Ch20- the mock battle

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[word count (including this + authors note):2867]

3rd person POV

A few days later, class 1a had received their hero costumes from the support department from the designs they submitted with their applications, all were contained in high tech looking cases and ready to be used in their training exercise today.

The students were all chatting amongst themselves ecstatically, this would be their first lesson with all might after all! The number one hero! Most were discussing what they thought the man would be like as a teacher, some thought he'd be terrible since he'd never actually taught before or even been trained to do so. Others decided that he'd be the perfect teacher, as mentioned earlier 'number one hero' and all that jazz how could he not be perfect? Discussions were cut short however when the very man burst in through the large door "I AM HERE! Walking through the door like a hero!" He called out as he entered the room, his signature smile plastered upon his face.

The class became silent for a few seconds before bursting into an unimaginably loud cacophony of noise. Izuku was quite excited too but luckily he knew how to keep most things internal, he could see the panic in the man's eyes at the rowdy class. It really was obvious he was new to this. All might cleared his throat to indicate he was about to speak but it went unheard underneath the chatter which continued on, Izuku felt bad for the man and so went over to Iida and whispered in his ear.

The student had somehow been too busy lecturing bakugou on his 'sloppy school uniform' as he said to notice the overwhelming noise erupting all around him. Iida immediately rose from his desk and began to yell "EXCUSE ME FELLOW CLASSMATES! BUT I BELIEVE OUR TEACHER IS TRYING TO SPEAK TO US. BE RESPECTFUL AND QUIET DOWN IMMEDIATELY! YOU'RE UA STUDENTS FOR HEAVENS SAKE!" Turns out a rule abiding teenager was better at quietening down a class than the actual teacher was, who would've thought?

The class fell silent and all eyes were on all might, awaiting his words "Well then! Let's get started by welcoming you to your first heroics class! The most important class at UA high school by far! Everyone is to grab their costumes that the support costume delivered yesterday and head down to training ground beta once you've changed! The first and some would argue most important part to being a hero is looking good! remember that!" He addressed the class before leaving the classroom. Izuku sighed quietly at the man's actions 'I get that we all know who he is but a quick introduction would've been nice. Also, isn't it just a little biased saying heroics is the most important what about the other courses? They should be just as important shouldn't they?' Izuku thought to himself, wondering how he had been hired as a teacher with his lack of applicable teaching skills. Was Nezu on drugs or something? Maybe he was finally loosing his mind? Perhaps for entertainment? who knows?

The class stood up and went to grab their new gear from the trolley that'd been delivered here before the students had arrived, "I can't wait to see how it turned out!" Came Uraraka's voice as she grabbed her case "Same here." Izuku responded "I too am quite excited!" Iida came in with his usual chopping motions. Todoroki just nodded before the group began to make their way to the changing rooms. "I'm going to go up ahead guys! I'll meet you at ground beta." Izuku told the group of teenagers before rushing off to change before the rest arrived. This left the group slightly confused but they decided to let it go, todoroki had a pretty good idea of why Izuku wanted to change first, he'd seen some scars while he was changing before. However, something inside him told him that what he'd seen was only scratching the surface. And he would be right. Of course.

Izuku arrived at the changing room, opening the once again oversized door before pulling out his costume. A simple black one piece suit with a hidden zip down the middle was all he really needed (though the support department seemed to have taken it upon themselves to add a little extra decoration) along with his many holsters for his various weapons. He had also made sure to include a pouch containing medical supplies and a grappling hook similar to his own homemade one. His costume was practically the exact same as the one he used for vigilante work minus the baggy clothing over the top. He quickly pulls on his costume and admires its sleekness in the mirror by the sinks, although his vigilante costume did well at protecting him, support companies clearly had access to much better materials than Izuku did, he never was able to get the same sleekness of a professionally made costume either. Perhaps he could accidentally 'lose' his costume and have a new one made? His thought of potential theft were interrupted by his classmates approaching the changing rooms.

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