Part 2 - Episode 1

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Kol walks along the cobbled street. Pushing his way through the crowd, he smiled at the familiar surroundings. New Orleans never changes, whether it is 100 years ago or 25 years in the future. Quietly, Kol made his way to his bought, or compelled house, not wanting to attract any attention. He had been told about the time when Marcel had ruled the quarter before his family had come to New Orleans. He was in no mood to deal with a bunch of baby vampires and a cranky Marcel. Deciding to deal with Marcel later he resumed walking again, this time with a destination in mind. 

Making his way through the brightly lit path, he stopped in front of an old church. The people around the building were giving it, and therefore him, a wide berth. Right! Davina had told him how one of the Elders had cursed the son of that priest to go insane. What was the priests name? Kian? Kieran? Right, Father Kieran. Kol snorted before walking through the dusty door, obviously neglected for a long time. 

Making his way to the entrance of the nave, Kol gazed at the dusty pictures and murals adorning the walls. Christianity is such a new concept to him. He remembered the days where people would pray to the olden golds. His family preferred to pay their respects to Odin and Thor. Kol however, had always favoured Loki, the god of mischief and trickery.

"I must say, it has been a long time since we had received a visitor," Father Kieran said, entering from behind him. 

"I am guessing that situation is so because of the bloody history engraved within these walls" Kol replied, whirling around to face the priest. 

"Yes, it was a terrible night." The priest agreed, before extending a hand, "Kieran O'Connell".

"Kaleb Micheal" Kol introduced, knowing that bringing his family name anywhere would only lead to trouble. 

"What brings you here Kaleb Micheal?" The Father asked, eyes narrowed with confusion and slight suspicion. 

"I merely wanted to explore the supposedly haunted church" Kol returned easily, playing the part of a daring young teenager to the tee. 

"Well then, I shall leave you to it. Have a nice time exploring the church" Father Kieran said, tilting his head in goodbye before turning around to walk away from the original. Kol waited until he could not hear the Father's echoing footsteps before speeding towards Davina's attic. Weary of the boundary held in place, he stopped right in front of the door knowing that she was alone for now.  

Patiently waiting for his future wife to notice him, Kol studied her appearance. She looked as beautiful as ever but he could tell the differences. The younger her seemed more innocent, not yet fully exposed to the world's cruelty. His fists clenched, remembering all of the pain she had gone through. She had died twice for God's sake! Once by his hand. Forcing himself to unclench his fists, he reminds himself that it won't happen again. He wouldn't let it happen again. Blue, blue eyes stared back at him, as his eyes crept back up to face her. It seems like she has noticed him.

"Who are you?" She asked, more curious than frightened. 

"A friend" Kol replied, "I have no reason to harm you."

"Why are you here?" She questioned warily, holding up her hands as if to fight him off. 

"I wouldn't do that" He warned

"Why? I can't handle a big guy like you?" She taunted, glaring at him.

"No, I am sure you can use that uncontrollable magic of yours, but all you would have done is lose a valuable magic teacher and pissed me off" Kol informed her.

"Magic teacher?" She repeated, surprised.

"Yes, magic teacher." Kol said, grinning at her, "I used to be a witch so I figured I would help you control that wild magic of yours". 

"Used to be?" She asked suspiciously. 

"Mother dearest had another idea" Kol scoffed before flashing his fangs at her. 

"Your a vampire" Davina spluttered, taking a careful step back.

"I am, darling" Kol agreed, smirking, "However I have one condition if you want my help."

"What?" she asked

"Don't tell Marcellus" He warned

"Marcel?" She exclaimed, "Why-"

"I will reveal myself to him in time, at my choosing," Kol told her, "Until then, I would like darling Marcel to not know about my presence as he and I don't have the best of relationships". Kol said, turning to leave.

"Wait" Davina exclaimed after him, "What is your name"

"That, Davina Claire," Kol told her smirking, "Is the information you will get if you accept my deal. See you soon, harvest girl." Then he flashed away, disappearing into the busy city leaving behind a very conflicted witch. 

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