Ch28- The sports festival: 1v1 battles p1

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[word count (including this + authors note):2264]

3rd person POV

Izuku's screaming fit was cut short by a knock on his prep room door. He took in a deep breath to calm himself before getting up from his seat to see Todoroki stood in the doorway.

"Izuni. If it's ok with you I'd like to speak with you before the next round starts." The split haired boy asked in his flat monotone voice "O-oh sure! W-what exactly did you want to talk about Todoroki?" Izuku replied as sweat dripped down his forehead, did Todoroki have some kind of problem with him? Why would he want to speak with him before the match? Questions of a similar calibre were running rampant through Izuku's mind as Todoroki walked in and took a seat with Izuku following suit and sitting across from him.

They sat in silence for a couple of seconds before Todoroki finally spoke up "Izuni." A long paused ensued "Are you Mr Aizawa's secret love child or something?" He asked in an unwavering serious tone. Izuku just sat there for a good minute or two with his eyes wide and mouth hanging open 'Am I? WHAT?' He thought to himself in disbelief before he began to deny his claims "I'm DEFINITELY in no way Shouta's child Todoroki!" He responded hurriedly "You just addressed him by his first name though. And you bring him coffee some mornings do you not?" Todoroki responded  with a raised eyebrow "O-oh no! Shouta's just a regular at the cafe I work at so I've known him for quite a while now! I mentioned it not too long ago in class I think." Izuku explained, waving his arms around frantically.

Todoroki narrowed his eyes at Izuku but seemed to accept his explanation "Either way, you do have our teacher in your corner. Despite that I will beat you. And I'll do it with my right side alone, without that bastard's power." Todoroki declared. 'I mean I don't really blame him for calling his dad a bastard but why would he not use half of his quirk because of him?' Izuku wondered to himself, Todoroki seemed to notice his confusion as he began to speak again. "Have you ever heard of quirk marriages..."

About 5 minutes later, Todoroki had finished spinning his tale and was walking out of Izuku's prep room with a mostly blank look with just a hint of his anger evident on his face. Whereas Izuku was sat in complete silence as he planned out elaborate plots for the number 2 'hero's' assassination. "Number 2 in every sense of the word" Izuku muttered to himself as he grabbed his notebook from his bag and wrote the most important snippets of his plans down along with setting a reminder on his phone so he could work on it later. As much as he wished he could go and do something about the turd of a 'hero' now it'd have to wait until after the sports festival.

Izuku sat back in his chair and began to think through his strategy for the 1 v 1 battles that were always the final event of the UA sports festival. He wanted to make it up to third like he'd planned but not make the times he won seem too easily done or he'd attracted attention and possibly suspicion. Since he had only recently finished his zero gravity tech, Izuku was planning to basically use it as a crutch. He'd rely on the tech more than his combat skills and make sure to use it a little clumsily, as long as he made it seem like he was struggling against his opponent (and that his tech was going most of the leg work) he'd be fine. Though it really depended on who exactly he was up against.

There were some competitors that he wouldn't even really have to do anything to take down if his equipment worked as he planned but if he was for example up against Todoroki in the first round he'd handle it very differently to if he were up against someone like Kirishima. For Todoroki he'd end up heavily depending on the tech and barely using any hand to hand combat at all, though he'd likely just let himself lose in that situation since it'd be the most logical outcome of a battle like that. However, against someone like Kirishima he'd likely end up using the tech a bit less and using his hand to hand combat mainly to show Shouta he was actually putting effort into the fight. He'd just have to wait and see the match ups and hope they were in his favour.

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