Part 2 - Episode 3

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Kol tried to refrain from killing the irritating baby vampire who was pushing him towards the Abattoir. Comforting himself with the expression on Marcel's face when he finds out who the newest vampire is, Kol threw back his head and laughed, already smirking in amusement. That move certainly earned him a few weird glances. 

"So this is the unfortunate vampiric tourist who decided to take a pit stop in the lovely New Orleans." One of Marcel's lackeys mocked, walking towards him and his captor. How bloody cute. 

"Well, I merely wanted to experience the lovely city of New Orleans. Not be masqueraded by a bunch of baby vampires to face the 'King of the Quarter'." Kol sniped, creating air quotes with the phrase 'King of the Quarter'. 

"Baby vampires?" Another one of Marcel's men scoffed, "How old are you? 5?"

"10 actually," Kol lied, lips pulling up in amusement. All the surrounding vampires laughed, obviously finding someone who they thought was younger than them, calling them 'baby vampires' ridiculous. 

"Well," Theirry disapprovingly commented, "Marcel will be here shortly. There are certain rules vampires must follow. Trust me, you would not like the consequences." Suddenly, Kol could hear the tell-tale 'woosh' as a vampire wooshed in. 

"So this is the newest vampire" Marcel taunted from behind him, "I must say, we don't get a lot of supernatural tourists."

"I wonder whose fault that is" Kol smirked, turning around to face the younger vampire. He watched as Marcel's face grew slack with shock and slight fear. 

"Why, hello there Marcellus. It has certainly been a long time." Kol purred, a terrifying smirk adorning his lips. 

"Kol" Marcel stated, taking a wary step back, "Your brother finally let you out of that coffin?"

"Well, he didn't really have a choice in the matter," Kol replied, amused, "Now, I must ask you to remove these annoyances that are holding me before I tear out their hearts." The vampires holding him stiffened before looking at their leader in surprise when he ordered them to let him go. 

"Oh come on," Kol pouted, "I was hoping to have a little bit of fun. There is nothing better to start a day with." Hearing this, all the vampires around him took a cautious step back sending each other wary glances. 

"How exactly would a 10-year-old vampire survive against an entire army of them?" One of the vampires mocked. He must have been one of the vampires told about a supposed 10-year-old original. 

"Tell you what, I will give you a little moment to regale your lackeys about my lovely stories. What do people of this century say? 'Bring them up to speed?'" Kol mocked, laughing. 

"Don't worry darling we will see each other very soon." The original promised, speeding away from the compound, catching the worried and fearful look left on Marcel's face before he quickly suppressed it. Honestly, he had to deal with Elijah for 1000 years. Marcel's poker face is nothing. 

Kol opened the door to Davina's attic. Familiar surroundings greeted him, finished painting scattered around, a half-done sketch adorning the canvas and different storage items spread about. He patiently waited as Davina noticed him, a wide grin spreading across her face. 

"Kol," She acknowledged, "I will take your help in the Harvest". She seemed hesitant in accepting his help as this is a difficult topic for her but he has done nothing but helps her since he met her. She has no reason to distrust him. 

"Good, because right now we are going to meet a certain friend of mine," Kol told her, grinning mischievously. 

"Who?" Davina asked curiously

"Vincent, Vincent Griffith." 

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