Chapter 41

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"Come on guys stop laughing at it it's a nice
poem, I think it's really deep and was written really well, it was super creative, just because you are too immature to take it seriously, doesn't give you the right to make fun of whoever wrote it," Alexandra says and snatched the magazine article that had the poem in it out of her friends hands.

they all knew who's it was. Every single person that had read the poem knew who had wrote it, it had spread around the school like wild fire.

Hannah baker had wrote it.

Hannah walked through the hallways and
looked down at the ground in embarrassment as the harsh words about her left the surrounding students mouths.

She couldn't believe Ryan. She had trusted him and he had betrayed her, what made him think that he had the right to steal the poem and post it in his zine.

Alex frowned angrily as the people around
her who she considered to be her friends
laughed at Hannah who was also her friend.

She honestly thought that the poem was unique and creative, she hated that her friends had to be inappropriate and joke about it.

Alex pushed passed the jocks and made her
way over to Hannah who looked like she was about to break down in front of everyone, and Alex couldn't blame her, she was sure that if she had been in Hannah's position she would have left the school by now and would probably be breaking down somewhere

"Hey Hannah?" Alex asks softly but Hannah
doesn't respond to her "are you okay?"

"I'm fine" Hannah says harshly and
continues to walk down to her locker, not wanting to be bullied by practically the only person in the school that she still liked.

"Look Hannah I'm really sorry about what's
happening I really liked your poem I thought
it was gr-" Alex says with a small comforting smile but was cut off by Hannah.

Hannah stopped walking abruptly and turned around to face Alex "Look Alex I said that I'm fine okay. Stop asking, god why are you so pushy?  Just leave me the fuck alone,"
Hannah yells and everyone stops whispering
and just faces the two girls in shock

Alex flinched back quickly as if it were a reflex, and she had quickly taken a step backwards

"Hannah I'm sorry I j-" Alex was cut off by
Hannah again

"Let me guess you were just worried. Sorry
doesn't fix everything. God you couldn't
possibly be any more annoying could you? I
saw you laughing with your friends. Just
stay away from me" Hannah yells angrily as she rolls her eyes at Alex

Alex's eyes widen, she opened her mouth and a small incoherent sound left her mouth before she quickly shut it. she wanted to apologise again but she couldn't get any words to come out of her shaking mouth

Alex began to think back to her dad and how
he always yelled at her and then often, shortly after yelling at her, he would hit her.

Alex was frozen in place while Hannah just stormed off leaving everyone to stare at Alex with shock but no one went up to the girl or said anything until Jeff quickly pushed his way through the crowd and grabbed onto Alex's  arms softly, causing her to flinch once more before snapping out of her trance

"Hey come on let's get out of here" Jeff says
to her and brings her head onto his shoulder
as she begins to break down and she lets out quiet sobs

"Oh my god. Why did I have to be such a
bitch, I don't know what I did but I really
upset her, I just wanted to make sure she was okay..." Alexandra mumbles

"I know baby," Jeff whispered to her softly before looking up at everyone, "There's nothing to see here" Jeff says to
everyone around them. Nobody moves or says anything so the boy glares at them so
that they quickly move to their next class

"with the rate that news spreads around this
school I would say it wouldn't be too long
until Montgomery gets here" Jeff says with a small sigh as he begins to rub her back to calm the girl down who had already been having a shitty few days.

Her dad had been home.

"Hey I heard what happend that fucking
Hannah baker girl is going to pay" they hear

Jeff and Alex loft their heads and see Montgomery running toward them.

Jeff hands Alex over to Montgomery
"Thanks for looking after her man. Truely,"
Monty says and nods over at Jeff with a
small smile then grabs the girls face in his

"are you okay kitten. Don't let what that girl
said to you get to that pretty little head of
yours okay."

"I'm fine monty don't be mad at her, she's
got a lot of stuff going on right now" Alex defends Hannah and sighs in soft content as Montgomery places a kiss on her
forehead before he then presses their foreheads together

"I'm gonna get to class guys see ya. Shorty, I'll
see you later alright. Don't get into too much
trouble" Jeff says awkwardly as he watches
the couple share affection.
He had to force himself to look away as he couldn't help but feel jealous. He wanted to be the one that was comforting her and affirming to her that everything was going to be okay.

But she wasn't his, and it wasn't his place to do that, no matter how desperately he wanted it to be

"Bye jeffy I'll see ya later. I love you" she
calls out and waves to the boy and then
cuddles into Montgomery's chest with a calm
smile on her face, feeling safe in her boyfriends arms

"Love you too Ellie belly" he calls out and
then goes to class, glancing back at her one last time before disappearing around the corner

"I've got to get to English class before the
teacher gets there" Alex mumbles and kisses
him on the lips quickly before she adjusts the
bag that was hanging over her shoulder "I'll
see you at lunch okay. Love you"

"I love you too kitten," he mumbles and
watched her with a soft smile as she ran to
her class.

He had a small smile on his face that quickly wore off as she disappeared out of sight.

anger flowed through him at the
thought of someone talking to his girl like
that. He wanted to punch her, he didn't care
that Hannah was a girl. Nobody hurt her and got away with it.

But he knew Alex would hate him if he ever did anything to Hannah. he couldn't understand why Alex cared for the girl but he made it his reason to stay calm and try and stay away from the baker girl

But my my, that didn't age well.

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