Part 4 - Episode 4

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Kol twirled a key in his hand, walking leisurely towards the gate opening to Fauline Cottage. He had taken the key from the Regent earlier in the day. She had been very hesitant to share the key until he had very pleasantly informed her that he knows exactly how to break the enchantment. So, either she gives him the key or he frees all the inmates from the Cottage. The Regent had frowned before very reluctantly sharing the object. 

Quickly inserting the key in the door, he pushed open the twin doors blocking his path. Entering the corridor, he whistled. Damn. This place is most certainly suited for being an asylum. The corridor was a light grey, the colour practically leaked out of it. So this is where Klaus had locked his witch allies. Oh, he will need to have some words with his brother. He may be crazy but he doesn't mistreat his allies like this. 

"Which are you?" A voice behind him asked. He turned to face a ghastly-looking woman. She looked messed up and tired as if she hasn't eaten in days. 

"What do you mean?" Kol asked, confused. He titled his head towards the woman, momentarily pausing in his way. 

"There are two types of people in this cottage. Predator or Prey." She explained, "So, which one are you?" Upon hearing her declaration, Kol turned around to give her an amused smile. 

"Prey," He decided, "I am prey. Now, do tell me where the attic is..." The woman warily looked at Kol, as if she knew he was anything but prey. 

"Annabele, but you can call me Ana. Now, I can guide you to the attic on one condition." Ana offered. Kol merely gestured for her to continue. 

"You take me with you when you leave." Ana proposed. 

"Tell me, Ana, why would you think I know how to leave this place?" Kol asked, narrowing his eyes at her. 

"Call it a hunch," She said shrugging, "So, do we have a deal?" Kol just shrugged. Taking her help would save a lot of time and he does love to cause mischief. 

"Lead me to the attic quickly then. If I am late, Davina will kill me." Kol ordered, walking towards Ana. The witch just nodded before taking off through one of the corridors. Kol followed behind her. Once they reached the door, Kol pushed open the door to survey the dark-looking room. The room was dusty and riddled with cobwebs. Pushing through the random items, Kol scanned the room for Freya's coffin. Finally finding the object, Kol immediately beelined towards it and easily picked it up. 

"A coffin?" Ana let out, blinking. Kol just shrugged before walking out of the attic. Ana cast a delivered look towards the vampire before hurrying after him. They walked in silence, neither wanting to start a conversation. 

"Where the hell do you think you are going?" A voice demanded behind them. Ana cursed, they were just a few steps away from the door. She sighed before turning and holding her hands up in surrender. 

"We were just walking unless that is a crime now Melina?" Ana sniped, casting a worried glance towards her partner. On the other hand, Kol was the epitome of calmness, an amused smile adorning his face. 

"What I say is a crime is a crime." Melina dictated, "Now, who is your partner." 

Kol didn't seem bothered. Instead, he seemed amused, like this was all a joke to him. As this fight played out, more and more witches gathered. Looks like they were gathering attention. 

"Ana, do me a favour and stand behind me," Kol instructed, placing the coffin behind him. Ana blinked before nodding and walking behind him. The witches all stiffened, readying themselves for a fight. 

"What? You think you can fight all of us by yourself?" Melina questioned, scoffing. The witches behind her all laughed. Ana stiffened, before starting towards Kol. Kol subtly shook his head towards her before smirking at the mocking witches. 

Then, before the witches could track his movement, he flashed towards a single in front of him. Pressing her against him, he dug his fangs into her neck and drained her dry. Letting her lifeless body drop to the ground he smiled at the witches in front of him, his shirt stained with her blood. All the witches around him took a collective wary step back. 

"You're a vampire." Melina spat, glaring at him. 

"Really?" Kol feigned a gasp, "I am? I never realized." 

"How did you get in?" She asked eyes narrowed towards him. Kol winked at her, waving the key in front of her. 

"Why would the Regent give that you?" Melina spluttered in confusion. 

"Because, he could have just as easily broken the enchantment holding thus cottage together" Davina explained, walking towards her husband. Kol merely raised a single eyebrow towards her unplanned appearance. In echo to what Kol had done earlier, she waved another key in front of him mockingly. 

"It is a copy" She stated before turning to survey the rest of the witches, "Now, can we wake up your stupid sister and get out?" Kol chuckled at her impatience before picking the coffin in one hand and holding Davina in another and then quickly speeding away. 

"Hey! What about your promise?" Ana yelled after the disappearing original before recognizing something unfamiliar in her hand. Furrowing her brow, she opened her hand. A hastily suppressed grin threatened to show on her face as she looked at the twinkling key in her hand. The same one Kol used to enter the cottage. 


"You helped that young witch, at the cottage. Why?" Davina inquired, curiously. The two were waiting outside Klaus's mansion, Freya's coffin behind them. 

"One day, she might be a worthy ally and unlike Klaus, I actually value allies," Kol responded, shrugging. Davina just nodded in acceptance before turning her head towards the opening door. 

"Ms Claire," Elijah greeted, "lovely to see you." 

"Nice to see you too Elijah." Davina pleasantly replied. 

"Kol," Elijah stated stiffly, "I have dealt with our problem." Kol nodded in understanding. Celeste will not be a problem. 

"Now, care to tell me why you have a coffin behind you?" Elijah inquires, looking behind Kol. 

"The answer to that question would be answered in front of our entire family. Tell me, how fast can we gather together exactly?" Kol asked, crossing his arms and leaning against the door. Davina just stood silently. This was not her business. 

"Well, if you want a full family business then you came just in time. Rebekah and Klaus are inside. Finn and Sage are set to arrive in 30 minutes, and we were about to call you. Klaus wanted to have a family meeting about the newest member of our family." Elijah explained.

"Well, if we are talking about new members in our family, our news will definitely fit in. Elijah, meet Freya, our oldest sibling."


Heyy people, this is my first author note so excuse me for it being a teeny bit weird. I really hope you are enjoying this fanfic which I decided to write about. Please, if anyone has any ideas over what you guys want in the story, please put them in the comments. Like any great ideas(or bad ones) are welcome. 

It is most definitely a Kol x Davina fanfic. However, Klaus and Elijah are still open. 

aNy iDeAs? 

Also please point out any grammatical errors in the comments ;)



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