Part 4 - Episode 1

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Kol turned to stare at the empty wall in front of him, his mind still reeling from the events that had taken place moments before. Still unsure over whether Davina actually remembers or if it was a mere hallucination, a trick played by his desperate mind. Frustrated, he threw the glass in his hand against the wall in rage. Watching the pieces of the shattered glass fall softly on the ground, he breathed in, the sound ragged. 

"Well, you certainly seem frustrated, beating up that poor wall." Davina mused, an amused smile gracing her lips. She appeared to be leaning on the door, smiling to herself. Suddenly, he knew. This was his Davina. Only his Davina would have that mature, experienced air to herself. 

"You would choose the wall over your own husband?" Kol teased her, easily falling into the familiar banter. 

"Well, if my husband is abusing said wall then I must stand up for the offended." Davina shot back, an amused smile gracing her lips. Kol merely gazed at her, longing practically radiating from him. Davina merely smiled before racing towards him and throwing her arms around him. Keeping in mind that she is currently 16 years old, he wrapped his arms around her, exhaling in relief. He could deal with everything - Dahlia, Inadu, the Trinity and the whole time travel mess, as long as Davina is by his side. 

"What should we do now?" Kol asked Davina, releasing her slightly.

"We should make a plan, like a list of all the things we will need to deal with." Davina decided, nodding to herself. She slipped out of Kol's grip and ventured deeper into the room. Rummaging through random drawers, she finally found the item she was looking for. Holding the pen and paper above her head like a valuable treasure, she turned to face her highly amused husband.  

"Let's start," Kol told her, amused. Davina just glared at him before turning up her nose and plopping down on the sofa behind her. 


- Celeste 

- Francesca Guerrera

- Dahlia

- The Trinity

- The Hollow

- The pure Vampire Cult (Greta)

"So what are we going to do first?" Davina inquired. 

"You know, I think it's time my brother get a little insight into what is happening right under their noses."

Kols unexpected tumble with timeWhere stories live. Discover now