Chapter 22

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3 days later

Today was just a bad day in general. I hated it. I was in a surgery with Bailey and the patient ended up passing away from a mistake that I made. Bailey is taking the blame. We had to talk to the parents and I started crying. I had to leave. It was a mess. I've been sad all day and this made it worse. I changed into my clothes and drove to Derek's trailer. I went to the door and knocked. He opened the door in only his boxers. Tears started streaming down my face and it started raining outside.

"Meredith come in. What's wrong" he said

"I can't do this today" I cried

He hugged me and brought me inside. He shut the door and let go. I sat on the edge of his bed. He sat next to me and I kept crying onto his shoulder. I pulled away and I looked at him. He smiled at me and put his hand onto my cheek. He moved my hair away from my face with his finger. I looked at him longing with his touch. He noticed and put his hand onto my waist. He lifted me up and brought me over to the pillows. He wiped my tears and started kissing my lips. I lifted my legs up and moaned at his lips.

"Oh ohhhh fuck" I moaned softly

"Mmhm" he whispered taking my pants and panties off

We undressed each other. He slid into me and let me get use to him. He started pumping as I moaned from the feeling of him. He grabbed my hands and held them above my head. He went faster and I could barely take this pleasure. I turned my head and shut my eyes as he thrusted into me

"Look at me" he said groggily

I turned my head to face him and opened my eyes. He started smiling. He leaned down and started kissing my lips. He let go and ran his hands up and down my sides. I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist. I ran my hands through the sides of his hair.

"You taste really good" he whispered slowly pulling back

I looked deep into his eyes and opened my mouth in the shape of an o as the orgasm powered through my body. My toes started to curl and my back started to arch into him. He went faster and released inside of me. He pulled out and hovered over my body. Our breathing started to normalize. We went for another 3 rounds. We were exhausted. He laid next to me and turned me around to face him. He ran his hands up and down my sides.

"You're so gorgeous. How did I get so lucky with waking up with you everyday" he said

"I love you" I smiled

"How do you feel about going away with me this weekend. You can't say no because I already am taking you" he smiled

"Where" i asked

"It's a surprise" He smiled caressing my cheek

"I don't like surprises" I said

"Let's just say that we'll have 48 interrupted hours" he smiled

"Ah so we can have sex" I smirked

"Now you get it. So what do you say" he smiled

"48 interrupted hours of this. I'm so in" I smiled

He kissed my lips and lifted my chin up. I moved my lips with him and he slowly put his tongue down my throat. I moaned into his mouth. He deepened the kiss and moaned into mine. We slowly pulled away and he smiled at me. He put his finger on the bottom of my lip and moved it down. He pecked my lips and let go of my chin. He pulled away. My lips were numb and our saliva was untangled together.

"Are you hungry?" He asked getting up

He put his boxers and sweats on.

"Yeah I'm pretty hungry" I said

"Would you like teriyaki salmon, rice, steamed vegetables, and wine" he asked

"Yeah that sounds really- good" I smiled

He grabbed all of the stuff out and started cooking on a little grill. He opened a window and the rain sounds were vibrant in this trailer. I laid back and pulled the blanket over me. I was kind of cold.

30 minutes later

Derek finished cooking and brought the food over with 2 glasses of wine. He turned his tv on and we started eating and drinking. He turned a scary movie on.

1 hour later

We finished and Derek had his arm wrapped around my back. My head was buried into his neck

"Your hair smells amazing" he whispered

"Mmhm" I whispered

"How are you feeling" he asked rubbing my cheek with the top of his hand

"Better" I said

"That's good" he said pulling the blanket over me

I held onto it and looked at him.

"I'm ready to talk about the wedding" I said as I twirled my finger into his chest hair.

I sat up and he laid his head back into the pillow.

"The decorations or people" he asked

"Everything" I smiled

"Okay" he said

I grabbed my phone and started making a list of people. I put down my bridesmaids.

"Who's your best man" I asked

"Bailey and Mark. Richard is going to marry us if that's okay" he said

"Yeah that's fine" I said writing their names down

1 hour later

"The venue will be in New York on New Years because we will be down there and our honeymoon will be in Paris" i said

He nodded.

"Are you sure you want it in 2 months" he asked

"Yeah I'm ready" i said

"Okay then let's get married at midnight" he smiled

"There's kids" I smiled

"Okay well we can have a little before party when everyone's asleep in then we can wake up and get married" he smiled

"I'm not going to say no to that" I smiled

"So we have a set date and everything" he smiled

"Yeah I'll send out the rsvp's tomorrow" I said

"Paris is going to be fun" I smiled

"Definitely" he smiled

The wedding finally 🙌

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