs, I reached into my backpack, pulling out a book which I proceeded to pretended to read. This seemed to get the message across that I wasn't looking to talk at the moment and everyone left me be.

Two minutes later, our teacher walked in apologising for her lateness before she began calling everyone's names. After she had checked everybody was here, she beckoned me up to the front of the classroom "So as everybody knows, Izuku went to the quirk doctor yesterday!" She announced to the class. I clenched my hands into fists and bit down on my tongue, stopping any tears from emerging without permission. "So, how'd it go Izuku?" She asked "What quirk do you have?" I shuffled around a little before letting out my answer, not much louder than a whisper "I'm quirkless," the teacher and the students clearly didn't hear me, a look of confusion washing over their faces. "Izuku could you speak up? I don't think I heard that" the teacher said. "I'm quirkless."

Time skip to after school (I mean why not? <3)

Izuku trudged out of school shivering uncontrollably, mostly due to the full bottle of milk that kacchan had been poured over his head as he left the building. Needless to say, he had not had a good day at school. Everybody had avoided him all day and when they didn't it was mostly to insult him or to injure him in some way.

'Quirkless. It really is just another word for useless to them isn't it' Izuku mumbled to no one in particular.

His walk home was rather uneventful other than him receiving a few strange looks due to his soaked uniform. He soon arrived at his house, opening up the door and walking inside. He made sure to be much quieter when he saw that his parents were sitting in the lounge, sliding off his shoes and running off to his room before they could see him. Well, today had been.. different..

A/N: sorry this chapter isn't the best, I'm hoping to keep most of the background information condensed into the first few chapters so they'll probably end up improving after that.

If you have any ideas for Izuku's vigilante name it'd help if you could put them in a comment I'd really appreciate it.

Also, I usually I'm a bit too lazy to proof read the chapters I put out so there may be mistakes that I didn't catch while writing it so sorry about that. I'll probably end up going through the whole thing at a later date and fixing them.

Until next time <3

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