Part 3 - Episode 3

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Kol smirked at the flustered Regent, eyes glinting in amusement. Vincent gave the entire interaction a confused look. 

"Hello, Josephine. It's been a while" He greeted, mockingly. Josephine narrowed her eyes, hands still raised in front of her as if that would do any good. 

"How did you get in? I have never invited you." Josephine spat. 

"Now that is for me to know and you to never find out." Kol mocked, turning to circle the witch, "What we do have to talk about is a little thing called the Harvest". Josephine immediately stiffened, turning to glare at the original. Davina gazed warily at their little 'fight' and Vincent just sat down with a sigh, opting to not participate. A very wise decision.  

"The Harvest is none of your business" Josephine replied vehemently. 

"Really?" Kol drawled, "Well then, I am making it my business and as my business, I will not allow Davina Claire to be sacrificed by her coven."

"The harvest must happen" The Regent insisted. 

"Then, let us make a deal" Kol proposed, "The Harvest will happen, but on my terms."

"Vincent, over here," Kol told her, gesturing towards the absolutely confused Vincent, "Will conduct the Harvest to make sure that the girls will come back safe and sound. After the Harvest, the girls will decide whether they would like to stay with the coven who murdered them or leave. How is that for a deal?". 

"If I refuse?" Josephine asked, looking at him cautiously. 

"Then, I kill the entire French Quarter Coven because unlike my brothers, I have a witch to unlink darling, Hayley." Kol casually mentioned. Josephine reluctantly nodded before shaking his hand, looking like she was sucking a lemon throughout the process. Poor her. 

"Vincent, are you sure you know who you are working for." Josephine warned, "Trust me when I say this, the stories of Kol Mikaelson are not exaggerated". 

"Your an Old one?" Vincent asked Kol, slowly understanding what is happening. Kol merely nodded, carefully observing him. This question will decide whose side he is on. Vincent stared back at him before nodding and turning to stare back at the Regent.

"Kol Mikaelson might have done some despicable things but at least he isn't letting four teenage girls die. I am not on his side, neither am I on yours. I am on Davina's. I am on the Harvest Girls side. I will not sit by idly while teenage girls die."

Josephine squinted her eyes at the witch before nodding. 

"Then, I will help you."


Sophie Deveraux turned to face the two very irritated original vampires and a pregnant werewolf in front of her. As much as she doesn't want to do this, she has to. Digging into her pocket, she took out an intricately designed knife. Both vampires in front of her stiffened and then narrowed their eyes in confusion when she quickly chanted a quick spell, cutting her hand. 

"Ms Deveraux, would you care to tell us why you called us here. My companions do not like to be kept waiting". Elijah asked her politely, eyes narrowed in warning. 

"Here," She replied, turning to give the original a sarcastic smile before pricking her finger. 

"And that was supposed to what?" Klaus questioned suspiciously. Sophie just nodded in Hayley's direction. Hayley opened her hand to find smooth, clear skin. She looked at Sophie's bleeding hand again in conformation. The linking spell is no longer there. 

"Why would you give up your only bargaining tool?" Elijah inquired, confused. 

"You can thank your brother for that" Sophie replied, before turning on her heel and slaughtering away. 

"Brother?" Hayley echoed confused. Both originals just shook his head in confusion. 


"Kol" Davina greeted surprised, "What happened?"

"Hello, Darling." Kol grinned at the young witch, "Would you mind helping me with a little spell?"

"Sure, what kind of spell?" Davina asked curiously. 

"Have you ever heard of the Crescent Wolves?"

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