The Fight

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The bell rang, signalling that the period was finally over. "Thank god," Lex muttered, closing her books and then shoving them into her bag, standing up from her seat with a small groan, her back slightly sore from the slouched position she had been sitting in.  Zach chuckled softly at the girl 

"Dramatic as always," Zach jokingly commented, throwing his bag over his shoulder. 

"Class, dont forget to hand your papers in as you leave," the baseball coach, who also happened to be their history teacher, called out to them. Zach and Alex were the last two to leave, walking up to the teacher and handing their papers over to him. 

"Im surprised to see you in class Zach," the coach commented just as the two of them were about to leave. The jocks stopped in their tracks, turning to face the man that neither of them particularly liked. Right now, a large majority of the boys were at court, watching Bryce's hearing. 

"Oh yeah... well I figured that my education was more important than sitting around in a courtroom, you know," Zach said, clearly not wanting to discuss the matter further, but the coach had other plans. 

"Course... plus, you can't play ball without that average, right?" the coach says, walking down to one of the desks and sitting down on it, looking up at the tall baseball player, making it abundantly clear that he planned to have a full conversation with the boy. 

Alex watched between the two of them, contemplating whether she should stay or go and then meet Zach at his locker

"Uh listen coach I..." Zach started but was then cut off

"Look, you had a disagreement, okay? It happens, sometimes brothers fight. But that doesn't mean that they aren't still your family," the Coach said. And that was Alex's cue to stay, stepping a little closer to Zach in an attempt to show her support for the boy. 

"Those guys aren't my family," Zach speaks up. He knew better than to argue with a teacher, but his patience was beginning to come thinner and thinner, making him finally begin to speak up on the fact that he didn't want to be lumped together with people like Bryce Walker. 

"well what about me?" the coach asks. It took almost all Alex's strength not to scoff at the mans words. How the fuck did the coach think that Zach would consider him to be family. Zach stayed silent, thinking the exact same thing that Alex was. 

"Wasn't I there for you when you came to me last summer?" the coach spoke up

Zach nodded softly, "yeah."

"Didn't we figure that out together?" The coach asked, "how to be strong for your family, your mum? Little May? Zach, you think you can be there for your team and for me... now?"

Alex scoffed loudly at the man, "Are you fu-"

"You dont get to do that, okay?" Zach spoke up, finally sticking up for himself and what he thought, "just because you were there, you think you can... You know, if you were any kind of father, to this team or to anyone... you would have stopped their bullshit years ago. That means I quit."

Zach turned to Alex who nodded her head quickly before the two of them walked out of the classroom, Alex's little legs struggling to keep up with Zach's long ones. "Hey, are you okay Z?" she asked up quickly, occasionally jogging a little to keep up with his pace

Zach noticed this and slowed down, "yeah... yeah if anything im relieved," he admitted, shaking his head softly

Alex smiled up at him, placing her hand on his arm, "Im really proud of you Z. That took a lot of guts to speak up to him like that. You dont have to stop playing a sport that you love though? You shouldn't let those guys ruin it for you."

Zach smiled back down at her, nodding his head, "I know Lex... I just dont want anything to do with them you know? Besides, I still have basketball and that is the sport that means the most to me."

"alright Z, as long as you're sure..." she muttered out, slightly worried for the boy

"GUYS THERS A MASSIVE FIGHT!" someone suddenly yelled and a few students began running in one direction. 

"Fuck," Alex cursed under her breath, knowing more than likely that her boyfriend had something to do with it. Alex didn't say anything else before running off in the direction of the fight, the sounds of the fight becoming louder and louder

Zach quickly went after her, not wanting her to get into any trouble or to get hurt. He turned the corner to see Lexi trying to get through the crowd and to Montgomery, only to accidentally get shoved back into the lockers by Bryce Walker who was fighting Justin Foley. 

Zach took that as his cue to run forward and rip Bryce off Justin, "get the fuck off!" he yelled, knocking Bryce to the ground before standing over him and continuously punching him. Once Scott managed to get Clay out of the fight he beelined straight for Alexandra, wrapping his arms around her from behind and trying to pull her out of the fight. 

She watched as Monty ran over to Bryce and Zach, pulling Zach off Bryce before pushing him into the lockers and then beginning to punch him. "Monty no stop! Scott let go, let go of me," she scolded the boy, struggling to get out of his arms

Monty ignored her, pretending that he couldn't hear her as he continued to punch the shit out of Zach. He had wanted to do this for a long time. He knew Zach was in love with his girlfriend, so what other way to show who deserved her more by fighting and seeing who would come out on top? Not to mention, Zach had just been really pissing him off in general lately

"Monty get off him!" Alexandra called out to her boyfriend as Scott continued to pull her back more and more, making sure nobody came near her. Next, she watched Standall come up behind Monty and whack him over the back and the head with his cane before toppling over onto the ground 

"Scott you have to get in there and stop the fight," Alex pleaded with the boy despite knowing that there really wasn't anything that he could do. He watched the fight sadly, watching as his friends fought his friends. He just wished that things could go back to how it used to be and that the guys hadn't done so much fucked up shit. 

Zach managed to stand up, pulling Alex up off the ground before another kid came up to him, thinking that now was his chance to fight the tall jock. Zach let go of Alex and began to fight the kid, leaving Alex alone to get pushed up against the lockers by Monty. 

"you're going to go to jail," Alex choked out, memories flashing through his head at the familiar scenario, "Alexandra fucking deserves better than y-" 

Monty threw the boy to the ground, watching as he landed with a load 'thump.' "Shut your fucking mouth," the boy growled before noticing Porter and the coach in the distance. He took that as his cue to get out of there. He looked around quickly, scanning the crowd for Alexandra. Once he finally spotted her he quickly ran over to her and Scott

"Hey thanks man," Monty muttered to Scott before taking her out of his arms and dragging her out of the crowd by the wrist 

"Monty, Monty hang on!" Alex said to the boy. There was so much going on, she couldn't manage to wrap her head around anything. 

"Come on Bub we gotta go, I can't get suspended again," he said to her quickly, pulling her towards the doors of the school and then out to his truck so that if the teachers came looking for him, he would be nowhere near the fight and there would be no proof that he participated. 

"But Zach, Scotty and Ju-"

"Dont worry about them, they'll be fine," he told her, his voice firm and panicked as he opened the passenger door for her, helping her up and shutting it behind her before going over to his side, getting in and starting the car

He quickly drove out of the carpark, watching to see if any teachers were around before driving down the street. "What the hell was that all about?" Alex asked in confusion

"Dont worry your pretty little head okay, im dealing with it."

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