Chapter 5

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We went into Tommy's room.

"Hi Tommy. This is Dr. Grey" Derek said

"Hi Dr. Grey" he said

"Hi Tommy" I said

"Mr and Mrs. Tall. The scans show a tumor on is cerebral bone. I just wanted to tell you guys that this is the last change to get this thing out before it starts to invade" I said

"We don't want the surgery" Mr. Tall said

"This is the only way that his life will be saved" I said as Derek did a neuro check

"We are his parents and we make the decisions" he said

"Well your wife hasn't made any decisions for your boy yet" I said

"She doesn't get a say" he said

"Why because she's a woman" I said

"Yes" he said

"Okay Mr. Tall can I take you outside" Derek asked

"Yes" he said getting up

He left with Derek.

"Mrs. Tall you have every right to decide what's best for him" I said

"He said that he shouldn't get the surgery and I trust that" she said

"It's not about trust. It's about saving your son and right now that man doesn't care" I said

She started tearing up

"You're going to kill him. Lay on that guilt. It will eat you alive. Trust me" I said

She looked at me. She grabbed the papers and signed them.

"Do it now or we won't be back" she said turning to him

I nodded. I got up and grabbed Tommy's bed

"I love you Tommy" she said getting up and kissing his forehead

"I love you mommy" he said

I took the bed out and nurses came to me.

"Hey. Hey what are you doing with my son" Mr. Tall said running to me

"Your wife signed the papers" I said

"What made you manipulate her. Huh" he said getting angry

"You're the one that'll kill your son. Lay with that for the rest of your life. That'll be the least of your problems" I said

He started gritting his cheek and Derek stepped in front of me

"Woah. Just step away. You don't want to mess with her" he said

"Oh look you're the one she slept with to get where she is aren't you" Mr. Tall scoffed

"Actually Dr. Grey learned this from her mother Ellis Grey. You should read her in an article sometime if you know how to read. You should pay attention to Meredith too because she'll be everything that you don't want. So turn your misogynistic ass around and walk out of my hospital. NOW" Derek spat

"Get the hell out of here" he said turning around

We brought Tommy to the OR room. Derek and I started scrubbing in. He was fuming.

"Okay. You got this?" He asked

"Yeah" I smiled through my mask

He started laughing and I started laughing

"I had so much control to try and not hurt that guy" he laughed

"I swear I saw smoke coming from your body" I laughed

"Let's do this" he said

We walked into the OR. Tommy was out from the anesthesia. We walked behind Tommy's head

"It's a beautiful day to save lives" Derek said

6 hours later

"Dr. Shepherd" a nurse said

"What is it" he said

"It's Mrs. Tall she was in an accident" she said

We both looked up at her

"What?" He asked

"Her husband" she said

"Okay just- 1 minute I'm almost done" he said

"It's not good" she said

That means she's most likely brain dead. Damn it. Derek finished and closed up. We scrubbed out while the nurses took Tommy back to his room. We went to Mrs. Tall's room and walked in. She was intubated. I walked over to her and held her lifeless hand. I started tearing up

"I should've reported him. I knew this and I didn't do anything" I cried.

I slowly put her hand down and slowly cried over her body. Derek left and talked to a nurse. I bent down next to Mrs. Tall's cheek

"Your sons okay. I'll make sure that he doesn't go with his dead ever again. I am so sorry" I cried

Derek walked back in and I looked up at him. He walked over to me.

"Follow me" he said

We walked out of the room and went to a supply closet. He shut the door and I sat down. I kept crying. I sat beside me and gave me a long, warm comforting hug. He slowly pulled away and moved my hair out of my face. He smiled and I smiled

"I'm okay" I whispered

I slowly leaned in and wiped the tear from under my eye. He looked into my eyes and at my lips. He slowly leaned in. I needed comfort. I met him and our lips grazed.

"We shouldn't" I whispered against his lips

"We should" he said pressing his lips to mine.

He deepened the kiss and put his hand on the back of me. He pushed me into him and my tears fell onto his cheeks. Our tongues started dancing together in my mouth. He slowly pulled away and held me close. He laid me down and I put my head onto his lap. I tried to fall asleep into his comforting embrace. I shut my eyes and tried to stop my cries.

"I love you Meredith" he whispered

I fell asleep. I woke up a little while later and realized everything. I looked up at him and he was asleep.

"Derek" I said

"Mmm" he groaned

"Wake up" I said putting my hand onto his cheek

He took it and kissed it. He opened his eyes and looked at me. He quickly let my hand go

"Um we should go" he said

"Yeah" I said sitting up

We both got up and left the supply closet without anyone noticing. I went to do my charts and checked on Tommy. He was still asleep. I went to get my blood work results. I walked into the elevator and he was in the back against the railing. I pressed the button to floor 8.

"Should we talk about that kiss" I said

I felt his body against my back and he leaned down. His mouth was next to my ear. He started kissing my cheek. He put his finger on the side of my face and slowly pushed me to look at him. He looked at my lips and slowly leaned in. He started kissing my lips and I felt like I was melting into him. He traced my lip with his tongue and I opened my mouth. I moaned into his as he put his tongue down my throat. I put my hands onto the back of his hair and pushed him deeper into me. The elevator dinged and I let go. I stood up.

"No" he said moving away and getting off of the elevator

Oh 😏

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