Part 3 - Episode 2

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Kol turned to grin at Davina, shrugging his shoulders. Davina seemed to have frozen, shock edged on her face. 

"Mikaelson? Like Klaus Mikaelson?" Davina asked slowly. 

"Yes, Davina" Kol drawled, "That is the name of my insufferable brother. Who, I would like to point out, has an irritating habit of shoving daggers through my chest."

"Your-" Davina spluttered, pointing a finger at him, "You're an Olde one."

"Yes, I am" Kol agreed, amused. Davina, deciding to stop repeating herself, plopped down on the floor and leaned her head against the wall, tiredly. 

"Should I be afraid of you?" Davina asked with a slight bit of fear in her eyes. Kol sighed before speeding in front of her. Instead of flinching as a normal person would, she straightened, like she was daring him to do something.

"This is most definitely not a sign of a scared person," Kol observed, raising his eyebrow. Davina flushes before relaxing slightly. 

"You didn't answer my question" She pointed out. Kol sighed, before crouching down looking at her straight in the eyes. 

"Should you be scared of what I can do? Sure. Should you be scared of what I can do to you? No. Darling, if I wanted to hurt you I would have done it by now." Kol assured her gently. Davina nodded. 

"Now, come on darling, we have a certain Regent to meet," Kol told her, standing up and holding out his hand in invitation. Davina looked at his hand for a moment before reaching out and grabbing it. 

"Wait!" She exclaimed before they left, "How will you enter the house. The regent would never invite you in". Kol smirked mischievously. 

"That you leave to me"


Kol reached out to accept the incoming call, trying to balance driving a car and talking to the stupid person who called while he was driving a bloody car. 

"Yes?" He growled, annoyed.

"Well," A certain, grumpy witch chuckled, "You certainly sound annoyed." Kol took a long breath. Don't kill the witch. You need him. Don't kill the witch. 

"What do you want?" Kol grounded out. 

"I couldn't help my wife but I can most certainly help Ms Claire. I have decided to help you with the Harvest" Vincent Griffth announced. 

"Well then, would you like to join us on a little meeting we are going for?" Kol invited, a smirk spreading across his face. Looks like today is not so bad after all. 

He patiently waited for the door to open. By his side was a silent Vincent and a nervous Davina. He clutched the medallion around his neck which he had personally taken a side trip for before talking with Davina. Dark objects can be very useful sometimes.  

"Who are you?" A young woman asked mistrustfully, appearing behind a half-open door. 

"We would like to see Ms La Rue" Kol voiced, trying to keep his tone polite. The woman narrowed her eyes in suspicion before closing the door, nodding, probably to contact the Regent. The door opened again, this time fully open, displaying the ominous entrance of the house. 

"Miss La Rue will join you in the sitting room" She informed them, clearly not inviting any of them in, before turning on her heel and marching into the house. Kol stepped into the house, following the maid, enjoying the surprised expressions on his two witchy companions. 

"What?" Kol asked, turning to smirk at both of them. Davina just narrowed her eyes at him before turning up her nose and marching after the disappearing maid. Vincent merely followed the irritated teen. They were led to a grand sitting room decorated with lavish sofas and twinkling chandeliers. Sitting himself down on a random chair, he steepled his fingers and sighed. This meeting is going to be eventful. He watched silently as Davina and Vincent sat themselves down, both gazing around the room nervously. 

"I must say, it has been a while since I have seen you, Mr Griffth" An old, wise voice rang out through the room. Both Davina and Vincent immediately stood up and bowed. 

"Regent La Rue," Vincent greeted. Davina just nervously gazed at the Regent, head lowered.

"No need to bow children." She told them, "Now, Vincent please tell me why you have come, especially with the girl the French Quarter Coven has been searching for."

"Actually I did not request this meeting," Vincent told her, turning to face Kol hesitantly. 

"Of course. Your third companion." Josephine La Rue acknowledged, "Who exactly are you?" Kol finally turned his face to look directly at the witch. 

"You don't recognize me?" Kol asked, acting offended, "How long has it been, darling? Seems like 100 years". Josephine froze, finally recognizing him. She quickly backed away from the vampire, raising her shaking hands as if that would protect her from the original. 

"Kol Mikaelson," Josphine uttered quietly, the word holding so much emotion. 

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