Part 7 - Episode 1

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"Are you worried?" Davina asked, walking up to stand beside Kol. The couple was standing on the balcony outside Kol's room, the wind whipping through their hair. Kol had decided that he needed some air after hearing the possible news that the Hollow might already be awakened. He was hoping that that particular spirit had not awakened yet, that it would be easy, like the rest of his enemies. However, the Hollow has always been in another league. She succeeded in doing something that no other creature has ever done - tearing apart the Mikaelson family. 

"She had destroyed us, and yet brought us back together. The hardship that witch had brought to our family is phenomenal." Davina quietly mused, her words carried away by the soaring wind. 

"She was not supposed to awaken, not yet." Kol told Davina, his expression grave, "I have changed this timeline so far that it is no longer recognizable." 

"Maybe, that is not such a bad thing," Davina replied, holding his hand, "This world is much prettier than the one before."

"Do you know I miss them?" Kol asked, turning to face his beloved. 

"Miss them?" Davina echoed, confused. 

"My family members, my siblings." Kol clarified, "I do love my siblings here in this world, but it is not the same. The events we go through make us. Now, it seems like I have skipped ahead in this race of time and life. I am not the same, and my family doesn't know that." 

"Yes, I imagine it must be difficult." Davina comforted, giving him a sympathetic look, "Sometimes, I find myself wishing for the people of my past. Josh and even Marcel and Vincent. They are not- the same." 

"Tell me, what should we do. Once this is all over. Travel all over the world again?" Davina asked Kol, giving him a small, nostalgic smile. 

"Well, Kol could be a philosopher." Rebekah pitched in, feigning a thoughtful look, "What insightful metaphors - A race of time and life? Did you steal those lines from Aristotle?" 

"Rebekah," Kol breathed, stiffening, "How much did-" 

"You hear?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. The blonde made her way towards her brother, her arms crossed angrily. Stopping in front of Kol, Rebekah raised her hand and slapped it across Kol's face. 

"What?" Kol spluttered. 

"You have 10 seconds to explain what is going on, otherwise you are being treated to another one of those slaps." Rebekah delightfully informed him with a bright smile. 

"What-" Kol let out, still processing the situations and events being played out. 

"That is nine seconds now," Rebekah informed him, flipping her right wrist to look at her watch. 

"Alright, as much as I would love to see this play out, we have things we need to do." Davina cut in, utterly amused with this situation. 

"Kol and I are from an alternate future, different from this over. We had come back in time and made many, many changes." Davina explained, turning towards the perplexed Rebekah.

"The future?" The blonde asked, raising her eyebrow. She tilted her head doubtfully.

"I was expecting something but that is just bullshit. Time travel is not real." Rebekah insisted, scoffing.

"Just like Vampires, Witches and Werewolves?" Davina questioned raising her brow. Rebekah just sighed.

"That's not the same." She stubbornly told the witch, throwing up her hands. She looks desperately towards Kol for some answers. 

"You asked, we delivered," Kol told her, shrugging. Rebekah growled before stomping away.

"Think about it, I am sure that you will find that we are right," Kol called after the retreating blonde.

"What was that?" Elijah asked, casting a curious look towards his angered sister, who had stormed off just before he had entered. 

"Oh, you know. Rebekah being Rebekah. What happened?" Kol asked Elijah, waving his hand dismissively. 

"Apparently, you, Freya and Davina had already found a way to defeat the Hollow. Why didn't you share it?" Elijah questioned disapprovingly. 

"It slipped my mind. Where did we- Oh, at the Alexandrian library. That was a day. Sadly, as much as I would like to keep talking about the library of Alexandria, you have something far more grievous to share with me, don't you." Kol knowingly told his brother, crossing his arms and patiently waiting for Elijah to respond.

"Am I that easy to read?" Elijah asked curiously, tilting his head delicately. 

"No, but I have known you for a while now. Now, stop beating around the bush. What happened?" Kol demanded, raising his eyebrow. Elijah sighed before taking out his phone and showing Kol a few photos. One has an image of a man standing in front of a young boy. The other has the murder of a younger couple and the last one has an image of a group of people sitting around a circle. 

"Can you guess what's common?" Elijah asked. Kol started, spotting something common in each of the pictures. 

"Each of these pictures has the Hollow's symbol. Her followers - they are starting to gather. Here, in New Orleans." 

Hello People! This book is actually coming to an end now. This is the last part :(

I do have a vague idea of a sequel planned, but I don't know when I will start it. However, I do have an interesting chapter for you all. The next chapter will be slightly different from the rest. I hope you enjoy this one!

~ Inferno

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