Chapter 4

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After Bryce had called the first name of the Basketball team one of the cheerleaders runs forwards in between the two rows of cheerleaders and does a perfect front handspring into a backflip with William running out behind her, waving his hands around to the audience.

They run out into the middle of the court and then the cheerleader takes a few steps back, leaving space for the rest of the basketballers to line up next to William.

"Zach Dempsey!" Bryce calls out loudly with a proud smile on his face. Alex takes her cue and then runs through the two rows before doing a round off front handspring before doing 5 continuous back hand springs, finishing it with a side tuck.

Zach watches her in amazement along with the crowd before quickly running out behind her with a giant grin on his face as the crowd cheers him on loudly. Alex grabs his arm softly with a grin

"Good job Zachy, I'm so so proud of you" Alex told her best friend, a proud look on her face and a smile that warmed his heart beyond his core.

Alex noticed the small glare that Montgomery was giving the tall basketball player as her hand touched his arm. Alex let go of the boy and rolled her eyes with a smile before she cheekily blew a kiss to her boyfriend, flashing him a wide grin afterward.

Montgomery couldn't help it, he couldn't stop himself as a wide grin made its way onto his face as he looked at her, her beautiful smile and cheeky facial expression

"Justin Foley!" Bryce called with a proud look on his face. Jess grinned widely hoping that her boyfriend would show up, she ran down the small column and did a round off. But surprise surprise, Justin Foley was nowhere to be seen.

Murmers spread through the crowd as they waited for Justin to show up. Jess looked around, her smile quickly fading so Alexandra quickly went over to her and wrapped her arm around Jess's shoulder comfortingly before pulling her over to the cheerleaders.

"He can be a real asshole sometimes, but its gonna be o-" Alex started but was cut off by Jess angrily pushing her away

"Shut the fuck up Alex, leave me alone" She snapped and then stormed out of the gymnasium leaving the crowd to stare shocked as they looked at a frozen Alex whos lips were slightly parted.

Montgomery was pissed, his fist smacking straight down onto the empty bit of seat next to him before standing up quickly and going to march out after Jess, but Alex was too quick for him and she quickly moved over to him and placed her hands on his chest

"Hey, hey its okay, just sit down alright" She whispered to him softly as everyone watched, waiting to see how this would go down. Everyone knew not to do anything to upset Alex or they would have Montgomery to deal with, and that was the last thing anyone wanted.

To say Montgomery was fuming would be an understatement, "I'm not gonna let that stupid bitch, fucking talk to you this way" He sneered softly so only she could hear.

"Lets go cool down okay love" she whispered to the boy and grabbed his hand, sending Zach a guilty and sorry look. Zach nodded his head in understanding and watched as Alex lead Montgomery out of the gymnasium.

Alexandra lead Monty out to his car and she reached into the front pocket of his bag, pulling out his keys before unlocking the door and opening it for him to get in. She shut the door behind him and then went to the other side of the car and hopped in

Montgomery didn't say anything to her as he tried to calm his breathing, scared that he would get too angry and then accidently take it out on her and say something that would hurt her feelings

"Talk to me baby," the girl whispered to him, 'baby' was not something that she usually called him but in situations like these the name just seemed to roll off her tongue.

He still didn't say anything so Alec reached out and grabbed his face softly in her hands and then turned and lifted his head so that he was looking at her in the eyes.

His face and eyes were red and his lip was shaking slightly in anger as he made sure to look anywhere but her. A small sigh fell from her lips before she crawled over onto his side and sat herself down in his lap.

He immediately leant forwards and buried his head into the side of her neck and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her body as close to his as possible.

One of her arms went around the back of his neck while her other went up and she placed her hand in his hair and began to softly massage his scalp as she played with his hair.

Neither of them said anything to each other, instead they just held each other and enjoyed the warmth from their significant other. It was moments like these when Alex could see just how broken and beautiful Montgomery really was.

And as Montgomery sat their holding his girl in his arm and burying his head in her neck, he couldn't help but feel grateful to be in this world. He had gone through so much in life and sometimes he wondered if it would be better if he just ended it and left it all behind, but then he was brought back to reality by Alex. She was what got him through it. Through everything.

Montgomery finally pulled his head away from her neck and looked up in her eyes before leaning forwards and placing a soft, delicate kiss on her strawberry chapstick coated lips, savouring the taste as he pulled away and rested his forehead against her own.

They stared into each others eyes, blocking out everything else in the world. In this moment, it was just them and they were completely and utterly fine with that.

"You did a great job out there today babe. Youre the best cheerleader on the team, no wonder you are the captain" Montgomery said and placed another quick kiss on her lips, not being able to get enough from the sweet taste and warm feeling he got each time their lips pressed together

"Thanks Mon" she whispered to him with a smile, she doubted she was the best on the team, but she wasn't going to say that to Montgomery, because it would only end up in an argument and she had only just gotten him to calm down

"Though I gotta admit kitten, it does fucking suck that you were cheering Dempsey on though," Montgomery said and Alex watched as his jaw clenched tightly as he spat Zach's last name in a distasteful way.

It had always been like this, Montgomery got jealous easy and Alex couldn't blame him, she was aware of the shitty life he had growing up and for once he wanted something to be his. Just his.

And that thing was her, but the fact that she was best friends with a large majority of the boys in the school, didn't fly to well with Montgomery. He couldn't help it, she was the only thing that he actually cared about and if he lost her, he had nothing.

Alex began to place kisses along his jaw, leading a trail of kisses all the way up to his ear but just before she kissed his ear, she moved her lips and placed a soft kiss on the tip of his nose.

"If it makes you feel any better love, if you were on the basketball team, then you would definitely be the one that I was cheering on... I'm your number one fan remember?" she asked him with a grin as she looked into his beautiful hazel eyes.

She reached her hands down to his and laced their fingers together. He raises their intertwined fingers and kisses her on the back of her hands before letting their hands drop again, "basketball is for sooks. I'll stick to the good sports like baseball and football"

"You gotta lay off Zach a bit Mon," She tells him softly. Montgomery and Zach had gotten into numerous fights over the past few years over the girl, luckily most of the fights had been cut short though as the short girl pushed her way through in time to calm her boyfriend.

Montgomery let out a small scoff and rolled his eyes at his girlfriends words, "Lay off him a bit? The dickhead thinks that he has a shot with my girl, he's into you. Always has been." Montgomery said in a firm voice

It was then Alex's turn to roll her eyes, "Thats not true Monty. Its not like that and you already know that. And besides, I'm always going to choose you alright? no matter what. Its always going to be you." she whispers softly to him and kissed him on the top of his head before resting her forehead against his once more, "always."

"You and me forever princess. You and me forever" he mutters to her softly, a hopeful look in his eyes

"Forever." she replied

But oh, how wrong they truly were.

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