Chapter 50!!

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Alex walked through the school with her head
held high. Everyone was shocked to see her
pass both Zach and Montgomery without
saying anything to them, today she was by herself and that was something you practically never saw.

Monty, Zach along with a few other boys called out to be but she ignored them and when both boys went after her she continued to ignore them.

Alex opens her locker and shoved her bag in there before she grabs her books, she pulled the headphones out of her ears and chucked them in her locker.

Suddenly she jumps back a little when she shuts her locker and sees clay standing next to her

"Shit clay. You scared the hell out of me" Alex
says, holding her hand to her heart in slight shock

"Why did you do it?" Clay asks angrily and
Alex looks at the boy in confusion before she noticed the headphones placed around his neck

"You finished my tape?" Alex asks quietly and
the boy shakes his head

"No not yet. Why did you do it. Why would
you talk to Courtney about Hannah behind
her back, I thought you hated Courtney. Hannah trusted you and you betrayed her,"Clay stated angrily

"Hannah only heard a tiny bit of a very big
conversation. She didn't hear what was said
before or after that" Alex says and clay looks
confused So Alex continues, telling Clay the truth

"Hannah came into the middle of a conversation. I wasn't on Courtney's side. I was defending Hannah and I tried to explain that to her on the night before she killed herself and it didn't fucking go well okay, I would never had done that to Hannah."

"You were defending her against Courtney?"
Clay asks in confusion, his eyes furrowing as he looked at her

"Of course I fucking was clay. She was my
best friend" Alex says angrily, her nails digging into the palms of her hands as she clenched her fists in anger, "and since when do I let people get away with shit talking about or
hurting my best friends"

"The bruise on Courtney's face the next
day..." clay chokes and realised what was
happening, his eyes widening as he put the pieces together

"I punched her" Alex says "she was a shit
talking bitch who was getting on my nerves so
that's what I did to defend my friend. To defend Hannah"

"So Alex how's your friend Hannah going"
Courtney asks as she walked into the girls changing room.

Alex rolled her eyes and let out an annoyed huff as she continued to put her soccer uniform on. Alex pulls her soccer shirt over her head, "what the fuck are you doing in here Courtney. Do you even play a fucking sport?"

Alex glares over at Courtney who just smiles back at her, "I'm just here for a friendly conversation. Anyways, as I said before. How is Hannah?"

"she's going good you know. Besides the fact that someone was spreading a photo of two girls around kissing and saying that it was
Hannah," Alex replied, strapping her shin guards on

"Yeah I heard about that it was ages ago
though. What a shame," Courtney says with
fake sadness

She was already getting on Alex's nerves and she'd been there for less than a minute, "Cut the shit Courtney I know it was you and
Hannah and I know which one of you was
into it a lot more that the other. If you hadn't
of been a bitch about it Hannah's life would
be so much better right now. You could have
been her friend" Alex growls

Courtney begins to play dumb, her stupid smile staying on her face, "I don't know what you are talking about Lex."

"Don't fucking call me that, and stay the fuck
away from Hannah and stay the fuck away
from my boyfriend" Alex snapped at her

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