Part 7 - Episode 2

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Rebekah P.O.V

Rebekah was having a very confusing day. Firstly, there is a malicious spirit awakened which wants to kill Hayley and Hope. Secondly, her brother is a bloody time traveller! Sometimes, she doesn't know what to believe. However, she can't deny the fact that Kol has been acting differently. He seems more confident and, mature. Like he has changed over his 100-year dagger induced sleep. 

"Or, over unseen years which no else had lived through," Rebekah whispered in realization. She grumbled in frustration, glaring at the wall in front of her. 

"Time Travel is not real." She declared to the empty air around her stubbornly, "Right?"

She trailed off at that quiet question, unsure of what to believe. Grumbling, she let her head fall into her hands, letting the soothing darkness fall over her eyes. Sighing, she played the memories of the past few months run through her mind. Kol is most definitely different, but time travel is a far-fetched idea. It is entirely unrealistic but makes sense. The new abilities and attributes, the newfound maturity and his sudden relationship with Davina. Perhaps, he knew her in the future. 

"But that doesn't explain how Davina knows-" Rebekah grumbled, giving another frustrated growl. 

"My, my sister. What got you so agitated?" Klaus interrupted, appearing in front of her. He leaned against the door with his arms crossed. The hybrid raised his brow, silently asking her what happened. 

"Nothing" Rebekah replied dismissively, waving her hand. She bit her lip, deciding to mull on it later. 

"What happened?" The blonde asked her brother, resting her head on the closed fist of her hand. She was sitting on her bed, across from Klaus. 

"Kol and Davina know a way to kill the Hollow." Klaus told her, sighing, "Our darling brother didn't deem it important enough information and bloody forgot to inform us. Thankfully, Freya was there too and remembered in time."

Klaus seemed irritated towards the pair, adopting an incredulous look when mentioned how the important information had very conveniently 'slipped Kol's mind' during their discussion the previous day. 

"Again, he does this again!" Rebekah grumbled, frustrated before stomping out of the room. 

"Again?" Klaus repeated, giving the space in front of him which used to hold his sister a bewildered look. 

"Hey! What do you mean by 'Again'?" Klaus called after Rebekah, speeding after his sister. 

"It's alright, Kol is just being Kol." Rebekah huffed, shaking her head distractedly, waving the matter off. Her brother raised his brow at the vague answer before sighing and letting the matter go. She knew that he would pressure her about the topic later, but there are many more important problems to address. 

"What is the method exactly?" Rebekah asked, leaning against the door of her room behind her. She does a vague idea over what the method is, given that Freya had shared that much with her long before the Hollow was a problem, but wanted to verify it and gain the exact details of the method. 

"A dagger, forged from different materials connected to her emotionally and physically," Freya informed her sister, entering the corridor where the pair was standing. Rebekah tilted her head curiously, asking for more information. Freya nodded holding up her hand, asking for a moment.  The originals nodded before waiting quietly as their sister disappeared for a moment. She reappeared a moment later, holding an old book. The book was worn, and Freya was holding it reverently. 

"A dagger forged out of the blood of her bloodline, the ashes of her enemy and the sorrow carried by her tears." Freya recited from the aged pages. Rebekah hummed in understanding before walking to stand behind Freya. Klaus joined them after a moment, standing over Freya's other shoulder. The siblings both looked over the page, eyes scanning all of the available information. 

"Can I borrow this book?" Klaus asked, gesturing towards the text. 

"Sure, just treat it carefully. It's very old and holds a lot of forgotten magic inside its pages." Freya cautioned, smiling at the item in her hand. 

"Of course, sister. Can I see it?" Klaus asked, shaking his head in amused exasperation. Freya reluctantly parted with the prized book, pursing her lips. 

"Where did you find it?" Rebekah asked curiously. 

"The library of Alexandria," Freya told them. 

"The library of Alexandria!" Rebekah exclaimed, "I heard that only certain people are permitted inside its walls. How were you allowed in?" 

"Kol was allowed." Freya informed them, an amused smile growing on her lips, "He certainly is resourceful." 

"Kol?" Rebekah repeated, once again growing frustrated overhearing her brothers name, "Of course, he has access. Bloody idiot."

 Freya cast her a curious look, questioning her over her remark. 

"Our dearest sister has been irritated at Kol for unknown reasons and has this angered expression every time someone says his name. It's alright, once in a while, one of us always gets randomly irrated at Kol. It's natural." Klaus casually told Freya, waving his hand. Rebekah just glared at the hybrid. Out of the blue, Klaus's phone rang, the sound bouncing through the tense atmosphere. 

"Oh, that bloody sound." He muttered, reaching for the phone. Answering it, the sisters turned away from their brother, disinterested when he suddenly froze. Quitely switching the phone off, he abruptly rose and started walking away. Rebekah uttered a curse under her breath and followed after him. 

"What happened?" She asked, speeding in front of him. 

"Marcel called. The Hollow's followers have been spotted." Klaus informed then, waving his phone in the air. He smirked, an amused look adorning his face. 

"We are finally going to meet the Hollow" 

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